Chapter 896
Now that history has turned a corner, King Gao Chuang, who is far stronger than Li Zicheng in personal charm, dominance, and heart, is still alive and is still the leader of the rogues.

And Zhang Xianzhong's unexpected exit made the rogues not split into two camps, and they became more cohesive and aggressive.

Gao Yingxiang should be most fortunate to have obtained the dog-headed military strategist Li Yan, which made this group of mobs have lofty goals. Facts have proved that Li Yan's decision to strictly govern the army and win the hearts of the people is completely correct.

If it weren't for the evildoer who was born through time travel, Gao Yingxiang, who had a political platform and promised to have land to the tiller, would be able to win the support of the vast majority of farmers, and maybe he would be able to win the world.

Huang Han was indeed not planning to launch a large-scale war in Henan, and his primary goal was to pacify Liaodong.

After Jin Minghu and Zhao Shisan participated in the high-level meeting of the rogues, they immediately passed on information and asked for instructions on what to do next.

The rogues actually changed their nature, not only clamoring "equal the land and exempt the tax", but also threatened to "starve to death and not rob the common people", Huang Han couldn't laugh or cry, could they do it?
On second thought, the worst period of the Little Ice River is about to pass, and the weather conditions will get better and better in the future.

Coupled with the vigorous promotion of new crops potatoes, corn, and sweet potatoes in the early stage, these new crops are now widely spread. These new varieties can fully adapt to the soil and climate of Shaanxi and Henan, and it is only a matter of time before a large increase in grain holdings.

The population is relatively small, and the per capita acreage has increased a lot. If Gao Yingxiang sincerely follows the model of farming and raising soldiers, he will not be hungry, and it is still possible to maintain the survival of the army without robbery.

Hooligans are not to be feared, but the most feared thing is that hooligans are educated. Among the rogues, Li Yan, a very capable juren, appeared. In addition, the thorny issue of land annexation was directly solved by the savage rogues with a knife.

The small people in Shaanxi and Henan who are already poor and barely hungry are not afraid of losing anything, nor are they afraid of being deceived.

These people must be grateful for giving them acres, seeds, and life-saving food.

They will definitely be able to take care of the fields for food and clothing in the coming year, and develop with peace of mind for a year or so. Gao Yingxiang's army can do it without worrying about food and grass.

It doesn't matter, the "Red Banner Army" system has already moved towards the process of industrialization. Gao Yingxiang can at most develop agriculture, and giving him two or three years will not help. Facing the "Red Banner Army", the rogues are doomed to be vulnerable.

Besides, the rogues were going to promulgate laws not to kill innocent people indiscriminately, which reassured Huang Han the most.

As long as the demographic dividend of the Han people is still there, taking over Australia, the New Southwest, and competing for North and South America, there will be no such thing as England, the empire on which the sun never sets. In the end, the colonies became independent one after another, and they were close to nothing.

Originally, he didn't expect to deal a devastating blow to the bandits this year. After receiving the information from Jin Minghu and Zhao Shisan, Huang Han would not launch a large-scale attack after learning that the bandits would not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Huang Han also specifically instructed Jin Minghu and Zhao Shisan not to expose them in advance, and not to allow them to assassinate Gao Yingxiang in the near future, and arranged them to focus on killing Zuo Liangyu and Li Zicheng.

Of course, if there is an opportunity to kill Jiannu and Tartars, it is a principle not to waste it.

Huang Han gave up solving the problem of bandits in the short term, and Da Ming would have to continue to be troubled by bandits. This is actually a disguised form of supporting the bandits, and Daming will become weaker and weaker.

At this critical moment, if we can't look forward and backward, it won't lead to the great accumulation of the Ming Dynasty. How can Huang Han usurp the great Ming country and society?
How to implement the New Deal without replacing the decadent Ming Dynasty, and without removing the Chongzhen Emperor, who has done many things and made many mistakes?How to lead the global colonization of hundreds of millions of Han Chinese?
Zuo Liangyu of Zhuangzi who attacked the clan armed village near Luyi, and the Qing army did not dare to fight the "Red Banner Army".

When they got the news that the Eight Great Kings who had looted in Caozhou and the Chuangta Tianbu were defeated by the "Red Banner Army" that suddenly appeared, they retreated one or two hundred miles that day.

It's all here, we can't waste this excellent opportunity to promote the "Red Banner Army", Huang Han led his troops to march along the border of Henan in an armed parade, preparing to go to Anqing Mansion for the New Year.

Qin Yuyi should have received a letter from Huang Han at this time, and she will take a boat along the river with her two children and come down to Anqing City to reunite with her husband.Chu Chu, who is on business in Nanjing, must be happy to go up the river to celebrate the New Year in Anqing.

During this period, Qin Yuyi trained another [-] female soldiers in Sichuan, and the officers were all veterans who had been trained in the Army Academy for a year.

Most of these female soldiers were rescued from Tartars, Jian slaves, and rogues. Most of them were tortured. Since they joined the "Red Banner Army", they have sincerely regarded the army as their home and refused to talk about marriage at all. marry.

They used to be cows and horses and were bullied, but now they have no worries about food and clothing and can hold their heads high. These officers who have grown into female men are almost fanatical. They are undoubtedly the most loyal soldiers to the "King of the Han River".

Qin Yuyi wrote many times asking for female soldiers to join the battle, and she herself did not want to miss the Ping-Liao War. Huang Han had a headache because the troops that could be gathered right now were enough to defeat the Jiannu and Tartars, but they lacked cavalry capable of running and chasing .

The combat effectiveness and riding skills of the small number of cavalry in the female barracks, except for a few talented female men, most of them are inferior to the Tartars and Jiannu, so it is meaningless to transfer them to the Ping-Liao battlefield.

Huang Han planned to have a good talk with Qin Yuyi during the Chinese New Year in Anqing Mansion, and asked her to lead two battalions of female soldiers to continue to assist in the defense of Sichuan. The key tasks were to take good care of his adoptive mother Qin Liangyu, take care of his elder brothers Qin Yiming and Ma Xianglin, and so on.

Don't let the white-armed soldiers come out of Sichuan within two years. During this period, as long as the people in Sichuan can give birth without being harmed by the bandits, it will be a victory.

Chuchu's ability to make money is getting bigger and bigger. Not only does she manage the Jinling Everbright City, which is full of gold and silver, but she also invested in cement factories, tile factories, sanitary ware factories, valve factories, tinned steel pipe factories, etc. in Nanzhili.

There are so many rich people in Jinxiu Jiangnan. Now tap water and toilets are popular, and the craftsmen who decorate Jinling Everbright City are sought after. Now the decoration team has grown five times, and orders are still overwhelming.

When Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang was in Nanjing, he built high walls and accumulated grain widely, so the scale of Nanjing city is not small, tall and majestic.

Zhongdu was repeatedly harassed by bandits, and even Huaihe and Huaihe Rivers were unstable, which directly caused many wealthy businessmen, high-ranking officials and dignitaries to come to Nanjing to buy properties and settle down.

Jiangnan was originally the most affluent place in Ming Dynasty, and many wealthy people immigrated here. Of course, these people wanted to buy luxury houses, and Chu Chu's investment certainly made a lot of money.

The economic base determines the superstructure. To put it bluntly, it is bullshit to say anything without money. The "Red Banner Army" system has completed primitive accumulation and is gently carrying out the industrial revolution.

Give Gao Yingxiang two or three years, will the rogues have an economic foundation?What's the use of just farming?At least it has contained the tragic scene of starvation everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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