Chapter 866 Exogenous Branches
The emperor was not happy, and Zhang Fengyi, who was even more embarrassed, explained: "Your Majesty, the veteran thinks that trust is too important, and the 'King of the Han River' has too many whimsical ideas.

He was able to make too many unique good things, and the soldiers all trusted him, so the capital of several million taels of silver could be raised overnight.

The products produced by the factory invested by the 'King of the Han River' are well-known, and they are definitely popular among similar products in the market. Of course, everyone can rest assured that they will give their money to him for investment. "

All these Chongzhen knew that the vanity mirrors, toilets, perfumes, soaps, towels, tooth powders used by the concubines in the palace, the clocks in the imperial study, and the fierce oil lamps were all "produced by Huang".

If Huang Han wasn't good at making money, how could he be able to support such a huge "Red Banner Army"?
Chongzhen even arranged for the Imperial Prison, the Bank Bureau, and the Military Bureau to jointly imitate clocks, toilets, tin-plated pipes, and other products.

However, due to the high cost of raw materials, the artisans under the jurisdiction of the Twelfth Supervision, the Fourth Division, and the Eighth Bureau had no enthusiasm for production at all, and they could not make any profits at all.

Wu Xiang, the business manager, saw that Zhang Fengyi's words were missing the point, and quickly got back to business, saying: "Your Majesty, the 'King of the Hanjiang County' is expected to spend several million taels of silver in Qiongzhou Mansion in seven or eight years.

Therefore, it is required to garrison troops and implement military control.The purpose is to ensure the success of rubber tree planting and to ensure the safety of investment.

As for the shoufu's opinion that the annual tax of 5 taels for contracting the Qiongzhou government is a little less, the minister thinks it can be done this way.

In the eight years when the rubber trees did not produce, the Qiongzhou government paid taxes at 5 taels of silver per year. In the ninth year, when the rubber plantation was able to make profits, the Qiongzhou government paid taxes at 8 taels of silver per year. "

Chongzhen was a little confused, how did he know how much tax was appropriate?All I know is that the total amount of taxes that the Qiongzhou government can pay to the imperial court is definitely less than 5 taels of snowflake silver a year.

In fact, although Qiongzhou Mansion is poor, the total amount of miscellaneous taxes levied far exceeds 5 taels of silver, but the imperial court cannot get it. More than [-]% are local extras, which are handling fees of thousands of subordinates.

Under the Sunshine administration of the "Red Banner Army", all additional factions on Hainan Island will be abolished.

Serious and capable subalterns don’t have to worry about losing their good jobs in the yamen. They will be hired, paid monthly, and given a clear bonus. The amount can definitely support their families.

The subordinate officials in the fish and meat township who rely on the background, of course, their fate will not be good. House raids, confiscation, sentence of labor reform, and decapitation will all depend on the severity of the crime and whether the attitude of confession is good.

Huang Han is a time traveler. The story of Xiaogang Village in Fengyang County tells us that the same piece of land and a group of people will have completely different effects if the policies and regulations are changed.

Once the Qiongzhou Mansion is under Huang Han's control, it will fully implement the policies and regulations of the "Han River Province". Not only will the people's lives be prosperous, but the tax balance will definitely be far greater than 5 taels of silver a year.

Huang Han never objected to paying taxes, and Daming's tax rate was really not high. Zhang Fengyi, Wu Xiang, etc. all had Huang Han's bottom line of 10 taels of silver a year in their hearts.

The reason why they are still bargaining is to reflect the effect of their negotiations.

It doesn't matter if Chongzhen doesn't understand the economy, the cabinet minister Cheng Guoxiang, the Minister of the Household Department Li Daiwen and many senior officials understand!Next, they bargained with Zhang Fengyi and Wu Xiang, and Liu Zhilun kept slandering him.

