Chapter 886 Defeat like a mountain

There are nearly 20 rogues and refugees outside the city. Zhu Dadian uses binoculars to look into the distance and feels terrified, while the young Wang Xuan looks calm and unmoved.

After being attacked by bandits for six days in a row, the general took time out and arranged for his subordinates not to fight too hard, but to take their time, and all the soldiers under his command happily agreed.

The calmness of the "Red Banner Army" made the other soldiers and civilians who were assisting in the defense extremely stable.

The telescope used by Zhu Dadian was a gift from Huang Xinguang, who led the general infantry to Caozhou to help defend in autumn.

After getting the binoculars, Zhu Dadian felt like a treasure, and since then he has liked to use the binoculars to look at the scenery at the top of the city.

However, the scenery of thousands of miles of ice and snow has disappeared, and what you see in the telescope is the rogues driving the refugees with shoddy ladders, shield cars with unpeeled bark, and car crashes.

The soldiers and civilians who defended the city shouted in unison: "Don't be afraid, folks, lie down on the spot thirty steps away from the city wall, and we will not shoot those who lie down and hold their heads with their hands."

"Folks, turn the shield car to face the bandits, hide behind the shield car and don't run around, so as not to be accidentally injured."


In the blink of an eye, six days had passed since the offensive and defensive battle, and Caozhou successfully attracted 20 million bandits and refugees.

In the six days, the rogues rushed to attack the city due to lack of preparation and were defeated many times. They seemed to learn from the pain and forced the vagrants to make a lot of siege equipment. Although they were simple, they could better block arrows and lead bullets.

There are countless shield vehicles and rush vehicles in use today, and many refugees are forced to carry the door panels they found to cover the rogues approaching the city wall.

Wang Xuan saw that if he didn't act in a serious manner, the arrogance of the rogues would become more arrogant, and the refugees would think that the Ming army could not hold Caozhou and instead simply served the rogues to help the tyrants. It was time to raise the red flag to show their identity.

In Caozhou City, there are forty small Francophone guns carried by the "Red Banner Army", half of which are one-pound guns and half of which are three-pound guns. They have not been fired in order to hide their strength.

Just when the rogues were cheered up by Zhang Xianzhong and rushed to the main attacking west city wall fifty paces away, the artillerymen who were ordered to fire fired a volley of ten cannons.

Immediately, the seven or eight shield chariots that were still advancing thirty steps into the city wall fell apart, and the rogues hiding inside were covered in blood and screamed again and again.

Immediately afterwards, dazzling red flags were erected on the top of the city, and thousands of people sang discipline songs in unison, and the singing sounded several miles away.

"Everyone in the 'Red Banner Army' must keep in mind that they will starve to death and never plunder the common people..."

Suffering deeply, numb, confused, and resigned to their fate, the refugees who were forced to attack the city by the bandits who broke their homes were like walking corpses, and suddenly their bodies trembled violently.

The prestige of the "Red Banner Army" is familiar to the common people in the Central Plains, and the benevolence and righteousness of the "Red Banner Army" is well known to the soldiers and civilians of the five provinces. After hearing the deafening and loud military songs, too many refugees who have become numb have strong reactions.

An elder shivered and said, "No wonder Caozhou City is indestructible. It turns out that the 'Red Banner Army' is guarding it."

A man about [-] or [-] years old burst into tears, and he said: "Father, we are not dead all the time, Caozhou has the 'Red Banner Army' to rescue the suffering, and we have the possibility of being rescued, so we immediately put the shield chariot Turn around and hide behind."

"Son! Dad is old, it doesn't matter this old life, you must live on. I don't know the size of the mountain and whether the second and younger families escaped? Alas! It's all my fault, if I heard the 'red flag' earlier Army's propaganda, if you hide in the mountains early, you won't be implicated."

In fact, this elder is only in his early fifties, and he should be considered a mature man in future generations. However, due to his hard life, he looks like an old man.

"Father, don't say these things are useless. If you want to live, you still want to marry me a wife!"

"Hey! Dad promises you, live! Live well! With the 'Red Banner Army' in Caozhou, we can survive!"

The second round of firing from the ten Franco cannons deployed in the east city started again, and several heavy vehicles and rams that were still approaching the city wall despite the advice were destroyed.

At this time, a hundred loud voices deliberately organized by the city of Caozhou shouted in unison: "Ten thousand 'red flag troops' are stationed in Caozhou. A thief is a way of no return!"

"Did you see those shield carts and rush carts? Under the shelling of our 'Red Banner Army', they are as fragile as paper. Quickly tell the folks who are still pushing the carts that it is no joke to be shot!"

"Folks, get down quickly and don't hold weapons in your hands. Next, I will show you what will happen to those rogues wielding knives and forcing you to be cannon fodder!"

The Mini gunners who were ready opened fire, and because they had already aimed at unknown targets, the hundreds of Mini bullets seemed to know people, and most of them penetrated into the bodies of the leaders of the bandits.

The point killing is still going on, there are no big or small bandits in the shooting world, so they can only take the second place and choose to snipe and kill some well-dressed bandits with standard weapons in their hands.

For six consecutive days, I have never been shot at a hundred paces away. The big and small leaders of the bandits who supervised the battle were all dictating in what they thought was a safe zone.

When the rogues fought against the wind, there were so many people and murderous intent, but seeing some of the formerly fierce leaders were beaten to pieces, some had their stomachs broken and rolled on the ground, crying, leaving bloody intestines all over the place.

The rogues suddenly felt goosebumps all over their bodies and chills on their backs, and they screamed one by one:

"Oh my god, the 'Red Banner Army' is well-deserved of its reputation. The blunderbuss seem to have eyes and are accurate and ruthless. Brothers, quickly throw away the knives and get down on the ground."

"Fuck the Eight Great Kings and his eight generations of ancestors, where are the gold and silver treasures in Caozhou City, the beautiful girl is waiting for us, it is the guns of the 'Red Banner Army'!"

"I was fooled, I was fooled, we were fooled by the Eight Great Kings, the ancestors of Japan, brothers, run away if you want to survive!"

"Run, run, brothers, don't be stupid, can you survive by throwing away your weapons and lying on the ground? There is no need for the 'Red Banner Army' to fire guns, and those people who have been harmed by us will not let us go."

A young man who had just been a bandit for a few days had trembling calves and exclaimed, "Wait, brother, I'm afraid, what if I get hit on the back by the 'Red Banner Army' when I run?"

The old thief in his thirties is the youngest leader, he should be equivalent to the Ming army corps commander and small banner officer. He is a fellow of the young man. Seeing the young man in such a state, he frightened him and said:

"The knife in your hand is thrown away in tatters, and you are afraid of a ball? People's 'Red Banner Army' will not beat you, an idiot! If you don't hurry up and escape, the refugees will tear you up later. Do not believe?"

(End of this chapter)

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