Chapter 894 Get carried away

The three adoptive sons of Zhang Xianzhong are all teenagers, and the oldest Zhang Dingguo is only eighteen years old, so he is very malleable.

They grew up in the rogue army since they were young, and they were used to seeing the so-called elite of the old battalion. After being captured, they saw the military appearance of the "Red Banner Army" and were deeply touched.

Many of the horse thieves who were captured together with Zhang Dingguo tried their best to get rid of themselves, try their best to show up, and strive for the opportunity to become the auxiliary soldiers of the "Red Banner Army". Their goal is of course to become the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army".

But Zhang Dingguo didn't say a word after being captured. He didn't try to resist, and he never flattered the town governor and propagandists.

His spirit was hit. When he was escorted into Caozhou City, he saw tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians spitting on them, throwing rubbish at them, and yelling to cut them into pieces.

He saw the "Red Banner Army" maintaining order and stopping the young and middle-aged men who were about to rush forward to do something.

It is conceivable that if the "Red Banner Army" wants them to die, they don't need to do it themselves, they just need to stand by and watch, and tens of thousands of ordinary people will tear them to pieces.

Zhang Dingguo finally knew what a thief was?I also reviewed my ten years as a thief, recalled what my foster father did, and thought that being torn apart by the common people should be what he deserved.

He didn't know what kind of ending was waiting for him, and his character was destined to make him unable to behave in a humble way.

Huang Han took the time to let eight personal guard disciples bring Li Dingguo, Ai Nengqi, and Liu Wenxiu to the audience.

There were casualties between the two armies in the battle, not to mention hatred. After the surrender, they were not tortured, fed, and warmly dressed. Li Dingguo and the three actually had no resentment in their hearts.

It is also expected that Zhang Xianzhong was sent to the court for disposal. After all, he was the culprit who dug up the emperor's ancestral grave, and the "King of Hanjiang County" should be handled in this way both in public and in private.

People who can make a living have good eyesight. The three of Li Dingguo immediately corrected their attitudes when they were summoned by Huang Han.

There is no need to persuade them to surrender, because they were not actually captured, but surrendered on their own initiative after giving up resistance.

After meeting the three great generals of the Daxi regime, King Jin and King Shu in the Southern Ming Dynasty, Huang Han didn't say much.

He changed Zhang Nengqi and Zhang Wenxiu, who are still called Zhang Nengqi and Zhang Wenxiu, back to their original surnames, gave Zhang Dingguo the surname Huang, and left the three of them to serve as soldiers in the personal guard camp.

Zhang Dingguo, who was suddenly raped by Huang Dingguo, was in a state of confusion, and when he thanked Ai Nengqi and Liu Wenxiu, he still felt confused.

Huang Dingguo pinched his thigh fiercely, grinning his teeth in pain, he said:
"It's not a dream! Why did the 'King of the Hanjiang River' forgive us and accept us as regular soldiers of the 'Red Banner Army', and stay in the most elite guard camp?"

Ai Nengqi also felt that it was as unreal as Nan Ke Yimeng, and said, "Second brother, we just became an official army, and we are the well-known 'Red Banner Army' soldiers?"

Liu Wenxiu didn't understand, and asked, "Second Brother, have you seen the 'King of the Hanjiang County' before?"

Huang Dingguo said: "Fourth brother, don't you know who I am? When I was ten years old, my family was ruined and I have been a thief. How could I have seen the 'King of Han River' loved by millions of soldiers and civilians?"

"Then why did the 'King of Han River' give you a surname alone? Why didn't Nengqi and I have the surname Huang?"

Huang Dingguo scratched his head and said, "This... I really don't know!"

Ai Nengqi suddenly understood, and said: "Second brother, will the 'King of the Han River' see you as tall, mighty and handsome, and plan to adopt you as his adopted son?"

Liu Wenxiu said: "It's possible, second brother, you seemed stupid just now, why didn't you kowtow to thank you? How good it was to ask the adoptive father twice to confirm the father and son identities! It's so annoying to guess now."

Huang Dingguo regretted immediately, and said, "You're still talking about me, just now you were not the same as fools, you just kowtowed and couldn't say a word."

At this moment, Huang Ang ran out and called the three of them to stop. Ai Nengqi saw that the young man was in Baizong's costume and knelt down again. Huang Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu were also ready to kneel down.

Huang Ang said loudly: "Huang Dingguo, Ai Nengqi, and Liu Wenxiu stand up, remember, the soldiers of the 'Red Banner Army' don't need to kneel and salute, I'm here to teach you military salutes, and I will also take care of your cultural lessons in the future." !"

Although he is not as old as Huang Dingguo, Huang Ang studied in a well-known academy in Yongping Prefecture since he was a child. In recent years, he has read new textbooks and received formal military training. It is more than enough to teach Li Dingguo the three etiquettes and culture.

The three of Huang Dingguo, who had changed into red military uniforms within a few days, became familiar with the environment, and knew that there were many generals in the guard camp who followed the Patriarch's surname Huang, but none of them were adopted sons of the "King of Han River".

It turned out that he was self-indulgent, and Huang Dingguo was a little disappointed but also a little lucky. After watching the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he didn't want to be called "a slave with three surnames".

Huang Dingguo revealed his thoughts to Ai Nengqi and Liu Wenxiu, telling them that the "Red Banner Army" was about to launch a national war to pacify Liaodong.

There is no doubt that this battle will be fought in the dark, and the cavalry of the Guard Battalion will definitely get the opportunity to participate in the battle. At that time, he will fight the enemy bravely and use the head of Jianu Ba Yala to prove that he is a good man.

Killing Jiannu sounds exciting. Of course Ai Nengqi and Liu Wenxiu agree, and they also threatened to compete on the battlefield to see who gets the most harvest.

Tens of thousands of rogues, nearly [-] refugees ran all over the mountains and plains, and it was impossible for them all to be captured. Many escaped and returned to Henan.

On the seventeenth day of the twelfth lunar month, Gao Yingxiang, who was sitting in Kaifeng, met several old camp confidants of Zhang Xianzhong who had run back.

Knowing that the "Red Banner Army" has taken action, the entire army led by Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai, Liu Guoneng, etc. may be wiped out.

At this time, these rogues who escaped by chance did not know that their master had become a prisoner.

Kaifeng is less than [-] miles away from Caozhou. In the middle of winter, the official roads and fields can march. If the "Red Banner Army" makes persistent efforts to attack Kaifeng, it will be able to surround Kaifeng City in at most two days.

Gao Yingxiang immediately notified the big bosses within a hundred miles to gather at the Prince Zhou's Mansion to discuss matters. Of course, the topic was whether or not such a large territory in Henan should be wanted?Do you stick to Kaifeng and compete with the "Red Banner Army"?

This year has been smooth and smooth, causing many bandit leaders to get carried away.

The "Red Banner Army" suddenly appeared, and as soon as it appeared, it ate up the relatively powerful Eight Great Kings Zhang Xianzhong, Cao Cao Luo Rucai, and Chuangtatian Liu Guonengbu.

This taught the many leaders of the rogues a lesson, making them understand what a disparity in strength is, and they are no longer overheated.

At this time, no one would consider whether to continue eastward to plunder along the Grand Canal. Most of the thieves were considering whether to return to their hometown in Shaanxi immediately.

Every word you say and me is to persuade Gao Yingxiang to lead everyone back to Shaanxi early to become king and hegemony.

(End of this chapter)

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