Chapter 874
The Qing army and bandits came across the mountains and plains across the Yellow River, with 30 million people and horses, and they were arrogant.

The Ming army, which had been informed long ago, had already organized a defense line. The commander-in-chief was Liu Zhilun, a cabinet minister who temporarily served as the governor of the five provinces. Of course, the chief eunuch who supervised the army was Fang Zhenghua.

They are old partners who once commanded the Yellow River sniper battle and severely defeated the Qing army. This time they volunteered to lead the troops to leave the capital and go to Weihui Mansion to strengthen the defense.

Liu Zhilun's standard battalion has five thousand direct descendants, and the chief generals are Wu Yinglong, Liu Quan, and Liu He, who are absolutely trustworthy and confidant generals.

This elite army is equipped with [-] vehicle-mounted three-barreled carrying guns presented by the "Red Banner Army", plus the original [-] vehicle-mounted carrying guns. It has terrifying firepower and aggressiveness that cannot be underestimated!
Gao Yingxiang is not an ordinary person, and he is also used to using his time. The hidden piles of spying on Gyeonggi have been passing information to Shaanxi in the past few months.

Thousands of troops crossing the Yellow River by boat may be attacked by the officers and soldiers halfway, but two or three spies disguised as merchants or farmers using sheepskin rafts to cross the river can easily succeed.

After the Yellow River freezes, there are countless times and places where you can cross the river. Of course, it is impossible to guard against it.

Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and other big leaders all knew that the main force of the Ming Dynasty's Beijing camp was strictly guarding the Yellow River North, and they also detected a large area actually controlled by the "Red Banner Army" in Weihui Mansion.

If you go north along the eastern foot of the Taihang Mountains, you will have to fight the "Red Devils", give up walking on the plains, and pass through the mountains. The mobility of the Manchurian and Mongolian cavalry and the old battalion cavalry is greatly reduced.

Preserving the strength is a special confession from the master. In fact, even if Hong Zhe didn't take care of it, Fan Wencheng, who had suffered a big loss in the joint operation of the Ming Dynasty's Beijing camp and the "Red Banner Army" during the retreat, would not take it lightly.

Although it was difficult for Jiannu's spies to convey the news, they were still able to basically accurately report the situation in Gyeonggi.

Fan Wencheng knew that the "Red Banner Army" had been involved in the capital for many years and was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so he rashly went north and attacked the city of the capital again, otherwise he would be cut off from his way back.

He informed Jierharang and Azig of the possible risks, and the three reached an agreement to let the bandits lead the battle, with the Qing army assisting as a mobile force.

The rogues were so impressed with the "Red Banner Army", they were not even willing to fight vicious battles with the brave men trained by the "Red Banner Army".

When Gao Yingxiang led 20 troops across the Yellow River, it was actually a feint. The purpose was to let the Ming army see that they had the possibility of directly attacking the capital, and fully mobilized the main force of the Ming army to defend the capital.

The army of rogue bandits marched northward to more than a dozen counties and joined the 7000 troops of the "Winged Tigers". When they found that the troops of the Ming Dynasty's Beijing camp had formed a line of defense, they immediately turned south and crossed the Yellow River to kill Luoyang.

Azige and Jierhalang had a clear goal. They led their troops to keep a close eye on Gao Yingxiang's Chinese army, and they were determined not to consume Manchurian cavalry to make wedding dresses for others.

Gao Yingxiang didn't think about relying too much on the Qing army. Ten years of rebellion had tempered him, and he understood that relying on no one is worse than relying on himself. Only with strong military force can he protect himself, gain a foothold, and grow stronger.

It was obvious that the Qing army was unwilling to use its unparalleled mobility to open the way for everyone, and Gao Yingxiang did not force it.

The Ming Dynasty concentrated 8 troops to guard against the Yellow River. It seemed that there was a lot of troops, but the freezing of the Yellow River made the natural danger a smooth road, and it was not easy to fortify for more than [-] miles.

Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua, who were highly nervous, walked on thin ice. After they formed a blocking line, they only fought a few small battles with a small group of vanguards and found that the bandits had retreated.

The two of them immediately felt that the pressure was relieved, and they took advantage of the victory to recover more than a dozen prefectures and counties near the north bank of the Yellow River.

Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua were clear-headed, they were determined at every step and refused to chase the Yellow River. Daming had few soldiers capable of fighting, so they did not dare to be prodigals, and they would rush forward to give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of their military achievements.

Relying on cities and fortresses, the army was stationed in the north of the Yellow River. Liu Zhilun also recruited generals Zhou Yuji, Huang Degong, generals Chen Gao, and Lin Daye to form the Central Army on the basis of the standard battalion.

He will personally lead the Chinese army to maneuver and rescue the defense area on the north bank of the Yellow River that was attacked.

This mighty force should be unrivaled in Ming Dynasty, and it is no exaggeration to describe it as a strong army. Even if its combat power is not as good as that of the "Red Banner Army", it is still close.

Carrying a large number of wheelbarrows can complete the formation in a short period of time. The total amount is close to [-] vehicle-mounted guns, of which there are [-] guns, and there are [-] Fron machine-pounders equipped.

The number of musketeers reached [-], and all of them were equipped with self-generated guns produced by the "Red Banner Army". Half of the [-] cavalry were equipped with all-steel breastplates, and all cavalry had all-steel helmets with visors.

With such a configuration, as long as the soldiers are not afraid of the enemy like a tiger, they will be able to fight even if they encounter Jiannu.

Of course Zhou Yuji, Huang Degong, Liu Quan, Liu He, etc. are not ordinary people. They not only dare to fight, but also desire to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds. There are raging soldiers and generals.

Liu Zhilun, Fang Zhenghua, Zhou Yuji, the main generals of this brave army are all heroes, and of course the subordinates are full of fighting spirit!
With 5000 men and horses concentrated in action, as long as they maneuver in the north of the Yellow River, it is really not easy to be counted by bandits and slaves.

Liu Zhilun has rich experience, and he will always keep the food that can consume 5000 people for a month on the wheelbarrow. Since the wheelbarrows are half-loaded, they are more stable than empty carts when they are formed.

The Ming army relied on the wheelbarrow array to fire artillery, fire blunderbusses, and raise guns in salvo. Even if all 6 Mongolian cavalry came to fight, the possibility of Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua's selection of the best men and horses being surrounded and wiped out in a short period of time was fundamental. does not exist.

With enough food and grass to support a month's consumption, as long as he chooses carefully not to fall into a dead end without water, Liu Zhilun believes that the "King of the Han River" will not sit back and watch himself and Fang Zhenghua's strong men be wiped out by the rogues and the Qing army.

In fact, Liu Zhilun was too cautious. The rogues and the Qing army didn't think about fighting with anyone. They came here for the sake of cheapness. They didn't go head-to-head with the well-prepared Beijing camp troops. They turned around and crossed the Yellow River to the big city Luoyang.

He Yongqing, who has the actual command of the Tongguan General of the Ming Dynasty, is a fierce man who has followed Huang Han for eight years. He has always been a personal guard by Huang Han's side, and he is absolutely loyal. Now he is the first-class battalion commander.

Huang Huiwu, the commander-in-chief of the Tongguan Regiment, was born as a soldier of Jiulitai Village. He belonged to the direct line of the direct line. There is no doubt about his loyalty. He directly commanded a second-class battalion.

During this period of time, the two of them have developed a lot of guards, and the number of people has reached twelve thousand households, which means that there are about [-] "red flag army" soldiers and guards stationed in Tongguan.

There were too many soldiers, civilians and officials who fled to Tongguan in the spring, and many of them were Shaanxi officials with their families and money.

Whether they lost the city or just abandoned the city to escape, of course they did not dare to return to the capital. Seeing that Tongguan was impenetrable, they refused to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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