Chapter 884 Tactical Master
Huang Han often mobilized the military and civilians to build and maintain official roads with work relief, and even built concrete roads between many cities that could run five four-wheeled carriages side by side.

Shanhaiguan is less than 3 miles away from the Yellow River, and the road conditions in most areas are good. It took seven days for a small [-] people to arrive.

Since the march was not in a hurry, there was no loss of personnel, and no one was left behind, so all the soldiers were physically strong.

This is the result of non-slack and hard training. It is common for the "Red Banner Army" to run ten miles a day in training. Under normal circumstances, they carry sixty catties for ten miles across the country.

Therefore, infantry can ride bicycles with ease even if they ride six hours a day.

The cavalry with two horses for transfer can run more than two hundred miles a day for more than half a month, and only ran for seven days. Of course, everyone is full of energy, and there is no doubt about the state of the best horses.

The civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty were all paying attention to the "Red Banner Army". Many officials and dignitaries even changed into casual clothes and brought their confidantes to wait on the only way to pass.

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, their purpose is to witness this invincible and invincible army with their own eyes.

It's not that these people care about state affairs. Of course, there are also some officials who put state affairs first and want to see the legendary teacher of civilization and benevolence and righteousness with their own eyes.

But the vast majority of civilian and military generals want to bet on the right treasure. Only after seeing the strength of the "Red Banner Army" with their own eyes can they be confident in investing boldly, and only then will they look for opportunities to join the "King of the Han River".

Many civil servants and military generals had seen the cavalry team with people like tigers and horses like dragons when they were in the capital before, but it was the first time to see [-] to [-] at a time. The most impressive thing for everyone was the mounted infantry.

When the Han Chinese army did not rely on war horses for mobility, the shortcomings of the Han Chinese's poor riding skills no longer existed, and it saved five or six years of training Han Chinese peasants to become cavalry.

I don’t know how many injuries will be caused during the five or six years of training. Not only do the soldiers need to pay blood and sweat, but the court also needs to pay a lot of food and salaries. On Jian slaves and Tartars.

Well now, with the infantry on bicycles who can easily move two or three hundred miles a day, everything becomes so simple.

As long as they have an absolute superiority in numbers, the infantry will follow the enemy cavalry on bicycles unhurriedly. It will be harmless to follow for three to five days. After ten days and a half months, the enemy's horses will be exhausted. If they persist for another ten and a half months, the enemy Half of the army horses will be exhausted to death.

This is not an exaggeration, the stamina of a war horse cannot be compared with that of a human, and a person riding a bicycle cannot catch up with a war horse in a short period of time, but as long as he does not follow the wrong direction after running for a day or two, he will definitely be able to keep up.

Of course, the future tactics will be to equip the infantry on horseback with about [-]% of the elite cavalry, and the cavalry will follow and conduct scouting warfare.

The enemy cavalry dared to fight decisively, and the mounted infantry blocked all the bicycles in front of the army formation, slowed down the sprinting speed of the enemy cavalry, and then lined up guns and fired salvos behind the formation. As long as the number has an absolute advantage, it is easy to win the war.

Too many dignitaries and dignitaries were inexplicably excited after seeing the new arm of the "Red Banner Army" riding infantry. They can be sure that they have made the right choice. Bicycles are really as good as Sun Yuanhua, Wu Xiang, Zhang Fengyi, etc. introduced. essential.

Such a good thing is definitely a hot item when it is sold in the market. The main structure of bicycles is made of steel. It can be seen that investing in steel plants, coking plants, and vehicle plants will definitely be profitable.

There are also many high-ranking officials who have regretted their intestines, and they have waited and waited to see. Unexpectedly, the first batch of capital raised by the "Hanjiang County King" will be in place in a few days. If you want to invest now, you have to wait for the next one. batch of items.

As for what the next batch of projects will be, no one can say for sure, it has to be decided according to market conditions, the staff of the "Sifang Bank" who received you adults can't give an accurate answer, but can only guess that it should be steelmaking, shipbuilding, and cannon casting for the mainstream.

Among the dignitaries who began to regret not taking out the money to subscribe for the shares were Zhou Kui and Tian Hongyu, the father-in-law of Emperor Chongzhen.

His relative, Zhou Kuinai, was from Suzhou, the father of the empress. In his early years, he made a living by practicing medicine and divination on the streets. He was a miser, short-sighted and penniless.

The patriarch of the dynasty who was canonized as Jia Ding Bo was praised by too many civil servants and military generals, but Huang Han never ignored him, and he didn't dare to provoke the powerful "Hanjiang County King", so he could only lose his temper at home.

Tian Hongyu is the father of Concubine Tian, ​​who has the false title of Commander of the Jinyiwei, and has a real position equivalent to the signing of the Jinyiwei. Due to his status as a foreign relative, Li Ruolian, the real commander, usually gives him three points.

This person is better than Zhou Kui, at least he has special skills, he is better at nurturing young girls, and because of his meticulous training of Tian Xiuying, he has reached the sky in one step.

Tian Hongyu was used to drilling camps, and seeing the "King of Hanjiang County" in full swing, he had an idea in his mind. He went south to Yangzhou and Suzhou to find a beautiful woman with both talents and looks for training for a period of time, and gave it to the King of Hanjiang County as a big gift.

When Huang Han led the army to the north bank of the Yellow River, it was already noon on the thirteenth day of the twelfth lunar month in the 11th year of Chongzhen. Thirty riders from the scout team sent by Gu Rushan finally saw the "King of Han River".

The task of the scouts is to report the plan of the Central Plains Front Army to launch an attack, and hope to get the cooperation of the reinforcements.

Huang Han looked at the plan, and handed it over to Sun Chuanting, a master tactician, to organize and complete the painting with the army. An hour later, the Chinese army beat drums and gathered generals.

The intelligence indicated that the rogue bandits and the Qing army attacked eastward in several routes, obviously intending to reach Nanzhili and loot along the Grand Canal.

The Qing army seemed to be more cautious and deliberately left the vicinity of the Yellow River. They took down several counties around Xuchang, and now they have joined forces with old Hui Hui Ma Shouying, Xie Zikuai Tuo Yangkun, Ge Liyan He Yilong, and sweeping king Zhang Yichuan to capture Luyi.

It can be seen from this that when the aid troops rush to Caozhou, they will not encounter [-] Manchurian cavalry within a day or two. The enemy is only the mob led by Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai, Liu Guoneng and others.

Sun Chuanting really didn't like the fighting power of the rogue bandits. He suggested a quick battle, and the recruits would go directly to Caozhou without stopping for a moment.

Nearly [-] "Red Banner Army" elites are here, even if the Qing army is nearby, it is no big deal. Sun Chuanting's suggestion was supported by Huang Han and the generals.

Before assigning the task, Huang Han specially called the propagandist and the town governor above Baizong to hold a brief briefing.

Order the governors and propagandists of the town to intensify efforts to persuade them to surrender, and urge the soldiers not to be red-eyed, and to capture as many prisoners as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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