Chapter 875
Too many Qin people are unwilling to leave their hometowns and go to the sea to seek a living. They think that they are used to the dry loess plateau, and they will get sick when they go to low and humid places.

Seeing so many "Red Banner Army" sticking to Tongguan, they feel safe and sound, so more and more Qin people are stranded, and the total number of troops is as high as 18.

More than 20 war refugees were evacuated to work and farm in "Hanjiang Province" or Chifengwei.

More than [-] Qin people hoped to be protected by the "Red Banner Army" and Lai stayed in Tongguan and refused to leave. He Yongqing and Huang Huiwu could not use coercive means, they could only choose to farm on the spot.

Fortunately, in this era of farming, nine out of ten people can do it. Mining is even more powerful and not afraid of hardship. Everyone who stays in Tongguan does not resist labor, and many people are still very motivated.

The Patriarch's order is never to abandon Tongguan. Of course, the "Red Banner Army" carried out the order to the letter. He Yongqing, Huang Huiwu and other generals followed the model of keeping outside the pass and mobilizing [-] soldiers and civilians to cultivate land while doing major repairs. .

Soon, a trench defense system was established 10,000 miles east and [-] miles west of Tongguan as the center. A total of [-]+ mu of fertile land was enclosed and [-] young and middle-aged men and women were arranged for reclamation.

Brick kilns, cement kilns, wine making workshops, coal mines, gold mines, etc. also absorbed tens of thousands of laborers, and the mountainous land in the south of Tongguan was utilized to raise chickens, ducks, geese, and goats.

Tongguan is rich in mining resources within a radius of [-] miles, with large reserves of coal, iron, lead, copper, and gold. If it were not for the chaos, the development of the mining industry alone could provide employment for hundreds of thousands of strong laborers.

The defense line on the west side of Tongguan was only three to five miles away from the defense line established by the rogues. Huang Huiwu also arranged for a propaganda team to shout out to persuade them to surrender every day.

Most of these people are not from Shaanxi, but the former Ming army, and their hometowns are in Henan, Shandong, or North Zhili, Huguang and other places.

Regardless of whether the surrendered rogues are spies or not, arrange them to settle for a year to observe their performance.

Because the village is close to the Yellow River, which is conducive to irrigation, and because a large number of high-yielding, cold-resistant, and drought-tolerant potatoes are planted, the grain harvested this year can basically meet the needs of 18 soldiers and civilians, which greatly reduces the burden on the headquarters.

Sun Yingyuan, the commander-in-chief of the Left Commander-in-Chief of Shaanxi, did not have more troops but lost more than half of them. That was because Chen Gao and Lin Daye led the troops back to Beijing a few months ago.

The court's expenses were tight, and the Ministry of War immediately came to its senses when it learned that there was a "Red Banner Army" in Tongguan to assist in the defense. It refused to bear the food and salaries of 8000 troops, and transferred some of them.

The "Red Banner Army" who originally assisted in the defense of Tongguan had the same number of troops as the Tongguan defenders of the Ming Dynasty. However, the "Red Banner Army" was constantly receiving and training defeated soldiers, while the Ming army was constantly mobilizing troops.

This ebbs and flows, and now Sun Yingyuan only has 5000 troops, and in fact he can only guarantee [-] troops.

The "Red Banner Army" has [-] soldiers and guards, and there are [-] village braves who practice every three days. Their strength should not be underestimated.

In the past few months, He Yongqing and Huang Huiwu received a lot of military supplies and equipment transferred from Shanxi, including [-] one-pound and three-pound Fron machine guns, and the guards all got self-generated guns.

Since the beginning of winter, He Yongqing, Huang Huiwu, and Sun Yingyuan have been preparing for the rogues and the Qing army to touch the defense line, but the expected use of the carefully constructed defense system to inflict a large number of enemy troops has become a vain, and the enemy army has not entered within [-] miles of Tongguan. .

He Yongqing and Huang Huiwu received Huang Han's instructions, to hold Tongguan firmly is a victory, hurry up to train the Guards Army, and strive to expand two more Type B battalions with all military skills up to the standard.

Orders and prohibitions are the basic qualities of generals. He Yongqing and Huang Huiwu devoted themselves to development in Tongguan regardless of whether the fight outside was lively or not.

King Fu paid close attention to the movements of the rogues. When the guards of the royal palace reported that the rogues started to cross the river, King Fu, who had already made full preparations for his escape, immediately abandoned the palace where the pavilions and pavilions complemented each other and fled south.

For the sake of safety, he also hired fifty four-wheeled carriages from Sifang Express and one hundred bodyguards to escort them.

People in Luoyang City were panicked for a long time. Most of the wealthy people fled. Those with official positions could not escape in advance, but they were all ready to abandon the city at any time.

Due to the timely delivery of military information by the banner guards, the "winged tiger" department was able to grasp the information more accurately than the rogues. After learning that Luoyang should be able to go down without a fight, Jin Minghu took the initiative to ask Ying to be the vanguard officer of the army.

Gao Yingxiang fought with the "winged tiger" department for several months in the eighth year of Chongzhen, and admired Jin Minghu's ability to lead troops.

Seeing the "Winged Tiger" department again, I found that these seven thousand young and middle-aged men were all more impressed by the distinctive armor of dragons, spirits and tigers. Seeing that Jin Minghu took the initiative to take the initiative to attack Luoyang, there is no reason to refuse.

Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai and many other big leaders saw Jin Minghu's meritorious deeds and secretly slandered them. They didn't jump out to fight for the merits, and they all had the idea of ​​letting the 7000 men of the "Winged Tiger" department try the water, and it was also to prevent the troops in the headquarters from being injured in the city's offensive and defensive battles. moving bones.

The result was puzzling. Jin Minghu led 7000 troops to the big city of Luoyang and made great achievements.

Jin Minghu was not proud, and continued to invite the battle to attack the city and pull out the village as the vanguard of the army, and was rewarded by Gao Yingxiang.

All the leaders were a little puzzled as to why the great city of Luoyang was captured so easily. Seeing that Jin Minghu was going to make persistent efforts to lead his troops to fight for Kaifeng, they hesitated and did not come forward to disrupt the situation.

Unexpectedly, the next "Winged Tiger" department is indeed a success story, and Xingyang and Kaifeng have been won one after another.

"What the hell did you see? Why are the officers and soldiers so unbearable? Those civilian and military generals who abandoned the city and fled are not afraid of the emperor punishing the nine clans?" Zhang Xianzhong, who often caused disasters in Henan, was puzzled, and cursed and asked Luo Rucai, who was recognized as resourceful among the rogues.

Luo Rucai said with a smile: "The Ming Dynasty is getting worse and worse. Last year, in the first battle, the elite Ming troops from the three sides, Shaanxi, Henan, and Zhongdu were all destroyed. Only the men and horses in the capital camp were left. It is obvious that Emperor Chongzhen's intention was to stick to the capital , Give up Henan.

Local officials are not stupid, how dare they rely on thousands of regiments to compete with our 20 army? "

Zhang Xianzhong suddenly realized: "How can those big Ming officials be willing to do such a fool with a mantis arm as a car? Jin Minghu must have run away without a trace early so that he could take advantage of it."

Luo Rucai said: "He's lucky! It's also our fault that we are a little more careful. Several big cities were raided by the 'Winged Tigers', and we followed behind and couldn't get anything."

(End of this chapter)

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