Chapter 878

The mountainous area where Xing Hongniang is active,
Landlords and rich peasants have only two options: flee or die.

The mountain people got the land and lost the exploitation of the government, and they didn't need to pay the land rent. Their life has improved a lot. They know how to repay their kindness and are willing to provide food and grass for Xing Hongniang's department.

Xing Hongniang's department, which has been recognized by the mountain people, is really good at hearing and seeing. It has successfully escaped the encirclement and suppression by the government and army several times, and has grown stronger. Now it has more than [-] troops, and basically everyone has weapons.

Gao Yingxiang felt strange when he saw Hongniang Xing's team, because most of the teams who came to join him were like beggars, but this young team not only had a large number of people, but also had a ruddy complexion and clean clothes.

When inquiring about the details, Xing Hongniang solemnly introduced Li Yan, her husband in the village. Gao Yingxiang learned that this gentleman was not only a scholar, but also a master of Juren in Qixian County, Henan Province, and immediately saluted him as a corporal.

Juren has stepped into the threshold of scholar-bureaucrats and is already an official and lord. Basically, no one will be so low as to become a thief.

Therefore, the alternative Li Juren in the ranks of rogues is a rare commodity. Even if it is to pretend to be Qianjinshi, Gao Yingxiang has to put on a high posture of seeking talents.

Ever since, Gao Yingxiang invited Li Yan to talk about wine and talk, and gradually this senior rebel who was in a period of confusion was attracted by Li Yan's good conversation.

Li Yan, who had only defected to Li Zicheng in Chongzhen 13 years ago, met Gao Yingxiang, who was more charming and commanding than Li Zicheng, one and a half years in advance, and sparks immediately collided.

I heard Li Yan's argument that rebellion is only a matter of smashing the old system and can only treat the symptoms, and only the establishment of a new system can cure the root cause.

Suddenly Gao Yingxiang held Li Yan's hands tightly and said: "You are a dragon and a tiger, a hero with a great strategy, and you will be able to plan great things with this king, start a business, and strive for thousands of miles!"

Li Yan has degenerated into a rogue, just like Fan Wencheng who has forgotten his ancestors and turned to slavery as a traitor. He must make the rogue strong and finally become orthodox before he can return home with face.

Seeing that King Gao Chuang, who had already ruled Shaanxi, regarded him so highly, Li Yan bowed his head and said, "Yan has been wandering for half his life without a branch to rely on. Today, I have to meet the Lord of the Ming Dynasty to see him late. Yan is willing to lead the horse to fall for the Lord." kick!"

Gao Yingxiang laughed out loud, and promised on the spot to appoint Li Yan as a military adviser, ranking above the eighteen generals, and canonize Xing Hongniang as the No. 19 general.

Li Yan changed his destiny and accepted the tolerant Gao Yingxiang as his son. I don't know if it will cause waves again in the troubled times of the late Ming Dynasty?
In the 14th year of Chongzhen in history, Li Zicheng, a wretched man who inherited the legacy of King Gao Chuang, was in full swing. Li Yan publicized among the people:
"The morning seeks promotion, and the evening seeks harmony. Recently, it is difficult for the poor to survive. Open the door early to worship the king, and the discipline is happy."

"Kill cattle and sheep, prepare wine, and open the city gates to welcome King Chuang. When King Chuang comes, he will not pay food."

"Eat his mother, eat her mother, if you don't have enough to eat, you will be King Chuang. If you don't work as an errand, you don't pay your food, everyone has a good time."

As a result, a group of poor people who didn't know the truth believed it was true, and too many people changed from being passive thieves to actively following Li Chuang thief.

Now the lie of "not paying food" has long been exposed. In the past two or three years, "Red Flag Daily" has often published comments on the deception of "not paying food", clarifying that reasonable taxes are the elements that support the operation of the country.

It is clearly pointed out that everyone should not be responsible, who will repair and maintain the Yellow River embankment?Who will build bridges and pave roads?Who will build the city?Who is going to catch the robbers?Who will defend the country?

