The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 867 Recovering the Homeland of Cochin

Chapter 867 Recovering the Homeland of Cochin
After solving the problem of the appointment of local officials, Chongzhen still had hope, and asked again when the "King of the Hanjiang County" would be able to send troops into Shaanxi to suppress the bandits.

Zhang Fengyi simply gave a clear answer. After the Ping Liao, the "Red Banner Army" will take part in the suppression of the rebellion with Yu Wei, who has defeated the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry.

The north has always been the focus of Ming's defense, and the purpose of choosing Yanjing as the capital is for the emperor to guard the gate of the country.

Now Shanhaiguan, Tianjin Wei, Jizhen, Shanxi Town, and Xuanda are all under the actual control of the "Red Banner Army", and the country's gates are actually controlled by the "Hanjiang County King".

Although Chongzhen is a military novice, he is not mentally handicapped, he understands it in his heart!
If Huang Han really chose to turn against the imperial court, he would be able to surround the capital with an army of [-] within three days. I am afraid that few soldiers and civilians in the capital are willing to defend the city and fight against the "Red Banner Army".

What to do now, the only thing to do is to bet that he owns righteousness and is the inheritor of the foundation of the Ming Dynasty for more than two hundred years.

The reason why Chongzhen complied with Huang Han's request for the management of Hainan Island was mainly for the purpose of appeasement.

After all, he vetoed the title of King Huang Hanfan and rejected the canonization of "King of Han".

Although the civilian and military generals on Hainan Island are still Ming officials, as long as the "Red Banner Army" moves into Hainan Island, the same law as that of "Hanjiang Province" will be implemented there.

Officials who actively cooperate will enjoy the high salaries of the "Red Banner Army" system, and officials who are passive will be dismissed. Of course, they can only receive the normal treatment of Ming officials.

After Huang Han actually controls Hainan Island, it will bring good news to the local aborigines.

Today is not what it used to be. The officers and soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" stationed on the island will use the method of redemption, purchase and lease to carry out land reform. The number of acres of land owned by each household shall not exceed [-] acres.

After adjustment, and because subtropical fields can be found everywhere with two crops and three crops, it is based on a household owning [-] mu of basic farmland.

Hainan Island is mountainous, underdeveloped during the Ming Dynasty, and there were relatively few arable land resources. How to solve the land conflict between more people and less land?How can farmers feel at ease farming?

How can the mountain people feel the benefits?

Abolish exorbitant taxes, invest in the mining industry to provide a large number of jobs, recruit sailors to work for merchant ships and fishing boats, and build large cement factories and steel factories to digest strong labor.

Increase commercial exchanges and increase the number of large ships used for passenger and freight transportation, making transportation convenient and fast.

Subsidizing passenger transport makes travel expenses affordable for merchants and common people, and makes the exchanges between Hainan Island and the "two capitals and fourteen provinces" closer.

After accumulating strength and having capital, you can also hire a large number of labor to strengthen infrastructure investment, and even build a concrete road around Hainan Island.

The flying scissor ship type has been vigorously promoted in the docks of the system, and with the addition of wheel and paddle technology, the speed of more than ten knots per hour has gradually become normalized, making the time spent on sailing shorter and shorter.

The steam engine project of "Hanjiang University" has achieved many milestone victories, and it is believed that the steam engine ship will be born in a short time.

Tianjinwei will not exceed [-] nautical miles to Qiongzhou. Calculated based on the average speed of [-] to [-] knots, excluding the influence of extreme weather. At that time, a cruise ship with a displacement of [-] to [-] tons will set off from Tianjinwei and arrive at Qiongzhou Port in about half a month. enough.

Closure will lead to poverty and backwardness, and openness will bring prosperity and prosperity.Encouraging personnel exchanges and enhancing understanding will naturally attract capital.

I believe that within ten years, Qiongzhou Prefecture will no longer be poor and empty, and it will definitely become a good place for leisure and vacation for dignitaries in the north.

Lu Xiangsheng has great ambitions, and he won't mind being transferred to Lei and Qiong as governors, but his rank is lowered by a level or two. He can realize that he is a brick and can move wherever he needs it.

"Death before leaving the army will make the hero burst into tears." Historically, Lu Xiangsheng should have died in Julu at the end of December in the 11th year of Chongzhen.

Due to Huang Han's influence on history, it is impossible now. The Qing army has been strategically passive and has no ability to hit Julu.

Even if Lu Xiangsheng still leads the army to fight like history, Huang Han will not let the historical tragedy happen.

I came to this life to change history, and now I have changed the fate of Zheng Guochang, Sun Chuanting, Chen Qiyu, Liu Zhilun, Mao Chenglu, Yan Yingyuan and many others. Why is Lu Xiangsheng absent?

At that time, in order to save Lu Xiangsheng, rather than delaying the upcoming Ping-Liao war, he had to enter the pass ahead of time to fight the rogues and slaves.

It's no big deal, it's just giving Chongde another year of preparation time, as long as the deployment is adjusted properly, it won't have a big impact on the final outcome.

This is not blind self-confidence, but derived from the knowledge of nearly 400 years of people beyond this era.

Compared with knowledge, insight is more important. The Manchu style is a retrogression of history. It is no exaggeration to explain the success of the Han people by luck.

The evil consequences of barbarism's conquest of civilization are obvious. How can barbarians, who have gained cheap money through bloody killings, respect knowledge?

The slave chiefs spared no effort to fool the people in order to rule. The science and technology books of the Ming Dynasty were completely burned by the Qing Dynasty, and only the dross feudal ethics books that bound the mind were completely preserved.

Huang Han led the soldiers and civilians in the system to look at the world with open eyes, and spared no effort to cultivate talents. The territory and population they own have far exceeded that of the Manchukuo Qing Dynasty, and their economic strength is more than ten times that of Jiannu. Yu Jiannu is a man in armor.

The base is bigger and the momentum is stronger. Huang Han and Hong Jie have also developed for a year. The comprehensive strength of the "Red Banner Army" system is not the same. It is even more certain that it will be evened a year later.

The "Red Banner Army" set foot in the Yellow River North a few years ago and has operated in Shunde Mansion and Weihui Mansion for many years. Not only has the mass base been good, but also the two closely related fortresses of Zhongyi Fort and Houjiazhuang can stick to it.

Even this winter, when the rogue bandits and the Qing army jointly launched an attack, the Ming army still had the strength to stick to the north of the Yellow River. Moreover, Lu Xiangsheng had lost his military power and could not participate in the war.

Moreover, the imperial decree for the cabinet vote to be approved by the Supervisor of Ceremonies has been issued. With Lu Xiangsheng's speed, he should arrive in Haikou City by the end of November or at the beginning of December, and will not appear near Julu.

Huang Han has long planned to bring Lu Xiangsheng under his command, but he doesn't know whether Lu Xiangsheng can avoid the fate of dying in his prime without the Battle of Julu. No matter what, after this year, the truth will be revealed in the 12th year of Chongzhen.

Once Lu Xiangsheng takes office, he will see Qiongzhou Mansion, which is under construction everywhere, and feel the vitality here.

After he comes into contact with the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army", he will definitely be fascinated. At that time, it will be revealed to him that the "Red Banner Army" based in Qiongzhou Prefecture is not only to obtain rubber plantation land, but also to regain the homeland of Jiaozhi. It will definitely receive miraculous results.

(End of this chapter)

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