Chapter 898 Hidden Murder

The Qing army retreated, Zuo Liangyu was extremely embarrassed.

Because he was the king of Lintao County conferred by the Qing Dynasty, the people he led were not bandits, but belonged to the traitor army who built slaves.

Gao Yingxiang's acceptance of the canonization of King Qin of the Manchu Qing Dynasty was purely vain and submissive. The purpose was to use the Qing army.

When Fan Wencheng came to contact him about the withdrawal, Gao Yingxiang was still polite to him and agreed to help the Qing army with some food.

However, it is required that when the Qing army retreats and passes through Shaanxi, it must not wanton massacre or arson, and the coerced labor must be left behind.

Gao Yingxiang did not hide it, and made a high-profile statement that he wanted to train troops in Shaanxi and Henan, which required a large number of people.

It's true that Fan Wencheng is a big traitor, but he didn't want to see his kind being slaughtered by Jiannu and Tartars. After returning, he conveyed Gao Yingxiang's conditions to Jierhalang and Azig.

In order to avoid unnecessary disputes from delaying the plan to return home, the two Manchu princes who had collected a large amount of gold and silver treasures did not have extra problems on their retreat.

The rogues and the Qing army just used each other, and the same is true for Zuo Liangyu.

The Qing army ran away on their own, and didn't care about where Zuo Liangyu's troops went.

Zuo Liangyu's choice to surrender was also an expedient measure, just to save his life and keep his lineage from being annihilated. Of course, he would not be stupid to follow the Qing army to Liaodong.

Fan Wencheng was clear-headed, and he didn't have such extravagant hopes. It's not a bad idea to leave Zuo Liangyu's tribe mixed with sand among the rogues. Who can predict how the situation will develop next?

Not only is Gao Yingxiang not stupid, but he is also quite shrewd. How can he allow others to sleep soundly beside the couch?

What does Zuo Liangyu Department mean?Regardless of the original Ming Dynasty official army or the current Manchu Qing army, they cannot be kept happy in Xuchang.

First the ceremony and then the soldiers, Gao Yingxiang sent a messenger as the king of Qin in the Manchu Qing Dynasty to invite Zuo Liangyu, the king of Lintao County in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, to come to Kaifeng to discuss major plans.

If Zuo Liangyu came, he wouldn't be able to leave. Even if Gao Yingxiang didn't kill him, he would detain him and put him under house arrest.

Zuo Liangyu was not out of his mind, so of course he didn't dare to come, so Gao Yingxiang had to get rid of this "thief general" who didn't obey orders.

On the 25th of the twelfth lunar month, Gao Yingxiang called all the generals to discuss the matter.

Jin Minghu deliberately pointed out that Zuo Liangyu, who was stationed in Xuchang, received the order from King Chuang, but blatantly ignored it, and did not come to Kaifeng to discuss the matter.

Among the rogues, there are many who have suffered from Zuo Liangyu's loss. In the past, the Zuo had been fighting with the Qing army, and it took careful consideration to take revenge on Zuo Liangyu.

Seeing that Jin Minghu took the lead against Zuo Liangyu, more than a dozen big leaders immediately expressed their desire to get rid of the "thief general".

Li Yan is a native of Henan. He hated the Zuo Liangyu tribe who did many evils and caused disasters in Henan. He believed that the rebel army, which urgently needed to unify its thinking, could not let this army wander outside.

Li Zicheng also didn't like Zuo Liangyu, and he strongly agreed to send troops to deal with this group of people.

The result was so funny. Since the "Red Banner Army" did not launch an attack, the pressure from the outside dropped sharply, making Gao Yingxiang determined to organize 10 troops to besiege Xuchang to solve Zuo Liangyu's tribe.

Times have changed, and Zuo Liangyu is now a phoenix who is not as good as a chicken, and most of his subordinates have their own ghosts.

Ma Jinzhong was originally a rogue bandit with considerable strength, and his bandit name was "Hundred Hundred Thousand". After surrendering to the imperial court, he thought he would be able to become an official and honor his ancestors.

Unexpectedly, after being restrained by Zuo Liangyu, the mess became even worse. When he saw King Chuang leading troops to attack Zuo Liangyu, he immediately led more than [-] people to turn against him.

