Chapter 872
Students from poor families have not been ignored, and government support is essential.

As long as they can be admitted to high school or university, they can get an interest-free student loan of 20 silver coins per year.

It’s just that to complete the formalities, a family income survey form must be provided, and after the signatures of the head of Jia and the head of the village, the county magistrate will send it to the “Sifang Bank” with a seal to receive five silver coins every quarter.

As long as you don't spend too much, 20 silver coins are enough to cover most of the tuition and living expenses of a poor student.

Work-study programs are encouraged, and there are many job opportunities in the developing "Red Banner Army" system, and young and strong intellectuals can easily get them.

As long as students from poor families endure hardships and stand hard work, and use their holidays to work part-time, it is not a problem to earn five or six silver coins a year, and it is completely possible to not bring financial burden to the family.

Due to the merit-based admission under fair competition and the popularization of six-year compulsory education, the overall quality of high school students, junior college students, and college students is improving every year, and there are more than 1000 postgraduates with excellent character and learning.

Huang Han is not going to run too many universities, but is going to take the path of elite education.

Because ordinary people do not need to waste educational resources to master profound mathematics, chemistry, and physics knowledge, as long as they have common sense in life.

The admission rate of high school students remains at less than [-]%, and the proportion of fresh high school students admitted to colleges and universities is about [-]%.

"Tiger Cave City" No. [-] Junior High School has an eight-year history of running a school, and is a veteran of new learning education. The overall quality of its students is high, and the admission rate is as high as [-]%.

The enrollment rate is more than double the average level, which is very attractive, which makes many families in the system looking for a way out, and there are many school-choice students.

It directly led to a class of more than [-] students in the No. [-] Junior Middle School of "Tiger Cave City".

A class of 48 students is the rule, but all 42 classes in the No. [-] Junior Middle School of "Tiger Cave City" are overcrowded.

After learning about the situation, Huang Han did not take any measures to stop it. The parents chose schools for their children, which shows that they are aware of the importance of knowledge and expect their children to be successful.

The school's excellence is not unrelated to the hard work of the principal and teachers. We cannot simply make a one-size-fits-all approach, but we must pay close attention to schools with low enrollment rates and encourage them to improve teaching quality.

Teachers in schools with a high enrollment rate will be promoted and get better treatment, and these people will be assigned to serve as class teachers, deans, and principals in schools with a low enrollment rate.

The principals of schools with the lowest enrollment rates will be dismissed, teachers who are too poor will be dismissed, and motivated teachers will regularly go to schools with high teaching quality for lectures and training.

The "Red Banner Army" system does not have life tenure, nor does it implement a retirement system. The tradition of raising children to support the elderly is still there. The economic foundation for implementing social pension needs is so great that Huang Han thinks that he may not be able to do it in 30 years.

If the teaching level is proved to be unsatisfactory, teachers will lose their jobs. They can be recruited into the army, work as workers, or go home to farm according to their own abilities.

Huang Han is going to try to use this method to improve the overall teaching quality in the system. Whether it will be effective in the end depends on the results after one or two years.

As the mouthpiece of the system, "Red Flag Daily" is the mainstream of publishing current political news. The story of a school whose principal went home to sell sweet potatoes because of poor teaching quality is very eye-catching and has stimulated many educators.

During the period after the recovery of Jinzhou, the "Red Flag Daily" published an article clearly stating that the "Red Flag Army"'s short-term task is to complete the five-year Ping Liao Dynasty, and next year it will concentrate all mobile forces to launch a general offensive, aiming at Shenyang.

The internal magazine called on the generals of the "Red Banner Army" stationed in the Mainland to seize the time to organize training, and while ensuring the security of the defense area, strive to deploy troops to Jinzhou next summer to gather and participate in the Ping-Liao War.

At that time, fraternal troops from all corners of the country will be reorganized and complete joint training for actual combat exercises.

This time, the level of secrecy of the internal magazine was relatively low, and it didn't take long for it to spread in Daming. The reaction of military and civilian officials in other areas of Daming was excited and full of expectations.

However, the officials in Henan and Zhongdu are all in anxiety. Without him, it has become a consensus that the rogues will harm the Central Plains when the Yellow River freezes.

The expected "Hanjiang County King" came forward to relieve the people's upside down, because the "Red Banner Army" will not only have no troops to enter the customs, but also plans to mobilize troops from the mainland to leave the customs to participate in the upcoming national war to destroy the puppet Manchu Qing. .

Too many officials, soldiers and civilians in the Central Plains felt that the end was approaching.

Before winter came, rumors started to spread, and later there were many propagandists of the "Red Banner Army" who went from village to house to teach ordinary people who were unwilling to flee how to deal with military disasters.

"Dig deep, accumulate grain widely, and prepare for war and famine." This is the simplest and most effective method. The propagandists advised the common people not to be afraid of trouble, but to bury the grain at home, and to bury it in more places.

Don't be careless when hiding food and belongings in the caves on the mountain, try to be as cunning as possible.

Usually, only a few days' worth of food is kept at home, and after eating up, they secretly take out a few days' worth of rations, and the cycle repeats.

As long as there is food to live on, you will not be afraid of being harmed. When you find the bandits and the Qing army crossing the border, you will hide in the depths of the dense forest and hills...

In the cities and towns of Henan and Zhongdu, "folks! Don't be a thief, there is a way to live by going to the sea and river!"

"As long as you find the 'Red Banner Army', you will never go hungry again!"

"The 'King of the Han River' warns that even if the 'Red Banner Army' who dares to wantonly massacre the people pursues them to the ends of the earth, they will have to pay in blood after 30 years of pursuit!"

"Hide the food well, fortify the walls and clear the fields, so as not to let the rogues and the Qing army get any supplies!"


Propaganda slogans like this can be seen on eye-catching walls.

It is obvious that the "Red Banner Army" did not intend to fight against the rogue bandits and the Allied Forces of the Slaves in Henan. The wealthy Henan people chose to emigrate one after another, and they took their families to the riverside and seaside.

Fu Wang in Luoyang City suddenly felt a sense of crisis. He stepped up his efforts to transfer property, prepared horses and dozens of carriages, and tried to make sure that when he discovered that the rogues had really come across the frozen Yellow River, he would immediately abandon them. Luoyang ran to Xiangyang.

King Zhou of Kaifeng did not dare to neglect after hearing the news. Not only did he make preparations to flee to Xiangyang, but he also immediately began to transfer property.

The vassal king's family has a big business, how can they hide it when they start preparing to escape?

The hearts of the people are scattered, and the local officials are powerless to stop them. They are not stupid. The vast majority of people have made a decision to run away, run to Xiangyang, and seek refuge with the "Hanjiang County King" from now on.

The system of the Ming Dynasty was sound, and officials in every city had the responsibility of guarding the land. Even retired officials, as long as their hometown was in the city, they had to guard the city to the death.

(End of this chapter)

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