Chapter 897

The 10,000+ Manchu and Qing troops encountered tens of thousands of British and French allied forces at their home court. They were beaten all over the ground, and Huang Han remembered the historical lesson that even lost the capital.

A typical example of such a battle is the ruthless crushing of an agricultural country by an industrial country.

It is an iron law to deeply understand that an army whose equipment and weapons cannot keep up with the development of the times no matter whether they have the courage to fight, or whether their spirit is strong or not, it is an iron law.

When the "Red Banner Army" armed to the teeth swept across the Central Plains, Gao Yingxiang was doomed to be vulnerable.

Huang Han didn't waver in the slightest, and first completed the Ping-Liao plan step by step. Gao Yingxiang is developing well, so he doesn't need to have a headache, and Emperor Chongzhen should have more trouble sleeping and eating.

If there were no rogues to make trouble with Chongzhen and make Ming Dynasty go from bad to worse, when it came time to force Chongzhen to abdicate and make way for the virtuous, the resistance would definitely be much greater.

After leaving Caozhou, the "Red Banner Army" slowed down their marching speed, no more than 150 miles a day, and the cavalry smoothly wiped out sporadic bandit armed forces based on the information collected by the flag guards.

Every night at the camp, Huang Han always had to meet many local officials. Without exception, these frightened Ming officials thanked the "King of the Hanjiang County" for sending troops to help, and they all offered to send food, pigs and sheep, and fine wine.

Many civilian and military generals have clearly shown their intention to follow the lead of the "King of the Hanjiang County" from now on.

To plan big things, of course, try not to be an enemy of the entire bureaucratic group. The only way is to divide and disintegrate for my own use.

Huang Han showed great humility and generosity, and won a lot of support, causing many civil servants and generals along the way to put their hearts in their stomachs.

At this time, there was another disturbance in the court.

After Zhu Dadian presented the captives to the emperor, he was worried that the "red flag army" would fight too hard, causing the vicious bandits to kill the vassal and county kings of Daming to vent their anger.

The "King of Hanjiang County" suggested that the imperial court send people to negotiate with Gao Yingxiang, and exchange the captured clan and royal family with Luo Rucai, the leader of the bandits, Cao Cao, and Liu Guoneng, the bandit who broke the sky.

One stone set off a thousand waves, and there were different opinions in the court.

Opponents use Yingzong Zhu Qizhen as an argument, and their words are convincing. During the Tumubao Incident, the orthodox emperor was captured by Oala, and the capital was surrounded by enemies. The Ming Dynasty did not compromise and refused to negotiate. How can we negotiate with the rogues now?
Supporters believe that there are rules to follow in the exchange of prisoners, and use the useless Luo Rucai and Liu Guoneng to exchange back the King Qin, King Rui, and King Xiang of the Ming Dynasty.
Chongzhen, who originally lacked political wisdom, had one head and two big ones. Of course, he was willing to treat his family and royal clan kindly in his heart. Finally, he made the final decision and approved the performance of "Hanjiang County King" and sent Zhu Dadian to preside over the matter.

Zuo Liangyu is bad, but that doesn't mean he's incompetent. On the contrary, at the end of Ming Dynasty, regardless of his character, he might be the most dazzling general, as popular as Wu Sangui.

He had a keen sense of smell, and when he heard that the "Red Banner Army" had killed 7 people including Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai, etc. in Caozhou, he immediately withdrew his troops and retreated to Xuchang.

He has been operating in Xuchang for many years. Although Ma Shixiu and Du Yingjin have been scourges here, the city has not been sacked, and the foundation is still there.

Xuchang city is not small, and all the bricks are relatively strong. It just forms a triangle with the two big cities of Luoyang and Kaifeng. It is indeed a good place to station troops, much better than the remote and cold Lintao Mansion.

Azige, Jierhalang and Fan Wencheng learned that the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" outside the pass had crossed the Yellow River south, and Huang Han personally led the troops. They were excited but also terrified.

They were excited because they had successfully completed the task assigned by their master, and they were also worried because they were worried about being followed by Huang Han.

After the Qing army retreated to Xuchang, they did not enter the city at all, but continued to retreat. They had a clear purpose and went home!

Successfully curbing the spread of rogue bandits to Zhongdu and Nanzhili, annihilating tens of thousands of rogue bandits, and capturing many big leaders alive, the "Hanjiang County King" made great contributions.

At the end of the year, many civil servants and military generals went to the court to give Huang Han additional officials and ranks, and there were clamorous calls for the emperor to grant the title of "King of Han".

After Zhu Dadian got the emperor's approval, he returned to Caozhou to arrange the prisoner exchange, but Huang Han didn't care about such trivial matters.

If Luo Rucai and Liu Guoneng are captured and then released, their prestige among the rogues will disappear. Even if they can still coerce the vagrants to join the thieves, there are probably only two possibilities when they encounter the "Red Banner Army".

Fleeing away should be the first choice, and raising your hands and surrendering again when you find that the situation is not good is definitely the second choice.

Can it be exchanged for the Daming feudal lord?Who?How many do you want to change?

Huang Han was even more careless, these princes were just moths of Daming, life and death had nothing to do with Huang Han, the reason why he put on a face of helping each other was for the purpose of making money.

But Zhu Dadian was extremely serious. He selected three eloquent men from among the captives, detained their family members, and sent them to find Gao Yingxiang to send him a letter.

Of course, the content is to clarify that Luo Rucai and Liu Guoneng will be exchanged for the Daming vassal, and they will make an appointment at a time and place, and promise that he can go to the area occupied by the rogues to have an interview with Gao Yingxiang in person.

Seeing that the New Year is coming soon, and it will be the first month of next year when Gao Yingxiang's reply is received, Zhu Dadian is looking forward to it with excitement and apprehension.

The reason why he decided to negotiate with Gao Yingxiang himself was to let the world see that Zhu Dadian is full of courage.

It is conceivable that if he accomplishes such a great event, he will definitely be famous in Shilin, and storytellers will spread this good story widely.

He is also mentally prepared to be benevolent if he fails, and the possibility of being detained or killed by bandits who kill him without blinking an eye also exists.

Huang Han had no major military actions at the end of the year, and the rogues took a defensive position to prevent the "Red Banner Army" from launching a surprise attack, and they relaxed within a few days.

Because sentinel horses and hidden stakes reported back, the main force of the "Red Banner Army" was already far away in Anqing Mansion by the Yangtze River, and it really had no intention of fighting in Henan.

The "Red Banner Army" did not take the initiative to attack, and Gao Yingxiang did not dare to go east to attack the city. The two sides seemed to have a tacit understanding and maintained the status quo for the time being.

Huang Han had already heard the news of the retreat of the Qing army, but it was beyond his reach, and he could not take advantage of the right time and place.

The [-] or so Manchu and Mongolian cavalry who were hardy to the cold had one man and two horses. In the mid-winter season, the rivers in the north were frozen and turned into a thoroughfare, which could not add points to stop the enemy.

The ground is frozen three feet, and the workload of temporarily digging trenches to stop the enemy is too great to be realistic at all.

Moreover, the number of cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" was less than half of that of the Qing army, and they did not dare to divide their troops when the chase started, because there was a possibility of being surrounded by the Qing army and eating some of them.

Another important reason is that this is the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty, and the cavalry of the Qing army were chasing and running around causing more damage and killing. Huang Han didn't want to see it.

Judging the situation, Huang Han simply gave up on plotting against the Biao Qing army. Anyway, he will start the Ping-Liao war next autumn, when the flames of war will be ignited by the enemy, it will avoid a large number of military and civilian casualties in the interior.

(End of this chapter)

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