Chapter 890

Luo Ru didn't know what kind of virtue Zhang Xianzhong was. For a while, he was a little unsure whether to surrender or not. Looking behind him, he found that Liu Guoneng hadn't followed.

At this time, Zhang Dingguo, who had been guarding Zhang Xianzhong, said loudly:

"Father, seeing that it's getting late, it will be dark if you persist for half an hour. We still have hundreds of elites, and we will definitely be able to keep you out of the encirclement."

Liu Guoneng, who distanced himself from Zhang Xianzhong and others, had already let the horses trot, and the old battalion under his command gradually slowed down. Looking at the less than [-] riders still following him, Liu Guoneng let out a long sigh and said:
"Brothers, it is not a long-term solution to turn grass into a bandit. I decided not to run away and surrender to the 'Red Banner Army'. I am willing to stay with me. If you don't want to surrender, please feel free."

There was a commotion among hundreds of people, about forty or fifty rode away with whips and whips, and left a sentence: "Everyone has his own ambition, brother, take care!"

In a short while, the first fierce general of the "Red Banner Army" killed Hanzi. Liu Guoneng had surrendered twice. With some experience, he dismounted more than three hundred confidant horse thieves and formed a circle with war horses on the periphery.

Seeing the earth-shattering red iron flow coming, he opened his throat and shouted repeatedly with several hundred confidants: "Liu Guoneng led his troops to surrender! Please don't let the soldiers of the 'Red Banner Army' shoot their guns!"


The "Red Banner Army" is not cruel, and does not take pleasure in killing people, but likes to subdue others without fighting, and the same is true for fools.

He immediately reined in his horse and stopped and shouted: "Choose to surrender to the 'Red Banner Army' welcome, everyone throws away their weapons and lines up. Liu Guoneng comes out to talk!"

Liu Guoneng's three hundred or so horse thieves did not throw away their weapons after dismounting their horses. They were not trying to resist in vain, but to prevent their horses from being looted by other rogues when they were unarmed.

At this time, hundreds of horse thieves trotted out from the circle surrounded by war horses and pack horses under the leadership of Liu Guoneng, throwing a lot of weapons in their hands.

Liu Guoneng ran to the foolish horse, cupped his fists and saluted, and said, "Little Liu Guoneng, may I ask General Gao's name?"

Hanzi had just seen Liu Guoneng's portrait again, remembered his appearance, looked him up and down, and said, "My official, Yang Dalang!"

During the eight or nine years of fighting, Hanzi's outstanding achievements and natural prestige spread far and wide, and he was familiar with the leader of the bandits.

Hearing Yang Dalang's name, Liu Guoneng became more humble, bowed and said: "The young one has long been tired of being a thief all day long, and longs to be able to submit to the 'Red Banner Army' one day. Please take him in."

Hanzi said honestly: "You voluntarily surrendered, and your life will definitely be saved, but it doesn't matter if you want to become an official of the 'Red Banner Army'. It depends on whether you have bad deeds, and you have to report to the town governor after inspection." Hanjiang County King's special approval!"

At this time, the sound of horseshoes was rumbling around, and thousands of cavalry from the "Red Banner Army" galloped away. Hanzi laughed and scolded:

"Crazy Wang, no matter how fast you run, you can't compare with us. We have caught the big fish, and Liu Guoneng has brought three hundred people to surrender to our department."

I only heard a sentence coming from a distance, it was the uniform voice of hundreds of cavalrymen from Wang Zhicheng's department: "Liu Guoneng is not ranked in the top ten! It's nothing special! Our department is firmly targeting the second leader of the bandits and the eighth king Zhang Xianzhong, and will not kill that fellow." Do not withdraw troops!"

yes!Zhang Xianzhong's No. [-] big fish head hasn't been caught yet!
Immediately, Hanzi was in no mood to talk to Liu Guoneng, and left a [-]-man team to manage Liu Guoneng's department, waiting for Huang Han to come and deal with him personally, then got on his horse and continued to chase the bandits.

This is the Yellow River flooding area between the Yellow River and the Huaihe River, and it is also the impact plain of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River.

There are very few escaped horse thieves who can own a good horse. Gradually, some old horse thieves who found that the horse could no longer run chose to give up, jumped off their horses and knelt on the side of the road to beg for surrender.

Wang Zhicheng knew that there were many horses behind, so he didn't even look at the scattered horse thieves who surrendered, and continued to move forward.

He never cared about military exploits, he just wanted to kill more enemies.

The rogues already kneeling on the side of the road must be timid and basically do not pose a threat, while the rogues who are still running away are enough to show that they are the bones of thieves who are determined by the weight of the weight. Pursuing and killing these talents is the backbone of killing the rogues.

Gu Kui, Yan Congyou, Gu Jixiang, and Ge Daben led the guard battalion to change horses once. More than a thousand guard battalion soldiers outperformed their companions in the [-]-mile long-distance race. A soldier.

Nearly an hour passed, and Zhang Xianzhong and Luo Rucai's men and horses ran less and less, and now they are not even five hundred. These people's crotches are real war horses, which is why they outperformed [-]% of their companions.

In the past, even Guan Ning's iron cavalry who encountered big and small Cao should have escaped from birth. Who knows that today is not what it used to be. There is simply no way to get rid of it.

Zhang Xianzhong's face was livid and he didn't say a word, Luo Rucai was already a little discouraged, and he said in a crying voice:
"Eight Great Kings, I'm afraid we are doomed. Seeing that the horses can't run anymore and the pursuers are getting closer, you have to make up your mind about what to do next!"

Zhang Xianzhong squinted at Luo Rucai, who used to boast of being resourceful and resourceful, and said seductively, "Why don't you just run away and try to surrender, maybe the 'Red Banner Army' really doesn't kill the prisoners."

Losing confidence, Luo Ru came down the donkey and said, "Okay, I'll stay and resign myself to my fate, and try to buy you as much time as possible." He slowed down the horse as he spoke.

Zhang Xianzhong didn't even turn his head, and said loudly: "Take care, there will be a time later!"

The disheartened Luo Ru let out a long sigh, and muttered in his mouth: "It's the end of the road, it's at stake, and I'll be a fart later!"

At this time Zhang Xianzhong had already left, so of course he didn't hear Luo Rucai's muttering.

Luo Rucai's more than 100 riders also slowed down one after another, and a confidant asked: "Master, are we really going to surrender to the 'Red Banner Army'?"

Luo Rucai took a breath and rolled his eyes and asked, "No, is there a better way?"

The boss immediately became full of energy and said flatteringly: "The decision made by the head of the family is wise. We are no match for the 'Red Banner Army'. It would be better to choose to surrender."

Not wanting to continue fleeing, the hundred or so people who chose to follow Luo Rucai said in unison: "We are willing to follow the leader and surrender to the 'Red Banner Army'."

After a while, Wang Zhicheng, Gu Kui, Gu Jixiang and others led one or two thousand men to kill them. Luo Rucai and his men, who had dismounted long ago and waited to surrender, were not embarrassed. Follow them back.

It was almost dusk, the north wind was howling, and the cavalry who had been chasing and killing for nearly two hours were covered in sweat, and they all felt cold at this moment.

But no one was willing to give up, and they continued to change horses in pursuit.

(End of this chapter)

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