Chapter 888 Disarm but not kill
Lei Mingchun personally found out that the main force of the Qing army had appeared near Luyi County, four to five hundred miles away from Caozhou.

He thought that the time to attack was completely ripe, so he returned to the covert area to contact Gu Rushan, Lin Shunwen and other generals.

Although the Central Plains Front Army was eager to fight, but in order to avoid excessive casualties, they had to carefully arrange and wait patiently. Lei Mingchun confirmed that the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry had gone away, and Gu Rushan immediately issued an order to attack.

When the 5000 troops of the Central Plains Front Army appeared [-] miles south of Caozhou, Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai, Liu Guoneng, etc. had already learned that the "Red Banner Army" was stationed in Caozhou and was leading a large retreat.

They were all about to retreat, the bandits had no fighting spirit, and suddenly found that the red flag in the south was flying and thousands of troops were coming to kill them.

Most of the rogues screamed "Oh my god!" and turned around and ran away.

Some of the rogues said "Dang lang lang!", threw away their knives and bowed their heads, and said in their mouths:
"Grandpa 'Red Banner Army' spare your life, we have never been willing to be bandits, we were forced to do nothing by that thief Zhang Xianzhong."

The town governor and propagandists have been propagating that this is not a national war, and the killing should not be too heavy.

Therefore, the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" all knew that capture was the main thing, and they all had the knowledge to settle accounts. They knew that leaving a rogue's life and being sentenced to several years of labor reform would add at least 100 silver coins to the system.

The infantry, armed with bayonet-mounted blunderbuss and miniguns, marched forward in formation, shouting: "The 'Red Banner Army' does not slaughter prisoners of war, but also gives them enough food. Those who want to survive throw away their weapons and kneel down with their heads in their hands!"

"Disarm and don't kill! Hurry up and kneel down, dare to fight against the corner and die!"

When the bandits suffered defeat, the refugees were the first to be abandoned, followed by the infantry, and often the old horse bandits had a chance to escape.

The horse thieves led by the leader of the bandits are all senior thieves. As long as they escape, a few of them may be revived. In history, Li Zicheng was ambushed by Sun Chuanting and Hong Chengchou in the south of Tongguan. .

The reason why Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai, and Liu Guoneng were able to be thieves for ten years without dying is because they were more clever, and when they realized that the momentum was wrong, they immediately ran away.

Today was no exception. Hearing the sound of gunfire in the south, Zhang Xianzhong and other big-bosses led the old battalion cavalry to the northeast, never taking a second look at the abandoned refugees and infantry.

Zhang Dingguo is one of Zhang Xianzhong's adopted sons. He is physically strong and has a high force value, and he owns two tall horses to ride.

This person is the famous Jin Wang Li Dingguo in the Southern Ming Dynasty. Now he is only eighteen years old and has not become famous in one fell swoop, but he has already shown military talent.

Zhang Dingguo likes to study tactics and equipment. When Zhang Xianzhong fought against the Ming army, he also seized a small amount of self-generated guns, armor, helmets, and shields from the "Red Banner Army" system.

This is not surprising, except for miniguns, Francophone guns, field guns, hot air balloons, such as arquebus guns, self-generated guns, hundred-steel sabers, armor, fine steel shields, etc., as long as the generals of the Ming army can afford the price, they can able to buy.

Therefore, most of the generals, generals, and guerrillas of the Ming Dynasty not only wear the all-steel armor produced by the "Red Banner Army" system, but also equip their confidantes, but it is too expensive, and few servants get all-steel equipment.

After Li Dingguo discovered that the self-generated blunderbuss of the "Red Banner Army" could easily penetrate the mountain armor within fifty steps, he gave up using the two-handed saber stick and practiced holding a light round steel shield about fifteen catties in one hand and Slash and kill the enemy with a ten-jin ghost-head knife.

It is obvious that he has a thorough understanding that the first element of killing the enemy is to better protect himself from being hurt.

Li Dingguo came to the conclusion that the "Red Banner Army" produced sharp guns, and only the steel shield produced by the "Red Banner Army" system could withstand lead bullets, so he planned ahead.

Today it finally played a role. Li Dingguo and a dozen of his subordinates who had been trained for a long time and held steel shields covered Zhang Xianzhong's run, and they really blocked a lot of lead bullets.

30 years in the east and 30 years in the west of the river means that the Yellow River often changes its course. Caozhou was originally in the north of the Yellow River. Due to the diversion of the Yellow River, it is now in the southeast of the Yellow River.

The "Red Banner Army" led by Huang Han himself, with nearly 3 horses, is crossing the river from here to the east of Caozhou City.

It is known that the three big leaders Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai, and Liu Guoneng and many middle and small leaders attacked Caozhou. The propaganda team immediately published portraits and distributed them to generals above the general banner officer.

The portraits of the "Red Banner Army" are not abstract works like the ones on the arrest warrant of Ming Dynasty. They are sketches drawn by propaganda team members who have graduated from professional painting after dictation by rogues and flag guards who are familiar with Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai, etc.'s appearance.

After the first draft of the portrait is completed, someone who knows the bandit leader will be asked to re-identify it to see what is different and what needs to be revised.

This is not cramming, but preparations have been made several years ago. The portraits of well-known bandits and generals of the Qing army were printed and distributed to the soldiers of the banner organizations for identification.

Even the appearance characteristics of the slave chieftain Hong Zaishi and the thief Gao Yingxiang were remembered by most of the "Red Banner Army" soldiers.

At this time, it was confirmed that the big boss of the bandits was about to face, and the portrait was sent again to increase the impression, and strive to capture or kill these thieves alive.

Zhang Xianzhong has a distinctive appearance. He is tall, has a yellow face, and a big chin. He is so ugly that he can be easily identified.

There are notes on the portraits of him and Li Zicheng, and they are listed as the second and third most important criminals after Gao Yingxiang respectively. Luo Rucai is ranked seventh after Ma Shouying, and Zuo Liangyu is ranked fourth after Li Zicheng.

Zhang Xianzhong was listed as the No. [-] criminal before Li Zicheng because Zhang Xianzhong was more cruel and vicious than Li Zicheng, and more destructive.

The thief's luck was too bad. When he fled, he encountered [-] cavalry led by the fierce generals Hanzi, Gu Kui, Yan Congyou, Wang Zhicheng, Liu Fenyong, Zhang Yang, etc. of the "Red Banner Army".

Luo Rucai, Liu Guoneng, Zhang Xianzhong and other old cavalry troops had a total of less than 1 cavalry, and they were almost unable to fight back when they encountered nearly double the elite cavalry of the "Red Banner Army".

In fact, there are not enough companies in the rogue cavalry that can meet the cavalry standard, and most of them come from the former Daming Frontier Army cavalry who fell into bandits.

They saw the red flag fluttering, and found that the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" wrapped in steel came rushing like a tide of steel. How could they dare to fight?

They used their riding skills to escape one after another. They didn't expect to outrun the "Red Banner Army" knights, but only wanted to outrun their companions.

(End of this chapter)

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