Chapter 891
Zhang Xianzhong's team of horse thieves became smaller and smaller, without him, many people fell behind because of the lack of physical strength of their horses, gave up resistance and obediently became prisoners.

It was completely dark, and a bright moon rose into the sky.

Zhang Xianzhong and his less than [-] subordinates were like frightened birds. They did not dare to stay, and they were still racing at the end of the road.

Zhang Dingguo said: "Father, let's go to the village in front of us to rest, even for half an hour. Our horses are already at the end of their strength. If we don't take a rest and feed the horses, the horses will be exhausted to death."

Zhang Xianzhong looked intently at the village of about [-] to [-] households in front of him. There seemed to be no people in it. He took a long breath and said:

"Dingguo is right, but we have to take a break, and we have to eat something."

At this time, there were less than [-] horsemen around Zhang Xianzhong, and some horse thieves didn't want to continue to follow, so they scattered away by the moonlight.

The less than two hundred riders who followed Zhang Xianzhong into the village did not disperse into the house, but chose a relatively spacious place in the middle of the village to drink water, eat, feed the horses, and doze against the corner...

At the same time, Shi Langxun, the general governor of the "Red Banner Army", who was chasing after him with leaping horses and whips, was also asking Wang Zhicheng for instructions.

He said: "Sir, it's already completely dark, we can no longer maintain full speed, should we camp on the spot and wait until the early morning to continue the chase?"

Wang Zhicheng looked at Gu Kui beside him, asked for advice, "General Gu, what do you mean?"

Gu Kui said: "We can't stop. We can't see clearly the road surface and it is easy to cause accidents. Could it be that the situation of the bandits is better than ours? I suggest that you slow down the horse and continue the pursuit and don't stop."

Ge Daben said: "The official agrees, the more it is at this time, the more you can't rest. It's freezing, and people and horses are exhausted. If you don't warm up, you will get sick easily. Once you stop to warm up, people will soften. Resting makes you more tired."

Wang Zhicheng said loudly: "The brothers who can still maintain their horsepower continue to chase, and they can't stand it anymore and camp on the spot."

No one was willing to lose the chain at the last moment, everyone was clenching their teeth and persevering. It didn't take long to catch a few horse thieves who had fallen behind. After confirming that Zhang Xianzhong was not far ahead, the more than a thousand soldiers suddenly became full of energy.

Of course, Zhang Xianzhong's men, who entered the small village to rest, did not dare to light a fire. They all sat on the ground drinking cold water and willing to dry food, and all the war horses were eating wheat.

The big waves wash the sand, and those who can run here are the elite of Zhang Xianzhong's department, and they all have horses to ride, such as Zhang Kewang, Zhang Dingguo, Zhang Nengqi, etc. Dozens of important leaders have double horses.

In the "Red Banner Army" team there were tracking master Ge Daben, Ge Erben, Ge Liuben, and two or three hundred military dogs. It was impossible to lose Zhang Xianzhong's less than two hundred remnants and defeated generals who were close at hand.

Soon more than a thousand "Red Banner Army" cavalry locked the small village where Zhang Xianzhong was hiding. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties caused by the chaos in the dark night, Gu Jixiang's proposal was supported by Wang Zhicheng and Gu Kui.

More than a thousand troops quickly surrounded the village, and soon many bonfires were ignited at a distance of [-] steps outside the village. The Minigunners in the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" all dismounted and hid in the dark, ready to snipe at the outskirts of the village at any time. the rogues.

Such an arrangement is very appropriate, Zhang Xianzhong is at the end of the road, doomed to be isolated and helpless, and the "Red Banner Army" sentry horses and scouts are in an endless stream. I believe that knowing that the eight evil kings are surrounded, I don't know how many soldiers will come to fight in the dark.

I heard dogs barking outside the village, and heard the rumbling of horseshoes.

Based on Zhang Xianzhong's experience as a thief for more than ten years, he can know that the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" outside will not be less than one thousand.

Zhang Xianzhong understands his current family background, and there are more than 190 exhausted people and more than 240 war horses around him.

Although these men and horses are already the elite of the elite, they may not be able to win a contest with a hundred "Red Banner Army" cavalry. If they fight against a "Red Banner Army" with more than one thousand generals, they will undoubtedly die.

Zhang Kewang panicked when he found out that the situation was not good, and said nervously: "Father, the 'Red Banner Army' has found us and is surrounding us. We have to run quickly, or we will be surrounded to death."

Zhang Xianzhong has rich experience, he said: "You can't run at this time, the men and horses have just rested and haven't gained enough strength, and they can't sprint, so they will definitely die if they run out like this."

Zhang Kewang, who knew that he had fallen into a dead end, said in despair: "Then what should we do!"

Zhang Xianzhong was quite calm, he said: "Look at this posture, the 'Red Banner Army' probably didn't intend to rush into the village to fight directly, let's just rest until the middle of the night and then suddenly break out and run away, there will always be someone who is lucky enough to escape Lose."

Zhang Dingguo said: "Father's decision is wise. The 'Red Banner Army' will not be able to complete the siege in a short period of time. It is very possible for us to concentrate our efforts to break through the encirclement. As long as we run out, someone will have a chance to escape."

Zhang Kewang asked Zhang Dingguo, "Why do you have to run out to get a chance to escape? Haven't you heard that the 'Red Banner Army' treated captives preferentially and those who voluntarily surrendered? It is said that even the Jian slaves who surrendered were forgiven and became Auxiliary soldiers of the 'Red Banner Army'."

Zhang Dingguo said in surprise, "Brother, do you want to surrender?"

Zhang Kewang ignored Zhang Dingguo, and instead persuaded Zhang Xianzhong: "Father, we have tried our best. Even if your plan to break out in the second half of the night can succeed, how many of us can survive?"

Cruel and easy to kill, without moral sense, killing his wife and concubines without blinking an eye, Zhang Xianzhong, who is desperate for his own survival, has repeatedly surrendered and accepted Zhao'an.

Zhang Xianzhong pondered for a moment and said: "There are only three things. I have rebelled against Daming three times. If I choose to surrender again, I may not be able to survive!"

Zhang Kewang said: "Father, don't make any mistakes, Daming and the 'Red Banner Army' cannot be confused now, this is the first time you have surrendered to the 'King of the Han River'.

I think that the 'King of the Han River' will rule the world sooner or later. My foster father, you are brave and resourceful. "

Life is at stake, is it a trifling matter? Of course the old and cunning Zhang Xianzhong will not be fooled by his godson and raise his hands in surrender. He said:

"'Hanjiang County King' severely punished the culprits who slaughtered women and children. I can't even count how many women I have killed with my own hands in the past ten years. I really can't believe that after surrendering to the 'Red Banner Army', there will be lives left."

Zhang Dingguo, however, became more and more annoyed the more he listened, he had a character of rather bending than bending, and he refused to raise his hand to surrender, saying:
"I think that if you have a full stomach and rest for two or three hours, you can be sure of breaking through in the middle of the night. You don't need to put your life in other people's hands, just look at their faces."

(End of this chapter)

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