Zuo Liangyu's general, Wang Yuncheng, was from Liaodong, and because of his outstanding cavalry skills, he was nicknamed "Iron Cavalry King".

In the third year of Chongzhen, he followed Zuo Liangyu into customs and fought, and traveled all over the five provinces and the central capital.

Since Zuo Liangyu surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, Wang Yuncheng had a different heart.

Ma Jinzhong, who had joined Gao Yingxiang again, had a good relationship with Wang Yuncheng, and went to persuade him to surrender. Wang Yuncheng was persuaded, and brought more than [-] horsemen with him.

When Xuzhou was besieged, more than half of Zuo Liangyu's troops did not retreat into the city to stand firm, they chose to defect to Gao Yingxiang.

He won 3 horses without bloodshed, including four to five thousand horse troops. Gao Yingxiang is full of spirits, and his subordinates are full of fighting spirit!

Gao Yingxiang ordered the siege of the city when the call to persuade him to surrender was fruitless.

This time, Jin Minghu's department was fighting for real, and Li Zicheng's department was also unambiguous. In just three days, Zuo Liangyu's department showed signs of decline, while the bandits' attacks became more and more fierce.

In order to repay Gao Yingxiang's kindness, Xing Hongniang personally climbed the ladder and attacked the city with perseverance and achieved success, making a great contribution to the first climb.

The defenders who did not have a strong will to fight were attacked by Xing Hongniang, who was eager to make contributions, and immediately had a chain reaction. Most of Zuo Liangyu's troops gave up resistance and surrendered.

There was no fierce street fighting, and it was discovered that Gao Yingxiang's troops had entered Xuchang City. Except for a small number of Zuo Liangyu's confidantes, most of the infantry chose to surrender.

Knowing that the city fell, Zuo Liangyu, who was mentally prepared, did not sit still, and immediately took his son Zuo Menggeng and led hundreds of armored servants and more than a thousand cavalry in a vain attempt to break out from the east gate.

Gao Yingxiang is not a vegetarian either, Wei Sanjue left only the east gate to save Zuo Liangyuxu's life.

Zuo Liangyu was also not given for nothing. Knowing that the East Gate looked calm but hidden murderous intentions, she still rushed out with less than two thousand horses.

According to past experience, a thousand Guanning iron cavalry can chase tens of thousands of rogues and beat them to tears. Zuo Liangyu thinks it shouldn't be too difficult to lead his elite cavalry to break out of the encirclement.

Unexpectedly, today is not what it used to be, the quality of Gao Yingxiang's armored cavalry is getting stronger every year, and when he finds Zuo Liangyu's men and horses rushing out of Xuchang City, more than [-] cavalry swarmed up.

The strength is similar, but the strength of the troops is very different. After the two armies confronted each other once, Zuo Liangyu's troops lost confidence. Many people gave up resistance and dismounted to surrender.

The ending was rather miserable. Zuo Liangyu and his son died after the scuffle and the rogues who were found scrambled for the corpses.

After killing Zuo Liangyu's father and son, and incorporating [-]% of the original Zuo Liangyu's department, Gao Yingxiang completed the internal unity, broke away from the cooperation with the Qing army, and his prestige rose again.

At this time, there was another good thing that was icing on the cake. It was three envoys sent by Zhu Dadian to ask to see King Gao Chuang with Zhu Dadian's own letter.

These three people were actually just three captured rogues, and they came to Gao Yingxiang just to deliver a letter. When they saw Gao Yingxiang, the head of the bodyguard, they knelt down and kowtowed obediently.

The keen-eyed Li Yan found a good opportunity to stimulate the morale of the rebel army again, and insisted on publicizing that Daming sent three envoys to negotiate with the rebel army, and kowtowed when he saw Queen Chuang.

The news spread quickly in the rogue barracks, and too many rogues who didn't know the truth increased their loyalty.

Gao Yingxiang did not embarrass the three messengers. He wrote a reply to Zhu Dadian, and invited him to Kaifeng for negotiations, promising that the two armies would not fight each other. As long as Zhu Dadian came to talk, everything could be discussed.

(End of this chapter)

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