Chapter 873
The current official abandons the city and flees. The imperial court doesn't care how many enemies come, whether there are troops in the city, and whether there is a possibility of holding on.

This time there are hundreds of governors, prefects, military officials, Tongzhi, Tongju and other officials who have made up their minds to escape.

The reason why they made such a choice was that they believed that the "King of the Hanjiang River" was unique, and sooner or later it would become popular. They, the current officials of the Ming Dynasty, took the initiative to join them, and the "King of the Hanjiang County" would give them opportunities based on emotion, reason and the overall situation.

It can be seen from this that, while the Ming Dynasty was retreating militarily due to the double scourge of bandits and slavery, it was also dominated by the Huang Han politically, which gave the bureaucratic group more choices and became more alienated from Emperor Chongzhen.

Seeing that it will enter November in a few days, the frozen layer of the Yellow River can already run smoothly. Gao Yingxiang, Azig and others all feel that it is a great time to bypass Tongguan and enter Henan.

The rogues have been very effective in farming. This year’s weather in Shaanxi can be described as good. The fields that have not been abandoned for a long time have enough land, the harvest has reached above the middle level, and there is a lot of food.

Gao Yingxiang is self-motivated and believes that Pian'an will be wiped out sooner or later, and that the only way to conquer the Central Plains is to win the world. He took the initiative to send Li Zicheng to negotiate with the Qing army on the matter of jointly dispatching troops.

The most positive one was of course Fan Wencheng, who had received Chongde's personal letter in the autumn. The equal tone of the master's letter made the big traitor feel that his bones were tens of catties lighter, and he almost floated into the sky.

Supporting the rogue bandits to beat the hinterland of Ming Dynasty to pieces and at the same time preserving the Mongolian cavalry was a relatively heavy task. Fan Wencheng, Jierhalang and Azig discussed secretly many times and finally reached a consensus.

No matter how smooth the attack in the hinterland of Ming Dynasty is, we will resolutely implement the plan of only fighting for three or four months. We must leave the Central Plains battlefield before the ice and snow melt in early February next year.

Haning'a has successfully bypassed the "Red Banner Army" defense line and arrived in Shaanxi. The total reduction of more than 5.00 people accounted for only [-]% of the total number, which is acceptable.

He thought that as long as enough food was prepared, it would be a bit more difficult for the army to detour to Mobei and return to Liaodong. It would only take two more months and there would be no danger.

Generals such as Azig, Jierhalang, and Fan Wencheng are most worried about being hit halfway, while veteran Haning'a, who made two trips back and forth, is full of confidence.

He clearly pointed out that the "Red Banner Army" operating the defense line in Monan was actually a bad move, which exposed its goals and strength prematurely.

If Monan did not have the fortress defense line of the "Red Banner Army", the people who were eager to go home would definitely not want to expend more energy, reduce their food burden and detour to Mobei, and they might fall into the encirclement of the "Red Banner Army" without any aim.

However, now that this road has been cut off, and when they detour to Mobei, the gods will not be able to complete the encirclement of the Donggui Manchurian cavalry thousands of miles away who do not know when they will appear.

Therefore, Haning'a emphasized that as long as the supplies are sufficient and he is willing to run more, he guarantees that he can lead most of the troops back to their hometown in Liaodong safely.

The Qing army reached an agreement to enter the hinterland of Ming Dynasty to plunder more food and gold and silver treasures, and strive to return with a full load. They did not need to defend the territory and chose to dispatch the whole army.

Gao Yingxiang has formed a de facto separatist regime, and is also "suppressing bandits" during this period.

Communications in the feudal dynasty were extremely underdeveloped, and many small-scale rebels took over the mountains as kings. They didn't understand and didn't know the changes in the situation.

Of course, Gao Yingxiang, who took Shaanxi, could not tolerate the rampant bandits in the local area. The confiscation and collection of bandits and bandits, large and small, has been going on.

Half a year later, Gao Yingxiang basically controlled Shaanxi.

Due to the fact that a large number of subdued thieves and bandits recognized their eldest brother, Gao Yingxiang's troops, large and small, fought hundreds of battles, and there was no reduction in personnel. He also increased by 4 to [-] horses, and seized a lot of food and gold from the small group of bandits. silver treasure.

With a territory, it is inevitable to worry about gains and losses. In order to avoid bandits from happening again, Shaanxi must send people to stay behind.

The place is too big, and there are many cities that need to be stationed. Gao Yingxiang left more than half of his troops and organized a full 15 troops to march eastward.

Zuo Liangyu's fantasy of hiding behind Gao Yingxiang and developing is just wishful thinking. Gao Yingxiang has always been wary of this former Ming "general of suppressing thieves", and his old enemy Zhang Xianzhong also pays attention to Zuo Liangyu all the time.

The many leaders of the rogue bandits had already reached a consensus through secret negotiations. As long as the Qing army withdraws, the first problem to be solved is to embezzle Zuo Liangyu's tribe. If Zuo Liangyu and his son don't obey obediently, they will be sent to the west.

How could the Qing army and the rogues forget about Zuo Liangyu when they jointly sent troops into Henan?Under the double threat of Jierhalang and Gao Yingxiang, Zuo Liangyu was reluctant to lead 5 horses into the war.

Gao Yingxiang left his confidant generals Gao Yigong, Gao Ligong, Liu Zhe, Huanglong, etc. to guard several big cities in Shaanxi, and secretly gave instructions to recruit more than [-] troops left by Zuo Liangyu when the time was right.

There are more than [-] members of the "Winged Tigers" active in the Taihang Mountains, and they have made a name for themselves in the past few years. They are the uncrowned kings in the north of Shanxi.

Gao Yingxiang has always wanted to recruit Jin Minghu into the gang, and this time he sent out another invitation.

To break into the top ranks of the bandits, you must have military power and a certain degree of autonomy in order to do great things. Zhao Shisan, Jin Minghu and other big leaders made a decision after discussing with the bandits to plunder Henan and Zhongdu.

After asking for instructions through the Banner Guard channel, they got a clear answer from Huang Sifang, the head of the Banner Guard. For the purpose, it is best to be able to take over the garrison of several cities.

During this period, many retired veterans volunteered to join the banner guards unwilling to be lonely. More than a hundred people were sent to work in the Taihang Mountains, and more than twenty people became the middle leaders of the "Winged Tiger" department.

Zhao Shisan has also developed one or two hundred banner guards, and has more people under his command. The village bravery and regiment training in mountainous counties are basically infiltrated. The main force can also avoid being suddenly attacked by the Ming army or other rogue armed forces if they leave temporarily.

What's more, the reputation of the "Winged Tigers" for "walking the way for the sky" is well-known in the Taihang Mountains, and the mountain people live a relatively stable life under their protection.

When foreign enemies invade, most of the mountain people will take the initiative to help the "winged tiger" department within their ability.

Jin Minghu left half of the people to continue to actually control the Taihang Mountains, and appointed Qi Yuguo, Zhang Shouzhong, and Han Manzhi to form a three-member team to jointly handle the affairs of the base area.

He and Zhao Shisan led seven thousand elite troops down the mountain.

These minions are all young and middle-aged, less than [-]% of them are illiterate, and they all have a training period of more than two years. Even though they mainly use cold weapons, their equipment and combat effectiveness are no less than those of Gao Yingxiang's old battalion, and their discipline is even better.

(End of this chapter)

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