Chapter 895
However, Li Yan, a dog-headed military strategist whose hometown is in Henan, does not want his newly recognized master, King Gao Chuang, to give up Henan.

He often read the "Hongqi Daily" and studied the seized Daming Mansion Newspaper, so he had some insights into the current situation.

Li Yanjian said: "King Chuang, my subordinates believe that we should not give up Kaifeng, Luoyang and other strong cities and millions of people that we have already acquired."

Undecided, Gao Yingxiang wanted to hear the opinion of the former master of the Ming Dynasty, and asked, "Does the military advisor have any good strategies?"

"King Chuang, the five-year period of Ping Liao promised by the 'King of the Han River' is approaching, and the 'Red Flag Daily' is already launching propaganda.

Not only are the 'Red Banner Army' outside the pass preparing troops, but they are also encouraging the 'Red Banner Army' inside the pass to move troops out of the pass to strengthen their attack power. The subordinates believe that the 'Red Banner Army' should not compete with our rebels for Henan at this time. "

Jin Minghu and Zhao Shisan also attended the meeting. Seeing Li Yan's analytical glance at each other, Jin Minghu said:

"Why are the military divisions so determined? With the fighting power of the 'Red Banner Army', it is possible to sweep Henan in two or three months. If we don't retreat, we may not be able to go back until the Yellow River thaws."

Gao Yingxiang said: "General Jin is right, military adviser, what if the 'Red Banner Army' chooses to attack the rebels first and then the slaves?"

Li Yan said: "Impossible! The subordinates pay attention to the 'King of the Han River' and have been studying this person. He will not take the risk of letting the 'Red Banner Army' into a hard fight in Henan. Because the enemies he faces are not only Jiannu and rebels, but also Always guard against the court's black hands.

The rebel army's siege of the city in Henan left the Ming court with no time to care about it. In fact, it was beneficial to the "King of the Hanjiang County", who would eventually turn against the Ming Dynasty and seek thousands of miles of land. "

Gao Yingxiang listened very carefully, and if he realized something at this time, he said: "The military adviser analyzed that Huang Han has big plans, and his ultimate goal is to take all of the Ming Dynasty. From this, we can see that our rebel army will fight the 'Red Banner Army' sooner or later. Why can you assert that Huang Han will not lead his troops to take advantage of the victory to fight?"

"Our rebel army can organize 10 people to defend Kaifeng, and the total number of troops entering the customs from the 'Red Banner Army' plus those from the interior cannot exceed [-].

They had to leave troops to stabilize the place, and being able to gather [-] to [-] troops was already the limit. With these troops attacking Kaifeng, which had more guards than the 'Red Banner Army', the battle would definitely be protracted.

The Tartars outside the pass have never stopped, and Jiannu still has powerful soldiers entrenched in Liaodong. The "King of Han River" will definitely not do his best in Henan at this time.The subordinates judged that as long as the rebels did not voluntarily abandon Kaifeng, the 'Red Banner Army' would not waste time attacking. "

Gao Yingxiang continued to ask: "The military division can only judge that this year and next year the 'Red Banner Army' will not fight a decisive battle with our army because of the Ping-Liao war, but our army will still face the attack of the 'Red Banner Army' in the future. I wonder if the military division has countermeasures. ?”

"King Chuang's concern is the main problem that the rebel army will face. Why is the 'Red Banner Army' so strong? Because they are deeply popular.

Their slogan 'Starve and don't plunder the common people' has become a household name.It is well known that they garrison fields and raise soldiers to make a living for the common people.

As the saying goes, 'He who wins the hearts of the people wins the world'.

Our rebel army has a large territory and a large population. If we can follow the example of the 'Red Banner Army' and don't burn, kill, rape, and plunder, but also distribute acres of land to each household, we can use the time when the 'Red Banner Army' fought fiercely in Liaodong to fight for If the hearts of the people strengthen themselves, they may not be able to fight! "

Gao Yingxiang listened with gusto, and murmured: "He who wins the hearts of the people wins the world! It's easier said than done."

Li Yan said firmly: "It's all about human effort, our rebel army is actually waiting for a great opportunity."

Gao Yingxiang was surprised and said, "The 'Red Banner Army' that suddenly appeared killed 6 to [-] horses. Why is the military division still so optimistic?"

"Henan is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains. There have been many natural and man-made disasters in recent years, and it is difficult for ordinary people to survive. Our rebel army has recruited more than [-] recruits in less than a month. If King Chuang gives them food and clothing and strengthens training, it will be enough to make up for the loss."

"This is true, but most of the people who have just joined us are forced to do so. It is difficult to be of one mind with us. There is no comparison with the Eight Great Kings, Cao Cao, and the people who broke the sky."

"Otherwise, the Eight Great Kings are murderous and have a bad reputation, and it is estimated that the jealous 'King of the Han River' will not let him go.

A lot of people came back from the defeated team, but there is no news of the Eight Great Kings so far.

Besides, the Eight Great Kings have never really obeyed King Chuang's orders, and always acted against their own will. Now that there are fewer such people, it cannot be regarded as a bad thing. In the future, King Chuang will promote benevolent government and promulgate new military discipline, which will reduce many conflicts! "

It is well known that Zhang Xianzhong is rebellious and unruly, and Gao Yingxiang also allowed him three points for the sake of the overall situation. Hearing Li Yan's words at this time, he felt quite reasonable.

General Li Zicheng was also good at thinking. In fact, he and Zhang Xianzhong had been fighting openly and secretly, and felt that Li Yan's words were clear. He said: "The intention of the military division is to let the rebel army follow the example of the 'Red Banner Army', and also farm and raise troops to win the hearts of the people, right?"

Li Yandao: "Of course, our rebel army has made full use of two or three years to develop greatly. During this period, we will continue to attack Daming City to collect the floating wealth of high-ranking officials and nobles, and recruit craftsmen to make steel, cast guns, and make firecrackers. Who could have predicted it?"

The smug Gao Yingxiang raised his head and "revolutionized" for more than ten years. Seeing that his strength is getting stronger and stronger, but he has been very confused. Hearing Li Yan's high-level discussion, he suddenly felt that he had a clear direction.

He praised: "The military adviser is really extraordinary, the king's military adviser is like Han Gaozu Liu Bang's Zhang Liang! Hahaha..."

This meeting was very important for the rogues. Because Li Yan emerged a year and a half earlier, the rogues had a political program, re-enacted military discipline, and unified their thinking.

The rogue bandits followed suit and shouted the slogan "Don't rob the people to starve to death" to win the hearts of the people. Even if they couldn't do it, they could still confuse most ordinary people.

But since this meeting, Gao Yingxiang has strengthened his control over the army. Of course, this is not unrelated to the elimination of the big leaders Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai, and Liu Guoneng.

In history, Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong, who took over as Chuang Wang, plotted against each other and finally parted ways.

Liu Guoneng not only surrendered to the imperial court but was also loyal to the Ming Dynasty. In the end, he was defeated in a bloody battle with Li Zicheng.

Under Zhang Xianzhong's development in the southwest, Li Zicheng's subordinates were able to use his arms like fingers. Huobin was originally ranked no less than him, and Enyu's Luo Rucai department killed this accomplice whose strength should not be underestimated.

It can be seen from this that the elimination of the three Zhang Xianzhong did not weaken the overall strength of the rogues at all.

(End of this chapter)

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