Chapter 871
Huang Han is not only making strenuous efforts to strengthen training and operating new lines of defense, he is also actively deploying coastal areas.

It has been three months since Huang Yong went to sea again in Nanyang. This time, merchant ships and some warships should come back first. He will lead [-] warships and two battalions of marines to assist Zheng Zhilong in grabbing territory in the Strait of Malacca.

At the beginning of the year, Liu Xiang spent money to buy eleven warships. These are the "old lock boat" warships that the Longwu Navy is planning to replace with the "flying scissors" and paddle-driven ships.

With these "old lock boat" warships with wheels and paddles that combine Chinese and Western styles, Liu Xiang's strength at sea has greatly increased. Galen ships that were unable to catch up before are now being targeted and basically unable to escape, and the robbery efficiency is high. .

Liu Xiang realized the strength of the "Red Banner Army" and saw with his own eyes that the larger, faster, and more powerful warships of the Longwu Navy were increasing day by day. rise.

Following Huang Yong's suggestion, he has been encroaching on the main island of Little Luzon, and now he has won a territory of seven to eight thousand square kilometers. A bastion with a circumference of six miles is under construction [-] nautical miles from the northern end of Little Luzon.

This port city was named "Zhongburg" by Liu Xiang, and it was built on the west coast of the main island of Little Luzon, about [-] nautical miles away from Manila in the south.

The main area of ​​activity of the Spanish colonists was around Manila. Even if they wanted to completely eat the whole of Little Luzon, they were unable to do so, because the population was their shortcoming.

The south of Manila has always been the sphere of influence of the Kingdom of Sulu, and they have waged guerrilla warfare against the Spaniards for six to seventy years.

However, there are no large-scale tribes in the tropical jungle in the north of the main island of Little Luzon, which is almost equivalent to a land without owner. Liu Xiang brought tens of thousands of people, and thousands of pirates armed the situation to stabilize.

The Spaniards named Little Luzon as the Philippines after their king Philip II, of course not recognized by Ming, let alone Huang Han.

Moreover, they massacred tens of thousands or even 10,000+ Han Chinese living in Little Luzon twice before and after Wanli.
How docile the Han people are, the vicious Spaniards actually went on a killing spree, which shows how many indigenous peoples they killed and how many tribes they exterminated during their colonization of Little Luzon.

In the 12th year of Chongzhen in history, the Spaniards once again massacred Han merchants and expatriates. It was because of the civil strife in Ming Dynasty that many people ventured out to sea to beg for a living. There were 10,000+ Han Chinese living in Little Luzon.

It has been the 11th year of Chongzhen, but today is not what it used to be. The exotic Longwu Navy has dominated the South China Sea. The Spaniards are trembling, lest they offend the Ming Dynasty and cause disaster.

Lending them the guts, the governor of Manila in Spain did not dare to issue an order to raise the butcher's knife against the Han people.

Liu Xiang received the support of the Longwu Navy to build a large castle in the north more than [-] miles away from Manila. The Spaniards could only choose to wait and see when they got the news, and they were really powerless to go on an expedition.

This is not surprising. The total number of Spaniards who colonized Little Luzon did not exceed [-], and the young and middle-aged men were only about [-].

So what if the Spanish governor didn't choose to swallow his anger?

They could only pray that the Han people living near Manila would not launch an uprising to overthrow the colonial rule, so they reduced taxes to show favor to the Han people.

The area to be conquered by the "Red Banner Army" is huge, and there are many enemies. Of course, it is impossible to become fat with one bite. Take your time, the little Luzon Han people are worth owning, but it is not a matter of time.

Development is the last word. Only with a strong motherland can there be enough voice and the overseas Chinese can be respected. When it comes to colonization, it can be stable and accurate!

Today, "Tiger Cave City" has a population of more than 30, and Tianjin Wei and Seoul are already prosperous cities with a population of more than [-].

Qingniwakou has become the headquarters of the Longwu Navy, the location of the Naval Academy, the sailor training base, and the location of a large shipyard that mainly builds warships and ranks second only to "Tiger Cave City".

Dengzhou has also returned to the state before Kong Youde's rebellion. Nantong Prefecture is already one of the largest supply places. Not only can it provide ship maintenance and repair services, the dockyard is also building inland warships and seaborne merchant ships.

The coastal cities under vigorous development include Jiaoao, Haizhou, Wusongkou, Zhoushan, Taiping, Kinmen, Hong Kong, and Qiongzhou Port.

The coast during the Ming Dynasty was very different from that of later generations. Because the Japanese invasion was almost accompanied by the entire Ming Dynasty, the coast was in depression.

The supply base needs supporting docks, ports, grain depots, logistics storage, a large number of blacksmiths, carpenters, plasterers, painters, etc., as well as many factories and workshops.

Huang Han, who came from a later generation, of course understands the development potential of port cities. Driven by the capital of the "Red Banner Army" and the government's "supply base" project, with the influx of capital and population from the mainland.

Jiao'ao, Haizhou, Zhoushan, Qiongzhou and other regions have ushered in opportunities for great development. I believe that within three years, they will be prosperous.

"No matter how poor you are, you can't have poor education." How important is education and talent training!Moreover, the "Red Banner Army" system is not poor at all.

Huang Han increases investment in education every year. The "Red Banner Army" system covers the six-year compulsory education of three-year primary school and three-year junior high school. The university with three-year high school, two-year junior college, and three-year undergraduate has formed a scale.

The teaching of Mandarin in the "Red Banner Army" has been popularized, and almost every household in the "Chongzhen Dictionary" system must have it.

The "Hanjiang University" located on Ganghwa Island in Seoul, the "Hanhua University" in Huxue City, the "Army Academy", the "Jinmen University" in Tianjin Wei, and the "Navy Academy" in Qingniwakou already have [-] students. There are many students, less than two thousand of them are girls.

The influence of feudal dynasties that have been discriminating against and suppressing women for thousands of years cannot be eliminated in a short period of time, and liberating the little feet does not necessarily liberate the minds of all living beings.

Forcibly promoting the six-year compulsory education covers girls, but it is impossible for them to get the support of their families to go to high school at their own expense, so the proportion of girls who can go to college is even lower.

In order to provide a way out for the grassroots people, when Huang Han vigorously ran the school, he strictly stipulated the admission system. The admission of merit is the principle. The admission of special students must be jointly reviewed by Xu Guangqi or Wang Zheng and other three chief officials, and it is a one-vote veto system.

The children of martyrs will get extra points, and the extra points cannot exceed 5.00% of the total score, and it is based on the total score of the examinee, which means that the better the test, the more points will be added.

Military families and ethnic groups with different names are treated equally and there is no preferential treatment. Since the territory of the "Red Banner Army" is not so large that there are huge regional differences, the current enrollment policy of the same score line is implemented.

(End of this chapter)

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