Chapter 892
Zhang Xianzhong was in a dilemma, so he simply didn't use his brain, and said: "Anyway, let's get enough energy and have a look at it in the middle of the night."

After speaking, he closed his eyes and dozed off as soon as he leaned against the wall.

At this moment, the town governor of the "Red Banner Army" shouted from outside the village: "Listen up, Zhang Xianzhong's rogues, you are already surrounded by groups, and you will definitely not be able to run away. If you want to survive, disarm and walk out with your hands in your hands, 'Red Banner Army! 'Do not kill prisoners."

"Don't take any chances. The soldiers of our 'Red Banner Army' are gathering more and more, and you cannot escape. Surrender is the only way to survive, and stubborn resistance is the only way to die."

In order to better break down the enemy's will to resist, the town governor selected some rogues captured on the way to persuade them to surrender.

The rogues who were spared their lives worked hard when they learned that good performance could be treated with leniency, and those who performed outstandingly could become auxiliary soldiers with monthly salary.

"Brothers, I am Zhang Cunliang, the idiot Zhang Cunliang of the seventh team under the command of the Eight Great Kings. Now I have surrendered to the 'Red Banner Army'. There are many brothers who have surrendered, tens of thousands. We have not been beaten or scolded, and we have eaten cakes. "

"Eight Great Kings, I am Luo Qiusheng, the captain of Luo Rucai, the leader of the clan. The leader of Luo Rucai has already surrendered, and the leader of Liu Guoneng has also surrendered. None of them were beheaded by the 'Red Banner Army'. I advise you to surrender as soon as possible!"

"Brothers, if you continue to be thieves, you will end up dead. Let's surrender! The 'Red Banner Army' guarantees that everyone will have a way to survive and eat until their stomachs are full!"


Often fortresses are breached from the inside, and horse thieves who use surrender to persuade them to surrender can resonate more, and the effect is leveraged.

Many hard-core old thieves were moved, and they whispered in the dark. Most of them were worried that there would be too many murders in their hands, and it would be even more difficult to hide it from the sky. They were afraid that they would be exposed and punished after surrendering.

Zhang Xianzhong, who closed his eyes and slept, could not sleep at all, and kept listening with his ears up. He knew that the "Red Banner Army"'s persuasion would break the morale of the army, but he was powerless.

It was Zhang Dingguo who couldn't listen any longer, and yelled in a low voice: "Don't talk, hurry up and sleep, and the Eighth King will lead everyone out after recharging your energy!"

How could it be possible for the "Red Banner Army" to let the remaining rogues of Zhang Xianzhong's troops sleep soundly, and organized one or two hundred rogues to be persuaded to surrender by the town governor, without stopping for a moment.

The increasing number of troops was not a bluff. Indeed, a lot of people came one after another, including Hanzi and about half of his cavalry. By midnight, the number of cavalry surrounding the village was close to [-].

None of the rogues were so nervous that they could fall asleep peacefully. They all listened with pricked ears. At least half of them had the intention of surrendering. They were all stealing eyes on the Eighth King and his adopted sons.

Just after the third watch, Zhang Xianzhong, who had been resting with his eyes closed, stood up and said in a low voice: "Brothers, it's almost time, tidy up the armor, check the weapons, and the horses, let's concentrate our forces and rush out from the south of the village. "

It was pitch black in the village, but it was as bright as day outside. More than 100 blazing fires made the crackling sound of wood exploding. Hundreds of bandits and captives appeared near the fires.

In the dark, at least a few hundred Minnie gunmen were closely observing the movement in the village, and there were one or two hundred military dogs crawling nearby.

Most of the bandits who were able to get in with the old battalion horse thieves had better brains. At least a small half of the bandits ignored Zhang Xianzhong's assembly order. They all found a hiding place and hid in the darkness, hoping to wait for the Eighth King to rush out with his men and horses to show up and surrender. .

Seeing that there were only 100 people in line, Zhang Xianzhong didn't get angry, and raised his voice slightly: "Everyone has their own ambitions, I don't force it, but I have to take away all the war horses."

This person is a generation of tyrants, and he understands that sending his confidants to intimidate people who have already given birth to two hearts to submit at such a time will be counterproductive, and it is very likely to cause fire and fight with his own people.

So, he endured it, which is equivalent to agreeing to stay free.

Seeing that there were even fewer people following him, Zhang Kewang, who was active in thinking, was even more shaken.

He still didn't give up, and wanted to persuade Zhang Xianzhong to put down his arms and choose to surrender.

He said: "Father, there are probably tens of thousands of 'Red Banner Army' outside, and we only have a hundred riders now. Just rushing out like this is no different from courting death!"

Zhang Xianzhong said stubbornly: "Have you never heard of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms? Don't you know the story of Gan Ning's Baiqi defeating Cao Ying in the Battle of Ruxukou?

Our 100 men and horses are well-equipped, and each of them is a survivor of a hundred battles. It is not a problem to kill the "Red Banner Army" camp and break out. "

Having lived under Zhang Xianzhong's lust for ten years, Zhang Kewang knew this murderous monster very well. Although he didn't take such strong words seriously in his heart, he was afraid of being cut off on the spot, so he quickly shut up obediently.

The Zhang Kewang in history was the King Sun Kewang of Qin in the Southern Ming Dynasty.

He is a few years older than Zhang Dingguo, and has a completely different personality from Zhang Dingguo. He is more like Zhang Xianzhong, cruel, selfish, narrow-minded and without vision, and more greedy for life and afraid of death.

Zhang Dingguo, holding a steel shield in his left hand and a ghost knife in his right, said harshly:
"Father, let's give an order. We will do our best. Even if we can't get out, we have to let the 'Red Banner Army' know that there are many brave and good fighters in our rebel army."

Zhang Xianzhong cheered up and got on his horse, Zhang Dingguo, Zhang Kewang, etc. also got on their horses one after another. These 100 people were indeed desperadoes, and they were all ready to fight at this time, at worst they would die!

It's a pity that at this moment there was a sharp piercing sound, and dozens of fireworks exploded in the sky in an instant.

This kind of fireworks is not the colorful one, but bright white, which is equivalent to flares, but the brightness is limited, and the lack of quality must be made up for by quantity.

Gu Jixiang has been observing on a high ground, and after discovering the movement in the village, he decisively ordered the firing of flares, and ordered the Minnie gunmen who were in ambush to use the short light to shoot and kill the rogues in sight.

Zhang Xianzhong and the others had just mounted their horses and hadn't started yet. The more than [-] Minnie gunmen ambushing in the south of the village opened fire one after another. The distance of less than [-] paces, the Mini gunmen's accuracy was very good, and at least [-] or [-] bandits fell immediately.

Zhang Xianzhong, a thief, realized that when the fireworks exploded, he screamed secretly, so he slid off his horse as soon as he rolled, barely dodging at least ten miniature bombs.

The chaotic Zhang Kewang looked left and right, trying to get his adoptive father to give up the suicide-like breakout without offending him, but before he could react, he was hit in the vitals by three mini bombs and died on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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