Chapter 889
All the "Red Banner Army" cavalry cheered when they ran into thousands of rogue horse thieves head-on. This joy really came from the bottom of my heart.

Suddenly encountered the boundless torrent of "Red Banner Army" cavalry, all the bandits wailed, and the fear in their hearts was beyond words.

"Brothers! This is the time to kill the thief, go!" The knights of the Red Banner Army bravely took the lead!

"Damn it! It's the 'Red Banner Army', brothers, run! One step too late and you'll die!" Everyone was terrified by the bandits and horse thieves.

The fierce general Wang Zhicheng took the lead by brandishing a knife and stick, and immediately three veteran horse thieves were beaten to the point that their brains burst and fell off the horse.

A young general with good riding skills who followed him was unambiguous. He took out his own short gun and killed a horse bandit, and then swung his saber across the back of a fleeing horse bandit, and the blood rushed suddenly...

Because of his culture and good thinking, this young man is already a governor at the general level. He is only one level away from the general level. He is Shi Lang who was deliberately changed by Huang Han.

Celebrities in history are really awesome, and they really lived up to the old saying "there is no man without a reputation". After Shi Lang became a cavalryman, he went up every battle with his meritorious service.

Since he had already studied in the academy for ten years before joining the army, he had a good cultural background, and now he has a military position of five ranks, a thousand households, and is actually awarded the governor of the town.

Shi Lang was wearing an all-steel breastplate. Since it was in concealment mode, in order to increase his field of vision, he pushed the visor above the helmet, revealing his flushed face from excitement.

He had two self-generated short guns, and he was not willing to empty one of the remaining ones at this time, because he didn't want to waste time on the horse to complete the second reload, so he swung the saber directly.

It's not that Shi Lang's reloading skills are not good enough, but that the black powder front-loading guns of this era have complicated reloading steps. In the state of galloping horses, no one can guarantee the quality of reloading under violent shaking.

Moreover, in order not to cause the loaded self-generated guns to drop lead bullets and sprinkle gunpowder when the horse is jolting, the short guns equipped by the cavalry do not use Minie bullets, and there is no gap reserved, which makes loading more difficult. Elliptical buckshot slammed into the chamber.

Under normal circumstances, when the cavalry loaded the short gun, they had to use the handle of the saber to smash the steel rod to complete the loading, which of course wasted time.

Compared with the firearm cavalry, in this state of concealment, the cold weapon cavalry has more advantages, especially the cavalry and archers who account for less than [-]% of the "Red Banner Army" cavalry.

At this time, they all adopted the tactics of shooting ten feather arrows in one breath, and then wielding cold weapons to fight, the effect was good and the results were numerous.

The cavalry of the old battalion of rogue bandits fled immediately after encountering the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army", which made the situation on the battlefield one-sided.

Even Wang Zhicheng, who likes smashing the enemy's skull with a knife and stick the most, realized that there is no need to kill them all and capture as many prisoners as possible.

So he bravely killed the enemy while riding his horse and wielding a knife and stick, and shouted loudly: "Those who dismount and surrender will not die. Don't have illusions. Jiannu and Tartars are not opponents of the cavalry of the 'Red Banner Army'. Hugh said, wait." !"

Thousands of cavalry from the Guard Battalion also led by Gu Kui and Yan Congyou shouted loudly: "Whoever dismounts and surrenders will not die!"

Suddenly there was a burst of dog barking, which was the excited barking of the military dogs on the backs of Ge Daben, Gu Jixiang and the three hundred cavalrymen.

Gu Jixiang, the governor of the guard camp, announced the order loudly: "The cavalry team of the old battalion of rogue bandits is the chief culprit. We must not let them go. This time, we must chase them to heaven and earth!"

Immediately, the young cavalrymen of the personal guard camp shouted one after another: "Annihilate and capture the bandits and horse thieves, not one will be spared, brothers, speed up! Go!"

"Brothers, keep your eyes open, don't get rid of Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai and the like!"

"Who saw the yellow-faced, tall thief Xian? Who saw the fair-faced Luo Rucai?"

"Don't talk nonsense, just arrest a few bandit leaders and ask them."

"I don't care who he is, as long as he doesn't surrender, he will cut off his head. Brothers, whoever is going to fight with me! Kill!"

The young cavalry guards, who were fanatical at the sight of blood, yelled and rampaged, as if they were in the land of no one.

Among them was a young military officer who charged the fastest, he didn't appear impatient to grab military merit, but he saw his elder brother Shi Lang who was charging with a saber not far ahead.

After two or three years of hard training, he participated in cavalry duels no less than five times. Now Shi Xian is no longer a rookie, and he can play with short guns, long spears and sabers on horseback.

He, Huang Ang, Li Zhi'en and other seven disciples, the guards, are now part-time governors of the town, and they mingle with the soldiers of the guards, which is equivalent to studying and practicing at the same time.

Shi Xian loves the group "Red Banner Army" very much, and he likes the big family of the Guards Camp even more. Seeing his elder brother from a distance, he is especially eager to let his elder brother see his heroic posture of leaping horse and wielding a knife. He has a lot to say to his elder brother.

Young soldiers are the most enthusiastic about killing the enemy, and they are also the most loyal soldiers. They take the lead in every battle and make great achievements in battle.

Huang Ang, Li Zhi'en and other eight disciples guards have not caught nothing today, and they have captured and captured dozens of people.

Seeing that Shi Xian didn't even catch the captives and rushed forward to kill them, they didn't know that it was because Shi Xian saw his brother and went to chase them. They thought that Shi Xian had found Zhang Xianzhong, the No.

Since it was the coldest winter and the ground was frozen, several thousand horse thieves were running everywhere in the winter fields, and it was more time-consuming to catch the alive than to kill them directly.

Most of the real war horses are the elite of the old battalion. They outperformed [-]% of their companions and gradually opened up a distance from the pursuers.

When they were attacked by the Central Plains Front Army of the "Red Banner Army", the bandits had already sensed the danger and were retreating in order to get rid of the encirclement and annihilation. Therefore, the three biggest leaders, Zhang Xianzhong, Liu Guoneng, and Luo Rucai, ran together.

Unexpectedly, when running west, they met the main cavalry who had crossed the Yellow River and launched a surprise attack. Zhang Xianzhong, who had been confident, and others immediately stopped cooking. Before anything happened, there were less than 2000 troops around.

Liu Guoneng, who had some thoughts in his heart, didn't want to continue mixing with the Eight Great Kings, so he slowed down deliberately and fell behind.

Hearing the sound of shouting and killing behind him, the thief's scalp was numb, he secretly cried out that something is wrong, I'm afraid I'm going to die today.

Luo Rucai, who had been running with him all this time, suddenly said: "Eight Great King, if we both surrender to the 'Red Banner Army', will we be recruited by the 'Red Banner Army'?"

Zhang Xianzhong was stunned for a moment, and said: "Who can say for sure? I don't dare to gamble with my life. It's better to try to escape."

"The cavalry of the 'Red Banner Army' is too powerful. I think it is three points more fierce than the Tartars and Jiannu. There are so many of them, we may not be able to escape!"

"Why don't you just stop running and try to surrender? Anyway, I won't cry when I see the coffin, and I will never surrender unless it is absolutely necessary."

(End of this chapter)

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