Chapter 887

The young man had not been a thief for a long time, and he had never killed anyone, nor did he dare to kill anyone, but he saw his companions murder and set fire to do things like beasts with his own eyes.

At this time, I looked at the refugees around me, and found that their eyes were full of jokes and malicious intentions.

"Mom!" The rogue little thief whose legs were so frightened suddenly plucked up his courage and started to run, outrunning most of the old thieves in a short while...

"You bastard, if you slip so fast, you won't be afraid of being beheaded by the old battalion superintendent." The old thief is naturally a thief, he refuses to run in the forefront when he charges, and he also doesn't take the lead when he is defeated.

Originally the battle was fought well, but Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai and others thought that they had made enough preparations and that they should be able to attack the city this time. Unexpectedly, the sound of rumbling guns and crackling blunderbuss shattered their illusions.

After that, the army was defeated like a mountain, and the minions rushed back like a tide, and each of them hated their parents for losing two legs.

Zhang Xianzhong saw hundreds of red flags suddenly appearing on the top of Caozhou City, and he was inexplicably astonished. He said, "When will the 'Red Banner Army' be stationed in Caozhou? Could it be a bluff?"

Luo Rucai had a binoculars captured from a general of the Ming army in his hand. He had already seen more than a dozen Franco cannons, and said, "Eighth King, we have been fooled. There are definitely 'Red Banner Army' soldiers stationed in Caozhou City, and there are not many of them. There will be few, no wonder the Ming army is confident."

Zhang Xianzhong yelled strangely: "How can we fight this battle? The men under his command are as afraid of the 'Red Devil' as a tiger, and they were frightened before not many people died, and ran back one by one with all their strength."

Luo Rucai said: "Eighth King, are you stupid? Still want to fight? Withdraw quickly, since the 'Red Banner Army' in Caozhou City has been silent for six days to lure us to organize a siege, there must be a conspiracy in it, maybe the people who surrounded and wiped out us have already Nearby."

Zhang Xianzhong suddenly realized, and said: "That's true, you can't stay here for long, hurry up!"

More than [-]% of Guide Mansion in Henan Province and Yanzhou in Shandong Province are large plains. It is not easy for Gu Rushan, Lei Mingchun, etc. to lead [-] soldiers to hide, so they hid in a relatively remote clan armed stockade to wait for the opportunity.

Because there were only [-] cavalry, the assault force was limited. After discussing with Lin Shunwen and Huang Xinsheng, Gu Rushan decided to hand over all the cavalry to Lei Mingchun's command, and he, Lin Shunwen and other generals led the infantry.

Among the five main battalions of the Central Plains Front Army, only Gu Rushan was the A-type battalion. Of course, his leader was richer than the four B-type battalion leaders Lei Mingchun and Lin Shunwen, so he was of course the chief decision-maker of the five-member regiment.

In order to ensure that the troops deployed in the interior would not be used by the imperial court, Huang Han's first consideration when dispatching generals was loyalty.

The four leading generals in the formed Central Plains Front Army were all disciples of the personal guards, and the other leading general of the second battalion was Huang Xinsheng, a war orphan adopted in the first batch.

They not only love the group of "Red Banner Army", but also obey the orders of the patriarch Huang Han. They are all eager to gain military merit and stand out in the fierce competition.

Huang Han has taught by example over the years, Gu Rushan, Lei Mingchun, etc. all know that they should treat the trilogy well, and try their best to win the greatest victory with the least casualties.

Therefore, they were not reckless, and arranged carefully. One reason why they waited for six days without attacking was that the rogues' attack on Caozhou City was frustrated, reducing morale and increasing casualties.

The second reason is that the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry appeared in Gaochengzhuang, less than [-] miles away from Caozhou.

Henan has been plagued by wars for many years, and it is difficult to survive the troubled times without building a stronghold to protect a family. Therefore, there have been many Zhuangzi with deep trenches and barriers in the Central Plains. These Zhuangzi still have the ability to deal with the attacks of hundreds or thousands of bandits.

But encountering tens of thousands of rogues would be a disaster. If there were tens of thousands of Mongolian cavalry who used cavalry to suppress the young and middle-aged guarding Zhuangzi and throw logs and stones, Zhuangzi, villages, and villages would not be able to avoid the fate of being robbed.

The Qing army and the rogue bandits Zuo Liangyu were like-minded. In order to increase the efficiency of looting, they basically used [-] rogue bandits to cooperate with [-] Manchu cavalry to raid clan armed stockades and rob food, livestock, gold, silver and treasures.

It has been a month since they entered Henan, and the Qing army, which has increased the scope of looting, has broken through hundreds of villages, towns, cottages, and Zhuangzi, and collected a large amount of food and property.

Bullock carts, horse-drawn carts, and wheelbarrows are not only full of grain, but even slaughtered pigs and sheep are carried on the back-up horses.

Seeing that the food collected can support the army for two or three months, Fan Wencheng, Azig, and Jierhalang already thought that the trip was worthwhile.

When they retreated, they could also kill the cattle, mules, and donkeys that had no food to carry, and abandon those Han people who had been captured to push and drive carts.

When leaving the customs, it is enough to ensure that Yiqi has two pack horses full of grain and horse feed, and detours to Mobei to go home.

At that time, the ice and snow melted, and the war horses and draft horses could eat tender grass, and a few catties of concentrate were supplemented every day. As long as two horses could be transferred and they could not march more than [-] miles a day, it was completely possible to maintain their horsepower.

Jiannu and Tartar had already planned in their minds to return home safely after completing the mission assigned by Chongde, so there was no possibility that they would fall into the Central Plains battlefield, and it was even more impossible to take the initiative to fight fiercely with the "Red Banner Army".

Lei Mingchun personally led the scout team to closely monitor the movements of several bandits and the Qing army. Because of his outstanding riding skills, he was selected by Huang Han as his personal bodyguard eight years ago.

In recent years, due to Huang Yi and Huang Ang's relentless education, he barely passed the cultural examination and was officially included in the ranks of military officers.

His force value was not weaker than that of Jianu Ba Yala, and now he has two selected Arabian horses for transfer, wearing a tailor-made all-steel breastplate, winding soft armor and cotton armor, Jiannu's cavalry It is also difficult to penetrate directly with a bow of thirty steps.

As early as five years ago, he trained hard to release the gun, and now the shooting level of the short gun and the long gun has reached the level of precision, especially the rapid drawing of the short gun on the horse and shooting is as proficient as flowing water.

Under normal circumstances, hot weapon cavalry will be equipped with two short guns, Lei Mingchun is different, he always likes to carry four, so if a fierce man like him encounters three Jian slaves from Gebush's Xianchao Ha camp, it is possible Fight and win.

Lei Mingchun, who led everyone to report, was so fierce, and the selected more than [-] scouts were even more unwilling to show weakness. They often followed the Qing army, and there were many encounters with each other, causing casualties. The "Red Banner Army" scouts had obvious advantages .

It is possible that the Qing army gradually moved away from the Yellow River because it was discovered that it was being targeted by Yibiao's suspected "Red Banner Army" cavalry.

(End of this chapter)

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