Chapter 870
However, due to the emergence of Huang Han, the "Red Banner Army" gradually grew stronger. Since the Qing army was unable to compete for the attack on North Korea in the eighth year of Chongzhen, the Puppet Manchu Qing Dynasty has declined.

The so-called "the poor quarrel, the rich burn incense." That's it.

If there are not enough resources available for distribution, the privileged class will eat more and occupy more. Of course, people who started their careers with old slaves should get the best treatment.

The Ula, Volatile, Hada, and Yehe tribes of the Haixi Jurchen were all conquered by the Jianzhou Jurchen. Bloody battles have been fought for more than ten years, and of course there is hatred between the two sides.

After Ruan Dacheng, a top student, became one of the chief officials of the propaganda team, he deliberately studied the family history of wild boar skin, trained hundreds of educated youth propagandists, and made many targeted propaganda plans.

During this year, every day, propagandists led Mongolian and Jurchen soldiers to speak out on the front line of the confrontation with the Qing army.

It is the main purpose to stir the heartstrings of the Haixi Jurchen and stir up their hatred for the Jianzhou Jurchen.

The propagandists talked about the fact that in the Wanli year the heads of various ministries in Haixi were loyal to the Ming Dynasty after they were given official positions such as the governor of the Ming Dynasty, the governor's signature, the commander of the capital, the thousand households, the hundred households, and the governor.

However, the rebel Nurhachi provoked the war. So far, Liaodong has been raging with war for 50 years. How many Haixi Jurchen families have been destroyed and their tribes have disappeared?Can the surviving Haixi Jiubu have enough to eat?
Ruan Dacheng invented the story that Yehenara Buyangu, the leader of the Yehe Tribe, swore to the sky before his death: "Even if there is only one woman left in my Yehenara clan, I will destroy the Jianzhou Jurchens." It has become a household name.

Propaganda wars must seize the opportunity. If the Jurchens of the Puppet Manchu Qing Dynasty still had a large number of Han people to serve, work, and live a life of superiors, such propaganda would be a joke.

Due to the re-blockade by the Huang Han, the food crisis broke out in the puppet Manchu Qing Dynasty. Too many daily necessities were seriously in short supply, and the inflation rate was staggering. Even ten taels of silver could not buy a stone of miscellaneous grains.

Even the Jianzhou Jurchen's life became difficult, as can be seen in the Haixi Jurchen's life in the heavily hierarchical semi-slavery society of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

As the propaganda of the "Red Banner Army" continued to increase and the economic blockade became more rigorous, the situation in the Qing Dynasty became more and more difficult.

Originally, only the Han people fled. Many Mongols began to break away from the control of Jiannu, and hundreds of them voluntarily defected to Jinzhou.

There are even more preferential treatments for these people, not only giving them enough food, but also giving them one silver coin and five buckets of wheat every month so that they can support their families.

Then it actually developed to the point that some Jurchens took the initiative to defect to the "Red Banner Army". Most of these people came from the Zhenglan Banner, Xianglan Banner, and Xiangbai Banner among the Eight Banners of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

After Mang Gurtai's death, his sons were ostracized, and Zhenglan Qi was always raised by his young mother.

Some time ago, several sons of Mang Gurtai, fellow brother De Gelei, and younger sister Mang Guji were confiscated and imprisoned on trumped-up charges. Panic.

Most of the generals who had a close relationship with the original banner owner Mang Gurtai chose to change their minds and choose another high branch, and a small number of generals couldn't hold Hong's thighs and couldn't get along.

The life of the general was not easy, and of course the soldiers under his command had no future, so many former Haixi Jurchen volunteered to defect to the "Red Banner Army", among which the former Yehe tribe was the most active.

The owner of the Xianglan Banner is Amin, who died of smallpox while being imprisoned by Hong Jieshi. Collars and armored men are no surprise.

Surrendering and accepting rebels is a must. Mongols and Jurchens can get good treatment as auxiliary soldiers and main soldiers of the "Red Banner Army". Their families will also enjoy military treatment, and there is no doubt that they can get rid of hunger and get food and clothing.

But all the foreign cavalry did not get the self-generated short gun equipment. The reason given by the town governor was very good. The Mongols and Jurchens are good at riding and shooting, so there is no need to exploit their weaknesses and avoid their strengths.

The Mongols had no objection, and the Jurchens understood better, because the Manchus had always emphasized the invincibility of bows and horses, and never trained the Jurchens to use firecrackers, and even the Han army mainly used the artillery.

Due to the need to divide and disintegrate the establishment of slaves, the four Jurchen banners of Hada, Yehe, Wula, and Huifa were erected again. Although there are only a symbolic number of more than [-] people, their influence is not small.

Many scouts of the Qing army were intercepted by the "Red Banner Army" Haixi Fourth Independent Battalion. These people would die as long as they saw the two yellow flags of the Qing army.

Seeing that the Jurchens who surrendered to the "Red Banner Army" not only lived well but also gained freedom, and also wore solid armor and rode horses to show off their power, the Qing army believed even more in the promise that surrender would save their lives.

Recruiting a large number of alien cavalry to fill the Mongolian cavalry is very good. It is worth taking some risks for this. There is no need to worry about the rear tail of Pingliao. Hokkaido, South America, North America, and Australia are big places, and [-] alien cavalry are not enough. use.

The character of Ruan Dacheng, a famous opera writer and Jinshi, may be questionable, but his level is indeed much higher than that of Liu Zaiqi, Jiang Xin and other propaganda team chiefs.

During this period of time, he did his best to do things and played a big role in the propaganda war. Huang Han specially summoned him and stayed with him for dinner to encourage him.

Ruan Dacheng, who was present at the dinner, was terrified because he found out that besides him, the "King of the Han River" only invited Yang Dalang, the No. Only eight people.

Seeing the military victories, the political offensive must be strengthened next. Propaganda work is especially important. Forming a united front and uniting the majority will become the mainstream.

In a relaxed atmosphere, Huang Han chatted happily with Sun Chuanting, Ruan Dacheng, Hanzi, etc. When the wine was hot, Huang Han talked about drama creation with Ruan Dacheng, who was relaxed and less restrained.

The dramas of this era are all stage plays, of course they are not as enjoyable as the movies and TV dramas of later generations, Huang Han can't stand watching them at all, but he knows how to make stage plays more enjoyable.

The mode of drama and musical, coupled with the joy of hard work, a happy ending in the end will definitely be pleasing to the eye.

Huang Han proposed an outline. It was nothing more than a pair of fateful mandarin ducks whose family was ruined due to the scourge of slavery. Then the male protagonist voted to join the "Red Banner Army". Finally, he revenged his family and saw the female protagonist again...

The new way of performance is no longer babbling and singing, but showing the storyline through the form of drama, interspersed with a theme song and five or six episodes.

After being instructed, Ruan Dacheng's eyes lit up and his writing was flowing. After returning home that night, he stayed up late to create. The script was delivered within a few days. After Huang Han gave revisions and instructions, Ruan Dacheng continued to revise.

Half a month later, the new drama "Recovering Liaodong" which received a lot of financial support began intense rehearsals...

(End of this chapter)

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