Chapter 882

It was freezing cold, and the official road leading to Yongping Mansion from Shanhaiguan, the capital city, was dazzlingly red, and there were countless military and civilian officials who came to watch the "Red Banner Army" cross the border.

The energetic soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" talked and laughed happily, and the town governor and propaganda team kept communicating with them.

"We may not be able to go home for the New Year when we are on a mission this time. Brothers, do you want to go home?"

"Haha, wives and children are hot on the kang, that's after the eradication of Jiannu and the pacification of the world. Let's take advantage of the golden age to make military achievements and fight for the title of wife and son!"

"As for the 10,000+ people, we got the opportunity to enter the pass to fight bandits before the Ping-Liao war. With such a good thing, who cares where we celebrate the New Year!"

"'Hanjiang County King' led the guard battalion to march with us. I think this year I should celebrate the New Year with him in the army. I am really looking forward to it!"

"Yes! Yes! The opportunity is rare, we must perform well and strive to fight a few good battles!"

The governor of the town said loudly: "Damn, it's so cold, brothers, let's sing a song to get rid of the cold, the Yangtze River is rolling in the east, the waves have washed away the heroes, and we are ready to sing."

"... Whether it is right or wrong, success or failure is turned around, and Qingshan is still there..."

The propaganda team opened their voices and began to say: "Don't you see, the Han Dynasty's final army, the weak crowned captives, please invite Changying, ready to sing."

The educated young soldier immediately sang: "Don't you see, Ban Dingyuan, Jueyu Qingqi urges the battle cloud! A man should be in danger, how can the Confucian crown miss this life?..."

The hearty laughter of the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" was earth-shattering, and the heroic singing resounded through the sky...

Hanzi beat his horse and whipped his whip in high spirits, seeing Yongping Mansion in the distance, he asked Huang Han: "Brother Han, we are going to our hometown soon, should we take a detour to go back and have a look?"

Huang Han said with a smile: "It's not necessary, I'm afraid most of the people living in Jiulitai are not the original villagers, the original villagers should have gone to Kaiping Town or 'Tiger Cave City' to settle down.

Didn't you take my old lady to 'Tiger's Cave City' long ago?Yang Danian, Huang Sifang, Yang Hanwei, Huang Nongsheng, etc. seem to have bought residences in 'Tiger's Cave City'. "

Hanzi scratched his head and said: "It seems to be the case. After doing the math, there are really not many old acquaintances in Jiulitai Village, so it's worth not to go!"

Zhang Yang, who was already the head of the first-class battalion, cherished this opportunity to ride horses and march with the head of the family, and stayed close to him. At this time, he interjected:
"Da Lang probably thinks that if you don't return to your hometown, it's like traveling at night in brocade clothes! My luck is better. This time we will pass by Zhangjiaji outside Zhenzi Town. I guess we can see a lot of folks."

Hanzi said: "That's not right, when Brother Han led us to rescue you, didn't you say that Zhangjiaji was destroyed by Jiannu and everyone was coerced?"

"That's right, it was like that at the time. Eight years have passed now. Our 'Red Banner Army' has rescued many people, and many villagers who ran away have also returned. Zhangjiaji is now more lively than before."

Hanzi asked again: "It's been so long, have you found any relatives?"

Zhang Yang said happily: "A few years ago, I found my fifth child. He was only 11 years old when we lost him. It has been five years since we met again. I don't recognize him anymore, but my fifth child recognized me at a glance. The old man Wu is now the small flag officer of the Marine Corps, and he followed Huang Yi to the other side of the ocean."

Huang Han said: "I don't know if the fleet sailing to South and North America is going well, it always makes people worry about it!"

Hanzi said: "Brother Han, don't worry, we went with more than [-] elite soldiers and the most advanced warships and merchant ships.

Besides, didn't you say that as early as 100 years ago, the Xiyi people completed the circumnavigation of the world with a few small armed merchant ships and hundreds of people. "

Huang Han said: "Yes, it stands to reason that there is a [-]% chance of success, but I always feel uneasy when I don't see the fleet come back."


It was the slack season, and when they learned that the "Red Banner Army" was passing through the border, the people in Yongping Prefecture not only did not evade, but also took the initiative to organize strong labor to clear the snow on the official road.

When the team arrived, the nearby villagers gathered around the official road to watch the excitement.

"Everyone in the 'Red Banner Army' must keep in mind that they will not plunder the common people even if they starve to death..." The sound of military songs came from afar, and the crowd erupted, and they also sang this familiar military song.

It was different from any other time. The young girls used to hide away when they saw the army crossing the border, for fear of being seen by the military master. Now they not only did not hide but all put on the clothes they saved for the New Year.

The girls were all dressed up and looked at the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" who were brightly dressed with smiles. I don't know how many young girls who are in love hope to be favored by the soldiers and become heroic wives in the future.

Many soldiers from their hometown in Yongping Prefecture were overjoyed to see their relatives and friends, but they strictly observed discipline and did not leave the team.

The onlookers didn't see the cavalry unit that supposedly ran ahead, but they saw the infantry team on bicycles, and they all felt that their eyes were opened.

A middle-aged man watching widened his eyes and said: "Hey, the 'Red Banner Army' is amazing, everyone has used Hot Wheels!"

A middle-aged man in his 50s and [-]s squinted his eyes and said, "What hot wheels? Where did you see the fire? That thing is called a bicycle, and it's a good thing that was equipped with troops just this spring."

The middle-aged man said: "It's not easy, bro! How do you know so much?"

The middle-aged man said with a proud face: "It's nothing, my family is a member of the military, Er Xiao has already become the reserve chief banner officer of the 'Red Banner Army', and Si Xiaochun has been selected as a recruit. He is often awarded by the town governor because of his good performance Praise, this year should be able to become a regular."

"Hey, hello! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you are a good teacher!"

"I don't know what education is. I only know how to beat it. It's all because I sent my son to a new school early. Now that my son comes back and chats, I, as an old man, can't understand a lot of things!"

"New learning is good! My family is eight years old this year, and has been sent to the new school opened in the county. The school not only does not charge Shu Xiu, but also sends a few books."

"Remember, this is all the grace of the 'King of the Han River', we must repay the favor!"

"Of course, my family's ideal is to become the 'Red Banner Army' and conquer all directions for the 'Hanjiang County King'!"

At this time, an unknown bystander shouted: "'Hanjiang County King' Wan Sheng! The 'Red Banner Army' is mighty!"

Immediately, tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians waved their arms and shouted "Wan Sheng", pushing the atmosphere to a climax...

A total of 1 bicycle infantry crossed the state at a speed of 240 to [-] miles a day, attracting countless eyes and admiration along the way.

Later, everyone heard that bicycles would be sold to the public in a short time, and many people were planning to save money to buy one.

(End of this chapter)

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