I don't know what new tricks Li Yan can play without the slogan "Don't pay for food"?

After being reused, Xing Hongniang was allowed by Gao Yingxiang to take in the local bandits and bandits who came to seek refuge in Henan. Within a few days, Xing Hongniang's department had 1 horses.

Cao Cao, Luo Rucai, Eight Great Kings Zhang Xianzhong, Lao Hui Ma Shouying, Chuang Tatian Liu Guoneng, Xie Zikuai Tuo Yangkun, Ge Liyan He Yilong, Sweeping King Zhang Yichuan and a dozen other leaders led their troops to attack eastward, with the goal of capturing the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Nearby Jining Prefecture, Xuzhou and other cities.

The capital of the Ming Dynasty received Liu Zhilun's memorial and learned that the Ming army had successfully contained the rogue bandits and the Qing army's northward attack, and that the enemy had retreated across the Yellow River to Henan. Chongzhen was relieved.

Within a few days, emergency memorials from Zhongdu and Nanzhili came one after another. The rogue soldiers divided into four groups and attacked eastward.

After receiving such a memorial, Chongzhen was not too nervous. He knew the relationship between Jiangbei governor Xu Mingyang and Huang Han, and even more knew that the "Red Banner Army" had already set foot along the Grand Canal during this period.

The "Red Banner Army" will not give up easily in the places where they are involved. Even if they want to abandon the defense, they will spread the word to let the military and civilian officials evacuate in advance.

Dongchang and Jinyiwei have been spying on Zhongdu and Nanzhili. Chongzhen has not received the news of the "Red Banner Army" notifying the cities along the Grand Canal to retreat, which is enough to show that there will not be abandoned.

Chongzhen believed that the bandits were going to harm the Grand Canal, and the "Red Banner Army" refused to give up. The next step would be a big battle. He was looking forward to it, and also wanted to see how powerful the "Red Banner Army" had in the mainland.

The official document jointly submitted by the generals of the "Red Banner Army" in the Mainland was sent to Shanhaiguan in an expedited six hundred miles. At the end of November, Huang Han learned that the generals such as Gu Rushan, Lei Mingchun, and Wang Xuan were planning to launch a blocking war in Caozhou to combat the arrogance of the rogues. arrogance.

It is necessary to replace defense with offense. We cannot wait until the rogues and the Qing army reach the actual control area of ​​the "Red Banner Army" before passively defending. However, the inland troops have to face too many enemy troops, and a fierce battle is bound to hurt muscles and bones.

Huang Han made a decision. He was going to lead the personal guard battalion and all the bicycle infantry to gallop to Caozhou to reinforce the inland troops.

When the generals gathered to assign tasks, the generals outside the pass asked for orders to join the battle. Sun Chuanting, Chen Qiyu, Song Pengfei, Hanzi, Zhang Fengyi, etc. all unanimously asked Huang Han to sit in Shanhaiguan and lead the troops to help.

It is obvious that the civil servants and military generals in the system are worried about Huang Han's safety, and they are afraid of accidents when they learn that he will lead less than 2 horses to aid.

Everyone was kind, and Huang Han had to make a compromise. Not only did he bring Hanzi, Liu Fenyong, Zhang Yang, Wang Zhicheng and other fierce generals, he also added eight thousand general cavalry, making the number of galloping troops reach two More than eight thousand.

Sun Chuanting, the first painting general of the general painting department, Liu Zaiqi, the head of the propaganda team, Zheng Xiaowen, the governor of Sanyong, and other civil officials set off with the army.

In order to hide his strength, Huang Han used to deploy large-scale troops privately by sea, but now nearly 3 people are about to pass through the capital.

In order not to scare the emperor, Huang Han took the initiative to petition the court, stating that [-] recruits from the "Red Banner Army" will go on a long-distance march and training, and hope that the prefectures and counties in the capital city will not make a fuss.

(End of this chapter)

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