Chapter 876

Zhang Xianzhong nodded and said: "That's true. The food I robbed during this time is not enough for the sons to fill their stomachs. I have to consume the supplies brought from Shaanxi. It's really not worth it!"

Luo Rucai said solemnly: "Henan has been tossed too hard by us in the past few years. There is not much oil and water. The benefits will be more when you go east and get close to the Grand Canal. I don't plan to follow others to eat ashes. I will lead my sons tomorrow." Pounce on it."

"I think so too, how about we brothers go hand in hand?"

"Okay! It's my wish to join hands with the Eight Great Kings. Let's ask King Chuang for orders!"

It is an indisputable fact that the "Winged Tiger" department has successively attacked and defeated, but the rogues all know that this is completely caused by the Ming army abandoning the city and fleeing, and the "Winged Tiger" department is completely lucky.

It wasn't just Zhang Xianzhong and Luo Ru who quit. The other big leaders of the rogues were also dissatisfied with being robbed of the credit by Jin Minghu, and more and more strange things were said.

At this time, Zhao Shisan received a report from the banner guard, and Caozhou City was still holding on.

Caozhou no longer belongs to Henan, but to the boundary of Shandong, which is under the jurisdiction of Yanzhou Prefecture, the governor of Shandong Chengxuan.

Nearly [-] soldiers, civilians, and officials, under the leadership of Zhizhou Zhu Dadian, worked together to strengthen the city, hoard food and grass, and build defense equipment.

The banner guards also secretly informed Zhao Shisan that the bottom line is refusing to threaten the Grand Canal with bandits and slaves. The "Red Banner Army" in the Mainland is gathering to form the Central Plains Front Army, and will show the bandits near Caozhou.

To play with the rogues, you must be true and false. Jin Minghu still took the initiative to invite Ying to lead his troops to attack Caozhou City.

Zhang Xianzhong was originally at odds with the "Winged Tiger" department. Seeing that Jin Minghu had fought several cheap battles in a row, he still wanted to take advantage of it. How could Jin Minghu's family take advantage of all the advantages?
He jumped out to ask for a fight, and asked Gao Yingxiang to send him to lead his troops to fight forward. Luo Rucai, who had already discussed it, also stepped forward to help, expressing his willingness to join forces with Zhang Xianzhong as the vanguard of the army.

Of course, the "Winged Tigers" under the banner of rogues can't sell dog meat. It is necessary to take down the city and loot, but try not to kill people as much as possible.

The main force of the bandits followed behind, and the "Winged Tigers" gave up robbing food and collecting gold and silver treasures, not letting the common people go, but cheapening the bones of other thieves.

It has been half a month since the bandits crossed the Yellow River. Although they captured the big cities of Luoyang and Kaifeng, as well as more than a dozen counties and prefectures, the harvest was not much, and the food collected was not enough for the army to consume.

However, as the vanguard of the army, the "Winged Tiger" department near the water tower first had a good monthly harvest, a large amount of food, gold and silver treasures, and even meat to eat and wine to drink, which naturally attracted Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai and others to salivate .

Too little was seized, and Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai and other thieves were disappointed. It was obvious that King Fu and King Zhou took their property and ran away with their families, and even the dignitaries followed suit. Henan seems to have nothing to do.

Fan Wencheng gave a suggestion that was unanimously approved by everyone. Continue to attack eastward, hit Shandong and Nanzhili to cut off the Grand Canal, and capture the prefectures and counties along the river. There will be great gains.

The level of economic development near the Grand Canal is well known, and it should be the rich land of Ming Dynasty. The rogues shouted, "Brothers, do you want to drink and eat meat? Hit Shandong and Nanzhili and keep them full!" slogan.

The big leaders under Gao Yingxiang's command challenged one after another, and everyone was unwilling to be left behind.

After all, Jin Minghu is a newcomer, and after making a lot of noise, he had to give face to Gao Yingxiang, the self-proclaimed "King of Qin" of the Puppet Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai, Ma Shouying and others finally got what they wanted, happy to prepare to make a fortune.

Zhu Dadian was once the governor of the water transport and the four prefectures of Lu, Feng, Huai, and Yang. However, he was not born at the right time.

Zhu Dadian, who was repeatedly impeached by the censor and impeached for "lost state and county", "overdue thieves", and "unable to maintain integrity", was demoted twice, and now he is only a fifth-rank Caozhou magistrate.

Zhu Dadian, who was getting worse and worse, learned from the painful experience. Qiu finally made a decision that would lead to his luck. He contacted Xu Mingyang, the governor of Jiangbei, and asked to send military officers to the Caozhou training regiment to practice armed forces.

Of course Zhu Dadian knew about Xu Mingyang's relationship with the "King of Han River", so he could be sure that the military attache sent to Caozhou had something to do with the "Red Banner Army", perhaps it was the military officer of the "Red Banner Army".

Although Xu Mingyang has not been in office for a long time, since the "Red Banner Army" has already established a certain foundation in the four prefectures in Jiangbei, there were no vicious incidents before the autumn grain was put into storage.

It is too important to have food in hand, and you can let go of the people, the regiment training, and the strengthening of the city defense.

Zhu Dadian sent someone to ask for help, of course Xu Mingyang would not ignore it, and immediately contacted Gu Rushan to send a general "Red Banner Army" infantry to the Caozhou training regiment for training.

The rogues occupied many prefectures and counties in Henan, too many officials fled, and Caozhou was also full of soldiers.

Huang Xinguang, who was reused by Zhu Dadian, selected young and middle-aged men with a certain foundation. In three months, more than [-] people have been trained to go out of the country.

They strictly investigated the spies and took the common people within a hundred miles away into the city to escape.

Seeing that the rogues are getting closer and closer to the Grand Canal.

After discussion, Xu Mingyang, Gu Rushan, Lei Mingchun, Lin Shunwen, Wang Xuan, Huang Xinsheng, etc. made a decision to gather troops to form the Central Plains Front Army to fight a fierce battle in Caozhou to fight against the arrogance of the rogues and force them to retreat.

Due to the alliance between the rogue bandits and the Qing army, the more than [-] Manchu and Mongolian cavalry should not be underestimated, and the combat effectiveness of the old camp of the rogue bandits should not be underestimated. It is an established strategy to use the city as a reliance and find opportunities to give the rogue bandits a hard blow.

The five battalions of Gu Rushan, Lei Mingchun, Lin Shunwen, Wang Xuan, and Huang Xinsheng took on this task. Most of these five battalions were recruits. Only the Gu Rushan battalion was a Type A battalion, and the other four battalions were Type B battalions.

There are more than [-] troops, and only [-] cavalry can be used in a centralized manner. However, they have organized ten thousand households with more than [-] troops and recruited [-] brave people from the village.

It is not a problem for the Guards Army to defend the city with the cooperation of the bravery of the township. The more than [-] "Red Banner Army" as a mobile and flexible attack on a group of rogues can completely do it.

What's more, there are many banner guards in the rogue team, and they can pass on important information.

Banner guards are pervasive, not just as the "winged tiger" department of "Infernal Affairs", many banner guards have become middle-level leaders under the command of Gao Yingxiang, Luo Rucai, Zhang Xianzhong, Li Zicheng and other bandits.

(End of this chapter)

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