Chapter 869

Even though the fortress held by the "Red Banner Army" is a masonry concrete structure, equipped with at least eight three-pound Francois machine guns, it will not be easily breached.

However, it is also difficult to face the fact that the supply line is cut off by the enemy cavalry, and our army does not have strong cavalry to drive out the enemy cavalry, resulting in an isolated city.

Making full use of the Mongols and the surrendered Mongolian cavalry is the only choice. Strengthen brainwashing education, and give activists food and drink, so that they can really feel the benefits.

In the fall of next year, the Jurchens and Mongols will be lowered to pass the standard soldier assessment, and strive to organize at least [-] foreign cavalry to fight against the Manchu cavalry.

The riding skills of the famous people in the grassland are not bad, and with the armor and sharp weapons distributed by the "Red Banner Army", there is no doubt that their combat effectiveness will rise sharply.

If you behead a first-class Manchu Muslim slave, you will be rewarded with 40 taels of silver, and if you behead a Tartar young and middle-aged man, you will be rewarded with 20 taels of silver. The alien cavalry who unfortunately died in battle will also receive 100 taels of financial incentives. There will be no shortage of foreign cavalry.

Only with the ability to attack, can you rely on the fortress to spread from point to point. In order to be able to defend the north and get involved in the extreme north, a powerful cavalry army is essential.

The number of skilled workers continued to increase, the supply of steel was shifted to vehicle factories, and the production of bicycles continued to rise. The number of infantry equipped with bicycles has exceeded [-].

Straight bar bicycles are likely to cause injuries to the testicles of men riding on the bike, so Huang Han adopted a slash design from the beginning, making it easier to get on and off the bike, and learning to ride a bike is much less difficult.

The infantry can basically master this skill after getting bicycles for more than ten days.

Nowadays, infantrymen who get bicycle equipment can't be satisfied with just being able to ride a bicycle, but also have to learn how to repair the bicycle. Disassembly, assembly, and quick replacement of spare tires have become training items that must be passed.

Jinzhou was lost, so Hong Jie formulated a tactic to fight Huang Han under the city of Shengjing.

He made preparations within his capacity for this, and deployed more than 150 "God Bless the Great General Cannons" on the city walls of Shengjing.

Among them, it can fire ten Ming dynasty jin solid cast iron shells, with a maximum range of eight or nine miles and an effective range of four or five miles. There are nearly a hundred heavy guns installed on the fort.

In addition to the artillery, nearly [-] Han troops have [-] equipped with matchlock guns.

Because Hong Zhe has been personally responsible for the quality of firearms in the past two years, the craftsmen would rather use more materials than cut corners. Therefore, although these matchlock guns are bulkier and more cumbersome to use, their range and power are no less than those of the "Red Banner Army" equipment. pistol.

The production technology of black powder is similar, and there are too many craftsmen in the former Liaodong guard with this skill. The gunpowder stock in Shengjing City is enough to support several years of offensive and defensive warfare.

Too bulky is the biggest shortcoming of Manchu firearms, but Hongjie, who has participated in combat since childhood, knows how to make use of strengths and avoid weaknesses.

He will not let Wuzhenchao Harbin camp maneuver, but adopt the mode of waiting for the "Red Banner Army" to come and fight.

The Puppet Manchu Qing side can say that everything is ready. Who knows that although Huang Han is young, he is neither arrogant nor rash. After taking Jinzhou lightly, he still chooses to fight steadily.

In the eyes of the military aristocrats of the Eight Banners and Hong Jieshi, Huang Han was extremely cunning. They refused to be fooled by appearances and were still actively deploying.

Not afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of thieves thinking about it. The five-year period of Ping Liao is getting closer and closer. The whole Manchu and Qing Dynasties know that they will face a life-and-death battle, and the Manchu and Mongolian military nobles are mentally prepared.

But until the heavy snow fell, the "Red Banner Army" did not cross the Sancha River.

Hong had waited until the flowers all withered, but he hadn't waited for a vigorous life-and-death fight, so he could only look up at the sky full of snow and sigh!

Obviously, I have met a strong enemy!When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. When it comes to the last stand, it doesn't help to worry about gains and losses.

Hong Xie is constantly encouraging himself, and he must work hard, success or failure depends on it.

Times have changed, offense and defense are interchanged, and Jiannu, who is good at mobility, has to give up his own advantage and passively wait for the attack of the "Red Banner Army" because he has a place to defend.

Huang Han not only has the equipment advantage, but also has the dominance of the battlefield, do you want to fight?When to do it?Where do you choose to play?It is a big headache for Hong to have to do any of these items!
Hong Jie was most worried that Huang Han would not go to Shengjing for a decisive battle, but instead broke through Gaizhou, Fuzhou, Haizhou and other cities one by one, causing Shengjing to become an isolated city.

Why didn't he want to lead the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry under the cover of the heavy artillery of Wuzhenchao Ha Battalion to attack the "Red Banner Army" line of defense to win the initiative on the battlefield, but his family knew his own affairs.

In case the heavy artillery is finally transported in place and the "Red Banner Army" withdraws, come and fight yours, even if you recapture Jinzhou, I will fight mine and directly lead the main force to advance to Shengjing.

Even if everyone gets what they need in the end, the Qing army can't afford to lose, and it is meaningless to recapture Jinzhou. If Shengjing loses the red, doesn't it mean that he has become the king of subjugation?
Hong Xie was thinking about countermeasures in his mind all day long, so that he often suffered from insomnia at night, full of exhaustion, and his health became worse.

Only by choosing to fight on the battlefield that is most beneficial to the Qing Dynasty can we turn around in a battle. Hong is gritting his teeth and insisting.

There was a shortage of food. In order to be able to hold on to Shengjing and fight the decisive battle with Huang Han, the Qing army stored a large amount of food in the city. They had to ensure that the food stored in the city could meet the needs of 20 horses for a year before they could rest assured.

After handing over the autumn tribute from the master, the food for too many slaves and armored families is not enough to survive the spring famine. Even if the weather is cold and the snow is a few feet deep, they have to venture up to the mountains to hunt and go fishing in holes on the lake. Life is even more difficult. .

Only the families of the [-] to [-] Han troops in Wuzhenchao Ha’s camp received extra favors from Chongde, and they could barely survive. Ordinary Ahha’s died of starvation and freezing abound. Goryeo Aha at the bottom.

Seeing that there was no way out, too many Ahas started to flee. Fortunately, after spared no efforts in publicity, after learning that the "Red Banner Army" would no longer kill them all and accept surrender, the attitudes of Jiannu and Tartars changed greatly.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the fugitive Aha doesn't kill people or take away the property of the master, they basically don't go after him.

In fact, the puppet Manchukuo Qing Dynasty was agglomerated from a pan of loose sand in a few years. It can be said that the rising period was smooth, and the conflicts between races and tribes would be covered up by continuous military victories and expansion.

In history, Jiannu has always had great luck, and it really staged a big drama of snakes swallowing elephants. A small tribe with a population of several 10 ate up the great Ming Dynasty with a population of hundreds of millions.

In this case, the internal contradictions of the Jurchens were naturally downplayed.

The benefits that the Qing army could get from attacking Ming Dynasty were too great, which made the life of the Jurchens prosperous, and naturally made many Jurchen tribes who were bloodily conquered by the old slaves forget their hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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