Chapter 893
Zhang Dingguo was lucky. Since he had a captured light steel round shield in his hand, he subconsciously blocked it, causing two mini-bullets to hit the steel plate of the round shield and deeply embedded in it.

Immediately, Zhang Dingguo got off the saddle and lay on the ground with lingering fear. He was very grateful that he escaped unharmed by keeping the shield in his hand during this time.

He knew that this stainless steel round shield was one of the standard equipment of the "Red Banner Army", and it was captured during a battle with the Ming army's Beijing camp, as was the all-steel breastplate on his body.

At this time, Zhang Dingguo understood the importance of equipment better, and his thoughts of rushing out to fight with a burst of blood suddenly faded away.

The disparity in strength is obvious. They have already fallen into a desperate situation, and the "Red Banner Army" who has a sure chance of winning is playing a good game of cat and mouse.

The 100 of them can't imitate Gan Ning, no, I'm afraid they can't gather 100 people now, half of them will burn incense.

Because besides the casualties, there are still many people who are scared out of their wits, so they probably won't get up and continue to mount their horses and rush out to fight.

Thinking, thinking, Zhang Dingguo was already heartbroken. Even if he led the men who were willing to fight, it would be of no avail. They could not approach the "Red Banner Army" camp at all, and they would be killed by gunners halfway.

Zhang Xianzhong, who had just narrowly escaped from death, was terribly frightened, he finally understood, and said: "Kangwang, you are right, we still have a chance to surrender, and we will definitely die if we break through."

Zhang Nengqi cried, "Father, brother was beaten to death, he can't hear you anymore."

"Ah?" Zhang Xianzhong became even more desperate, he said: "The matter has come to this point, we can only resign ourselves to fate, Neng Qi, you tell the 'Red Banner Army' to stop firing their guns, let's surrender.

Zhang Dingguo felt feverish on his face, but for some reason, like a ghost, he actually held back and didn't make a sound.

At this time, shouts came from outside the village again, and this time it was the son with a loud voice who picked up the trumpet himself.

"Zhang Xianzhong, if you don't die, let me know. This official is Yang Dalang, the Crown Prince Taibao Zuo Dudu. I have killed more than one hundred Jiannu and Tartars with my own hands.

Don't say that you only have one or two hundred people left now, even two hundred tigers are useless.There is no shame in surrendering to the 'Red Banner Army', this is your only chance to survive! "

Ai Nengqi raised a steel shield, slowly stood up and said loudly: "General Yang, we have decided to disarm and surrender, please pay attention to the military men, we can't fire the guns anymore."

"Who are you? Was Zhang Xianzhong killed?"

"Reporting to General Yang, the younger one is Zhang Nengqi, adopted son of the Eight Great Kings. My adoptive father is still alive, and it was he who ordered us to submit to the 'Red Banner Army'."

"Ask Zhang Xianzhong, do you want to warm up, drink, and eat meat right away? If you want to, immediately throw away your weapons and take you to the campfire to roll your names."


At noon the next day, Caozhou was very lively. The captured Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai, Liu Guoneng and hundreds of their leaders entered the city on foot.

Although the "Red Banner Army" was maintaining order, there were countless people who hated these thieves, and there were always sneak attacks. Zhang Xianzhong and others were still covered in rotten bricks, ice, and tiles.

The "Red Banner Army" promised not to kill the prisoners, which did not mean that the crimes would not be liquidated, but unless the heinous criminals took pleasure in killing, the rest would be sentenced to reform through labor as much as possible.

Even though Zhang Xianzhong's crimes were heinous, Huang Han did not order to kill him.

There is no need to instigate hatred on his own, Zhang Xianzhong repeatedly surrendered and rebelled, and every time he killed Ming officials in the most cruel way, the imperial court should have many ministers who hated him even more.

Huang Han decided to send Zhang Xianzhong to Beijing to be dealt with by the emperor. At the same time, the "Red Flag Daily" published an article exposing his scars, talking about the evil deeds of Xian Thief who dug Chongzhen's ancestral grave in Fengyang, the central capital, three years ago.

The purpose of arranging public speculation and exposing Zhang Xianzhong's numerous crimes again is to prevent Chongzhen from being kicked in the head by a donkey again. If Chongzhen still lets Zhang Xianzhong go, wouldn't Huang Han's work be in vain?
For this reason, not only arranged "Red Flag Daily" to publish articles to intensify the hatred of officials, royal families, soldiers and civilians, but also secretly arranged for Huang Sifang to go to the capital to sit in the capital.

Huang Han sent Zhu Dadian to escort Zhang Xianzhong to Beijing, and gave him a task to report to the court, requesting that Luo Rucai and Liu Guoneng, two big bandits, be replaced by Zhu Yiming, king of Xiang, Zhu Cunji, king of Qin, Zhu Changhao, king of Duan, and those county kings, township kings, etc. country general.

This is a difficult problem for Chongzhen, and it will damage his reputation whether he agrees or not.

Chongzhen agreed to exchange several princes, even if the final negotiation with Gao Yingxiang could only exchange one person, this prince must be grateful for the life-saving grace of the "King of the Hanjiang County", and I am afraid that after returning to the court, he will seek an explanation from the current emperor.

The old Zhu's family property and country were handed over to Chongzhen. He was so bad that he directly caused the death of the vassal king or was imprisoned. ?
It is difficult for an upright official to decide on housework, and the royal clansmen should not be underestimated when they quarreled over their own family affairs. After all, Chongzhen did not take it for granted.

If Chongzhen does not agree to the exchange, then his harsh reputation will not only be discussed by civil officials and generals, but also the clan will be agitated, and the situation of rebellion is not far away.

Huang Han is also testing Zhu Dadian while posing difficult problems for Chongzhen. This former Donglin Party member can take a clear stand to join the "Red Banner Army" and it will bring a lot of trouble.

It's just that he can't be allowed to step on two boats, he must be forced to stand in line.

Zhu Dadian is a local official, and he is not allowed to enter Beijing without a call.

Although Huang Han is currently the only king of the Ming Dynasty, the "Hanjiang County King", he has no control over the Zhizhou of Caozhou at all.

If Zhu Dadian obeyed the order to escort Zhang Xianzhong to Beijing, the direct consequence would be that Chongzhen believed that he had completely surrendered to Huang Han, and he would not reuse him in the future.

A few years ago, Zhu Dadian would not have accepted Huang Han's dispatch at all, but time has passed and he has gone through the offensive and defensive battle of Caozhou.

Zhu Dadian really saw the strength of the "Red Banner Army", and understood that if the "Red Banner Army" hadn't taken action, he would have only two endings.

Stick to the city and be defeated.

Abandoning the city and fleeing, he became the crime official of Ming Dynasty.

Seeing that the "Prince of the Hanjiang River" didn't see anyone at all, Zhu Dadian ordered him to do things directly, without any hesitation, he agreed on the spot, and stated that he would cross the Yellow River northward and rush to the capital the next day.

The most troublesome thing is how to deal with Zhang Xianzhong's three adoptive sons?
Zhang Xianzhong is a perverted bastard who kills people like hemp, but Li Dingguo should belong to the category of national heroes. He has always insisted on fighting against the Qing Dynasty to the death.

Ai Nengqi and Liu Wenxiu were also the main generals in the Southern Ming Dynasty, and they did not surrender to the Qing Dynasty until their death.

After thinking about it, Huang Han decided to take the risk and take these three people in the guard camp to teach them by example.

(End of this chapter)

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