Chapter 868 Backbone

Lu Xiangsheng Chongzhen took the initiative to recruit troops and traveled thousands of miles to the capital Qin Wang when he was the magistrate in the second year of Chongzhen.

In history, his resolute refusal to negotiate peace with the Manchu Qing led to the failure of Yang Sichang's plan of "to fight against the outside world first to settle the inside", so he was squeezed out and eventually fell into the sand.

Judging the situation, even though Yang Sichang's strategy is actually the only way to save Ming Dynasty, it can be seen that Lu Xiangsheng is a hero who would rather bend than bend, and would never submit to a foreign race.

The "Red Banner Army" needs this kind of national hero who can write and fight with a straight spine.

As long as Lu Xiangsheng is willing to launch a campaign to attack the Dai Viet Kingdom, he will be able to get the position of senior praise and participate in the strategy with Sun Chuanting, Chen Qiyu and others.

Having successfully completed the task of negotiating with the imperial court, Sun Chuanting, Zhang Fengyi, Liang Tingdong, and Wu Xiang, who were extremely relaxed and comfortable, were invited by civil servants and generals and Xungui to drink in the city that never sleeps.

Sun Yuanhua is a member of the Donglin Party. Of course, he promoted the investment policy to the officials of the Donglin Party. There was also a big person who came by appointment. Cao Huachun, the chief admiral of the Jingying Rongzheng.

Although the eunuch Cao is not a bad person, he is definitely not ambiguous about making money, and the Cao family can be regarded as one of them.

Cao Huachun's nephews and brothers all took part in official positions, and the highest official position was Cao Huachun's brother Cao Huayu, the commander of the rear army.

A Cao family who was once poor enough to sell their sons and daughters turned over because Cao Huachun gave up his balls to become a eunuch and became a dignitary. This kind of family's thirst for money is of course never-ending.

The "Red Banner Army" invaded Tianjin Wei, and the Cao family in Wangqingtuo Town, Wuqing County could no longer encroach on the land unscrupulously. The Cao family also took aim at investing in a steel factory. shareholding.

It is estimated that the reason why the Donglin Party has an ambiguous relationship with Cao Huachun is that the great eunuch was fed. In history, Qian Qianyi was almost killed by Wen Tiren, and it was because of Cao Huachun that he escaped.

It is a life-saving grace to help so much. It is self-evident that Qian Qianyi, who has a strong family background, should give Cao Huachun a lot of benefits.

Great development has an endless demand for capital. The wealth owned by civil servants, generals, nobles, eunuchs, royal family, and scholar-bureaucrats probably accounted for [-] to [-]% of the total wealth of Ming Dynasty.

Cao Huachun is willing to participate in the investment, although he can play a leading role in the name of his elder brother. There are many eunuchs who have accumulated rich family fortunes.

Of course, Sun Yuanhua attached great importance to the eunuch, the supervisor of ceremonies, and the eunuch Bingbi. He had a good talk with Cao Huachun and finalized the investment amount.

The guests and the host chatted happily, and went to the sauna after a big drink. In addition to the 20 taels offered by Cao Huachun, the investment amount promised by dozens of officials had already exceeded 200 million taels.

Perhaps less than [-]% of the Donglin Party officials in the Ming Dynasty remained clean, and the vast majority were corrupt officials.

These people's heads are active, and after listening to Sun Yuanhua's detailed introduction to the development prospects of vehicle factories, steel factories, iron mines, coal mines, and coking plants, they all think it is worth investing in.

They also stated that they would write letters to contact their students, old officials, and Tongnian, and introduce the investment rules to them. At that time, the investment amount they received would definitely be doubled or even several times.

Wu Xiang and the nobles are already working together, and the atmosphere when old friends meet again is of course even more enthusiastic. In the end, even Wu Xiang's "alcohol" test can't stand the enthusiasm of the nobles, and he gets drunk and unconscious.

During the meeting, the nobles not only expressed their positions to participate in investment in vehicle factories and steel factories, but also forced Wu Xiang to find ways to get everyone a bicycle.

This is not a big deal at all, Wu Xiang wholeheartedly agreed to send one to each family.

Xungui likes to show off, and they will definitely walk around the capital when they get a bicycle. The advertising effect is more than the value of a bicycle?
Zhang Fengyi and Liang Tingdong also had good talks. There were also quite a few wealthy people among non-partisan people, Zhejiang Party, Chu Party, and former eunuch officials. They had a strong interest in investing in steel factories and vehicle factories, and they donated their money one after another.

After half a month of lingering in the capital, the Gonggong Troupe returned with a full load.

"Kaiping Iron and Steel Plant", "Kaiping Vehicle Plant", "Kaiping Coking Plant", "Kaiping Coal Mine", "Kaiping Cement Plant" and other planned joint-stock companies have raised more than 1000 million taels of equity.

Sufficient funds are available to handle affairs, and preparatory work is already underway. Construction will start in spring, and at least 10,000+ people will be employed.

Time flies like an arrow, the sun and the moon fly quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it starts to snow in Liaodong. At this time, the Jinzhou defense line has been basically completed, and the "Red Banner Army" has [-] main battalions stationed in the defense area.

Today's "Red Banner Army" has a total of less than 30 regular soldiers. Due to the acquisition of many cavalry of different races who have become regulars, there is one more cavalry and the total number of reinforced battalions has reached eight.

The regular battalion has one personal guard battalion, eight reinforced battalions, 54 Type A battalions, [-] Type B battalions, six battalions of the Navy and Marine Corps, and three battalions of female soldiers, with a total of [-] battalions.

The Guards Army has reached a scale of [-], and the main soldiers stationed outside the pass are basically one battalion of soldiers with a thousand households, accounting for less than [-]%.

Among the "Red Banner Army" stationed on the Great Wall defense line, the guards were divided in half and stationed in the interior, and the number of guards was double that of the regular soldiers.

During the Ping-Liao War, 22 main battalions could be assembled, 20 households of guards could be dispatched, and [-] cold-armed auxiliary soldiers with combat effectiveness could be requisitioned, bringing the total number of troops to [-].

The main battalion with hot weapons plus the Guards Army, against the Qing army with cold weapons, as long as there are no mistakes in tactics, in the state of corps battles, it is impossible to fight with one against ten, and it should not be too difficult to fight with one against three .

The shortcoming is still cavalry combat, and the most worrying thing is that the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry preserve their strength and refuse to give up Shengjing Yuandun Prairie for a decisive battle.

It is not a lie that the puppet Manchu Qing who were mobilized by the whole people could gather 30 to [-] troops. Huang Han had never been arrogant enough to fantasize about encircling and annihilating so many Qing troops, even if he wanted to.

Without him, within a year or two, how could Huang Han gather an army of one million, and it was a strong army with combat power and courage to resist the charge of the Mongolian cavalry!
How could it be possible to complete the encirclement without a strength advantage of more than three times?

Huang Han was able to conclude that Hongxie wanted to hold Shengjing and couldn't do it, and he was also sure that when the slave chief found that Shengjing was undefendable, he would lead the army and civilians to retreat north.

With the strength of the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army", the chasing force of the Manchurian and Mongolian cavalry is even larger than that of its own side, and a war of attrition will happen at any time.

If the Qing army fights off the concentratedly used "Red Banner Army" cavalry, it will be difficult to fight in future battles, and it will return to the endless cycle of Daming against the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry. .

(End of this chapter)

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