Chapter 877
If there is no advantage in military strength, it is necessary to use the intelligence obtained to make clever arrangements to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses.

First of all, choose to fight on a battlefield familiar to one's own side, and then use the terrain and cities to arrange the battlefield in advance.

Henan and Zhongdu have a large territory. Even if the rogues and the Qing army have 30 or [-] people, it will not help.

Zhao Shisan and Jin Minghu were very excited after receiving the draft plan for the Central Plains Front Army to deal a blow to the bandits.

Of course, they will actively cooperate with the Central Plains Front Army to complete the tactics, and they will give an affirmative answer. If necessary, they will do their best to kill the rogues or the generals of the Qing army at the expense of exposing their identities.

Jin Minghu didn't brag, he was actually planning to kill Azig or Jierharang. In his mind, princes like Gao Yingxiang and Li Zicheng were nothing, and if he wanted to do it, he had to kill the prince who built slaves!
The "winged tiger" department has developed very well in the Taihang Mountains in the past few years. 500 people knew that they belonged to the "Red Banner Army" on the secret front, and were treated as regular soldiers of the "Red Banner Army". , Low-level military officer.

They serve as leaders at various levels, and often organize secret meetings to convey the strategy of the "Red Banner Army". Make it public.

They have made a change, and have been propagating to their subordinates that the "Winged Tiger" tribe is a bandit. It is a last resort, and they must be strictly disciplined and free from mud.

Generals such as Zhao Shisan, Jin Minghu, Qi Yuguo, etc. also often paint a bright future for their subordinates.

After accepting the reorganization of the imperial court, he will completely shake off the hat of a traitor, urge his subordinates to behave uprightly, encourage his subordinates to fight bravely and win military merits, and strive to become an official and honor their ancestors.

"There is no such thing as a general, a man should be self-improvement." The slogan is also resounding in the Taihang Mountains.

Of the 7000 troops brought out this time, 1000 are recognized soldiers and low-level officers of the "Red Banner Army". Setting fire and returning everything seized to the public can be thoroughly implemented.

The 7000 troops are all mentally prepared to fight the rogues and the Qing army at all times. They have successfully mixed into the rogue camp, and they are only one step away from making contributions. However, how they can retreat from the nest remains to be discussed.

Quite a number of "Winged Tigers" who were already regular soldiers and low-ranking officers of the "Red Banner Army" saw Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai, Li Zicheng, etc. silently writing down their physical characteristics.

The heads of these rogue chieftains signify military achievements, vain money, and the guarantee of conferring their wives and sons in the future. This opportunity must not be missed. Now that these people are so close to me, it is a pity that they will live forever if they don't seize this opportunity!

Seeing the successive victories of the "Winged Tiger" division, Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai, Li Wanqing, etc. all thought that the Ming army was vulnerable, and they led their troops to the east one after another.

Gao Yingxiang, the "King of Chuang and King of Qin", is not what he used to be. He is not only the leader and leading brother elected by the rebels, he has actually completed the armed separatist regime.

Of course, he needs to control the overall situation without taking the lead. He leads the main force to temporarily sit in Kaifeng for the Chinese army.

He ordered Jin Minghu to lead his troops to station in Zhuxian Town on the grounds that the continuous combat of "Winged Tiger" should be repaired. Before coming to Kaifeng, Gao Yingxiang had already let his son-in-law Li Zicheng lead his troops to station in Luoyang...

Taking one step at a time, Gao Yingxiang is no longer satisfied with being the king in Shaanxi. He covets Luoyang and Kaifeng, the two big cities, ancient cities, and the imperial capitals of the former dynasty. He hopes in his heart to occupy Henan and get his hands on the central capital.

Whether you can achieve what you want depends on whether the next battle is fought well, whether you can wipe out a large number of Ming troops and force them to surrender.

It can be seen that the early propaganda of the "Red Banner Army" led to the withdrawal of high-ranking officials, wealthy businessmen and merchants in the two big cities of Luoyang and Kaifeng, which caused the Ming army to directly abandon the two big cities, which had a miraculous effect.

An isolated city is difficult to defend. Instead of carrying a heavy burden and defending the isolated city to create opportunities for the enemy to encircle and fight for help, it is better to throw this burden on the enemy.

Sure enough, Gao Yingxiang and the others began to worry about gains and losses after getting a complete city that had not been destroyed, and they had to divide their troops to guard it.

When the rogues are no longer on the move, there are only two possibilities.

One possibility is that the bandits have become so powerful that they won the world, and there is no need to commit crimes. Another possibility is that they are trapped and unable to escape.

Gao Yingxiang was stunned because he believed that he had the strength to compete in the Central Plains, so it is understandable that he wanted to occupy the two great cities in the Central Plains for a long time.

The news that the rogues entered Henan continued to spread. It was learned that the former leader Gao Yingxiang Gao Chuang led the troops. The remaining rogues who were active in Henan's Funiu Mountain, Wuyanggang, Huguang Tongbai Mountain, Dahong Mountain, Zhongdu Dabie Mountain and other mountainous areas all descended one after another. .

Within a few days, more than a dozen groups of bandits and rogues, large and small, defected to Gao Yingxiang. These rogues had been suppressed and beaten by the "Red Banner Army" and the Ming Army in the Mainland. There are only a few hundred people, and only one group of people is more eye-catching.

The leader of this hustler is Xing Hongniang, who once fought side by side with Zhang Xianzhong and Luo Rucai. This person originally went to the rivers and lakes to fight for a living, and he has practiced martial arts.

Xing Hongniang is also called Hongniangzi. Although she is a woman, she is not weak at all, and she is as murderous as hemp.

Whether she is revolutionary is uncertain, anyway, this kind of person has changed his own life, and the lives of others are not life.

This female thief is very arrogant, and actually snatched a well-known scholar to be the master of the village, and this scholar named Li Yan was willing to be lowly, and actually sincerely advised the rebel.

I don't know if this master is obsessed with Hong Niangzi's fit body and long legs?Willing to throw away his family and business, abandon his wife and become a thief.Anyway, he didn't dislike the bandit wife, Hong Niangzi, and the two of them were like glue.

After the Henan rogues were beaten to a low ebb, Xing Hongniang led his subordinates to retreat into Funiu Mountain to hibernate. During this period, Li Yan played a big role.

He suggested that his wives, who are overwhelmed by force, should continue to guerrilla to snatch big households, and make sure that rabbits don’t eat grass by the side of their nests, treat the mountain people kindly, and give relief food to the poor mountain people when necessary.

The behavior of Xing Hongniang's department in the guerrilla attacks in the Funiu Mountain and Tongbai Mountains is somewhat similar to the way the "Winged Tiger" department developed in Taihang Mountain.

It's just that they are too cruel, regard human life as nothing, and killing innocent people in public is commonplace. Too many landlords and self-cultivating farmers have their homes destroyed and their lives lost.

(End of this chapter)

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