He is clear-headed and doesn't think that the imperial court's mere tens of thousands of taels a year will have any big effect. The top priority should be to eliminate the hidden danger that after the Yellow River freezes, rogue bandits and slaves will once again harm Henan, Zhongdu, and Gyeonggi, causing immeasurable losses .

Liu Zhilun whispered to Zheng Guochang who was like an old monk in meditation:
"Old Zheng Ge, the military disasters continue, and Henan and Zhongdu can no longer stand the toss. If this winter is to be plagued by rogues and slaves again, I am afraid that the million-dollar army of the rogues is not a claim, but a real deal.

Letting the rogues develop wantonly will not only damage the national power of Ming Dynasty, but also seriously affect the interests of the "Red Banner Army". Temporarily restricting the rogues to Shaanxi is the most practical strategy. "

Zheng Guochang whispered: "Jiannu's vitality is not damaged, how can he be willing to admit defeat easily? The 'Red Banner Army' will face a big battle, and there is no doubt that it will be a fierce battle. At this time, it is good to have one thousand more troops.

In the old man's opinion, Huang Han should dispatch the "Red Banner Army" from Shanxi and Henan to go out to strengthen joint training, and strive to make it to Shenyang City in the First World War. If there is a tug-of-war, extra problems will arise!
Huang Han relied on the powerful "Red Banner Army". If he was trapped in the Liaodong battlefield for two or three years, the court's attitude might change, and it might not end well. "

He has seen with his own eyes that Jiannu ravaged the land of Gyeonggi, Mangui, Zhao Lijiao and other famous generals who were able to fight and dared to fight fell into the sand. Zheng Guochang never underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Manchurian cavalry.

Seeing Huang Han leading the "Red Banner Army" gradually approaching the hinterland of Liaodong, the father-in-law Zheng Guochang's heart was always hanging. He thought that the big things were not as big as the Ping Liao, and he should concentrate his forces to give Jiannu a fatal blow.

In his heart, he didn't want to see Huang Han spare his time to garrison Hainan Island.He thinks that the wheel revolution does not care about a moment?It would be nice to be distracted from such trivial matters after Ping Liao.

Liu Zhilun understood, and said, "You don't want to make extra trouble?"

Zheng Guochang said: "Building slaves has been a disaster for Daming for more than forty years. Seeing that this malignant tumor is about to be eradicated, at this critical moment, I really don't want to have side effects."

It was a war, and it was a big one. It was a vicious battle to destroy the puppet Manchukuo. The degree of danger could not have been predicted. Liu Zhilun, who was familiar with military books, fell silent.

At this time, Zhang Fengyi and others also reached an agreement with several cabinet ministers and ministers that Qiongzhou government officials are still appointed by the court and can be nominated by the "Hanjiang County King". 5 taels of silver are collected every year.

Next, Zhang Fengyi proposed to set up governors in Leizhou Peninsula and Hainan Island, and to govern Haikou, and nominated Sun Chuanting, Chen Qiyu, Lu Xiangsheng, and Yang Yipeng as governors of Leizhou Prefecture and Qiongzhou Prefecture.

The Leizhou Prefecture in the Ming Dynasty was also an extremely underdeveloped area, and the taxes that could be provided to the imperial court were limited. Zhang Fengyi and others proposed to set up a governor to govern Leizhou and Qiongfu.

Because the ministers and the emperor thought that they had rejected Zhang Fengyi and others' request to propose the "King of the Hanjiang County" to be the King of Han, they also won benefits on the tax issue of Qiongzhou Prefecture, made concessions, and agreed to set up Lei and Governor Qiong.

After a brief discussion between Chongzhen and several cabinet ministers, they believed that Sun Chuanting and the three had already served in "Hanjiang Province" and should have been "Hanjiang County Kings" long ago, while Lu Xiangsheng had almost no contact with Huang Han and should be regarded as members of the court.

In the end, the emperor made a final decision, and Lu Xiangsheng, who was thrown to Yunnan, was transferred to Hainan Island as a governor.

(End of this chapter)

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