Chapter 883 Peaceful Evolution
After the mounted infantry came the cavalry. The main reason why they were arranged to march behind was the spare horses carried by the [-] cavalry companies, a total of more than [-] horses.

More than [-] horses defecated along the way. The scale was so small. The common people had no time to pick up the horse dung in time. If the bicycle infantry followed, wouldn't they be covered in horse dung?
Horse manure is farm manure, and within three days after the cavalry team crossed the border, the people in the villages and towns along the way would collect the manure and keep it as a fertilizer.

Along the way, soldiers, civilians, and officials all saw the difference between cavalry and infantry on bicycles. They could run ahead of cavalry without eating grass, which made more people yearn for bicycles.

The prefectures and prefectures and counties around the route of the army have been encroached on, and the number of military families in the entire Gyeonggi has reached [-].

The "Red Banner Army" bought and occupied a large number of acres in Gyeonggi and handed them over to military families, villagers, and farmers for farming, and collected half of the harvest to contract all the taxes and fees.

The villagers and farmers who cultivated [-] mu of land were given five buckets of miscellaneous grains and six hundred Wen per month. In return, these families had to send a male to participate in military training every three days, and to study in the nearest literacy class for more than half an hour every night.

"Developing people's wisdom and revitalizing people's rights" is easier said than done. Huang Han's method is to improve the knowledge of farmers through education, and gather the scattered farmers around the "Red Banner Army" through military training, so that everyone can feel the power of the collective.

It has been three to five years since this practice, and the Yongping Prefecture area that was first involved has been infiltrated in this way for seven or eight years, and the facts have proved to be very effective.

The most obvious effect is that the local landlord Lao Cai has repeatedly reduced rent and interest rates, passively or proactively not discussing it.

All in all, if Lao Cai, the landlord, does not do this, the original tenants will no longer rent their land, and the fields in their hands will be barren.

Most landlords need to hand in land taxes to the government. If there is no output, wouldn't they need to pay money to support the fertile land in their hands?

Strictly speaking, no one in the Ming Dynasty was actually a slave, let alone a tenant, but a free citizen.

Before the support of the "Red Banner Army", the landlords and rich people had a tacit understanding, and they formed a powerful group to advance and retreat together. Tenants who dared to negotiate with the host family to reduce rent and interest rates would be characterized as troublemakers.

If they refused to rent the land of the owner's family, they would not be able to find a nearby owner's family who would accept them. In the end, they had to take their families and leave the country, so they could only accept it.

The situation has been completely different in the past few years. It has developed into a powerful group of farmers who have been awakened and raised their consciousness, and have the right to speak.

Under the instigation of the banner guards, they advance and retreat together, and negotiate fairly with the landlord. If the landlord does not agree to reduce rent and interest, their fields may not be able to be cultivated.

This is actually not considered an agrarian revolution, and there is no need to draw swords.

Instead, the collective strength of the "Red Banner Army" with a large number of acres supported the tenant farmers, so that they had no worries and dared to conduct labor negotiations.

Huang Han would not let the peasants be exploited to the point of desperation, nor would he go to extremes, nor would he force the landlords to go bankrupt.

As the saying goes, poverty breeds malice, and wealth breeds conscience. It is perverted to regard the rich as enemies, which will eventually seriously damage the foundation of the country and make the country poorer.

The legal land of the rich should of course earn a reasonable income, and the output of [-]% of the land is the bottom line for land rent, and the landlord can no longer be forced to reduce rent.

The stability of the farmers means the stability of the society, and the farmers in Gyeonggi have hope, especially in Jizhou, Tianjinwei, Denglai, and Yongping Prefectures where they don't need to pay the imperial taxes and only need to bear the true colors of the "Red Banner Army". The more the better.

Of course, they are grateful for the kindness of the "King of the Hanjiang River", and it is no exaggeration to describe the "Red Banner Army" crossing the border as a pot of rice.

Peaceful evolution is Huang Han's wish!For this reason, it not only controls the orientation of public opinion from military and political aspects, but also guides Daming Capital to enter the "Red Banner Army" system.

The outflow of capital from Daming has intensified. Many well-known private workshops have moved to the seaside cities under the influence of the "Red Banner Army", and some simply sailed across the ocean to the "Han River Province".

Shaanxi, Henan, Shanxi, Huguang, and Sichuan are basically unable to collect taxes. The direct result is that the taxes in Jiangnan are increasing.

In this era, even Jinxiu Jiangnan cannot withstand natural disasters. Once a flood or typhoon rages, a large number of small owners and farmers will go bankrupt, and refugees will be everywhere.

Moreover, the "Red Banner Army" system imported a large amount of high-quality cotton from India, the country of origin. Thanks to large-scale production, work efficiency has been improved, and technological innovation has improved the width and quality of cotton cloth and saved costs.

The cost price of cotton cloth produced by the "Red Banner Army" system is already less than half that of the products in Songjiang Prefecture. As long as Huang Han Songkou comes to a price reduction promotion, 10,000+ industrial workers related to weaving in Jiangnan may lose their jobs.

The current market is not saturated yet, and there is no need to fight price wars for the time being. Huang Han has maintained restraint, but every year, hundreds of thousands of industrial workers will be added to the system, and Daming's purchasing power has declined due to frequent wars.

As a result, a large amount of cloth produced in Songjiang Prefecture was sold to the "Red Banner Army" system. Huang Han acted on the principle of rotten meat in the pot, and has been urging the system to do everything possible to organize the export of textiles.

After vying for the markets of Quang Nam, Dai Viet, and Little Luzon, they are now looking for the European market. Today, the wide-width canvas coated with tung oil and anti-corrosion produced in the system has become one of the most popular commodities for the Spaniards and Portuguese.

As the production of cotton cloth increases day by day, the next step is to adopt the model of lowering the price of sales. Whether it will destroy Jiangnan's manufacturing industry and cause bad consequences has to be divided into two issues.

The technological revolution is to obtain products with greater output, better quality, and lower cost. Cotton cloth is a necessity of life, and there are so many people who don't cover their bodies.

If the price of cotton cloth can be reduced by [-]%, how many children will not have to run around naked all day long?Can the big girl who loves beauty add a floral dress?

Although the price of cotton cloth products in the system has been reduced by [-]%, the weaving factories in the system can still maintain a gross profit of [-]% to [-]%, while Songjiang cloth not only cannot make profits, but also has to lose at least [-]%, which will definitely directly lead to a lot of manual pressing. Flower, spinning, weaving, printing and dyeing workshops closed down.

If a large number of weavers in the south of the Yangtze River are unemployed, the Ming court will be even worse.

This will ebb and flow, and in another two or three years, Emperor Chongzhen's finances may dry up, while the developing "Red Banner Army" system must be prosperous and strong.

Huang Han has 50 intellectual young soldiers who are less slavish, and has guns and warships that are ahead of the times. It is not a dream to defeat the enemy without fighting.

The great Han nation will never be absent in the age of great voyages, and Chinese, square characters, Tang poetry and Song poetry will spread throughout North and South America.

(End of this chapter)

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