Chapter 899 Siam Bay
In the 12th year of Chongzhen, Huang Han, who stayed in Anqing Mansion for the New Year, was accompanied by Qin Yuyi and Chu Chu, and the days passed quickly, and the fifteenth day of the first lunar month passed in a blink of an eye.

Huang Han mobilized [-] inland cavalry, recruited [-] ruffian horse thieves with reasonable combat effectiveness, and selected [-] young and middle-aged ruffians with riding skills to serve with the army.

The tens of thousands of rogues who were sentenced to labor reform did not take them across the state and across the government, but took a boat in Anqing for transshipment. This time, not all of them were sent outside the customs.

Tens of thousands of displaced refugees will go to Nantong and Taizhou to build piling fields, and they will be arranged to explore the Americas in the future.

12 young and middle-aged rogues and refugees were selected, including more than [-] of their families, and these people were sent directly to Hainan Island to log and reclaim land for transplanting rubber trees and cultivating tree seeds.

The rubber plantation started from scratch, and the amount of work invested in the early stage was huge. More than 12 people, except for the very old who have lost their labor force and children under ten years old, everyone can get jobs within their ability.

Even though Qin Yuyi was totally unhappy, she still felt wronged and brought her female soldiers back to Sichuan.

Because Huang Han's analysis made sense, exterminating the rogues was as important as pacifying Liaodong. The women's battalion had an advantage in facing the rogues, but was completely against the trend when facing the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry.

Northern Sichuan is in a state of confrontation with bandits. Once the "Red Banner Army" withdraws from Liaodong and launches a war to suppress bandits, Hanzhong will become one of the main battlefields.

During this period of time, not only will troops not be transferred from Sichuan, but more troops will be added. Now that the troops of the "Red Banner Army" deployed in Sichuan have been transferred all the way to Liaodong, wouldn't it be a waste of manpower and material resources?
Qin Yuyi was born in the general family, practiced bow horse and participated in military training since she was a child, of course she understands these principles.

The husband made a plan to destroy the slaves first and then the bandits. In order to ensure that the plan would not be disrupted, he stabilized his adoptive mother Qin Liangyu and asked her to be patient.

It is the most important thing for Sichuan to take a defensive position for one or two years.

Now that Qin Liangyu is older and has a good temper, Huang Han's analysis believes that it is a manifestation of menopausal syndrome, but there is no such theory in this era.

Seeing Ma Xianglin, Zhang Fengyi, Qin Yiming and other white-armed generals couldn't persuade her at all.

But Qin Yuyi's status is different now, not only does she have the title of chief military officer of the Ming Dynasty, but she is also a side concubine.

Of course, the status of Wang's side concubine is higher than that of Gaoming's wife. Qin Liangyu is a person who strictly abides by her duties. Since her adopted daughter Qin Yuyi has been canonized as a side concubine, she does not regard herself as an elder and faces Qin Yuyi with court etiquette.

Therefore, when Qin Liangyu insisted on going her own way, Qin Yuyi was probably the only one in Sichuan who could stop her.

At this time, Zhu Dadian had already received Gao Yingxiang's reply, and they met in Kaifeng to discuss the prisoner exchange in detail.

Zhu Dadian, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, readily attended the appointment.

In the twelfth lunar month and the first lunar month, the sea near the Gulf of Siam is calm and the climate is pleasant. It is the best time for tourism in later generations, and many islands with white sandy beaches are full of tourists.

Huang Yong, the chief general of the Longwu Navy, led 27 warships to appear off the Gulf of Siam at the end of December in the 11th year of Chongzhen. The emotional Zheng Zhilong did not command the more than [-] warships and armed merchant ships he led from his flagship.

The moment he saw the Longwu Marine Division who came by appointment, he took the initiative to take his most important son, 15-year-old Zheng Sen, and several main leaders aboard Huang Yong's flagship "Hanjiang County King".

It was Huang Han's long-planned plan to establish a foothold for the Zheng Group in Nanyang.

For this reason, Huang Yong communicated with Zheng Zhilong many times, and clearly told Zheng Zhilong that in the future, merchant ships traveling in the South China Sea will need to pay the toll to the Longwu Navy.

As long as the merchant ships pay for the road, they will be protected by the Longwu Navy. Regardless of nationality, if the Zheng family wants to do things in the South China Sea, it will be friction with the Longwu Navy. What will be the final result?
It is equivalent to using both soft and hard tactics. Zheng Zhilong was instructed by Huang Yong to occupy the east entrance of the Strait of Malacca and establish a lair.

Here is one of the busiest shipping routes in the world today. As long as you have the strength, you will get huge benefits from robbing merchant ships and warships in the Strait of Malacca.

In order to continue dominating one side for the rest of his life, Zheng Zhilong put all his bets on it, and because his old enemies Liu Xiang and Li Guozhu had already taken refuge in the "King of the Han River" with a clear-cut stand.

One is scrambling for territory and expanding its influence in Little Luzon. The territory has grown to a radius of more than one hundred miles, and the population has grown to one or two million, of which Han Chinese account for more than half.

One robbed merchant ships in the Japanese country, embezzled islands, smuggled weapons to the warring shogunate army and religious army, and shipped out gold, silver, and copper ingots to make a fortune. The days are getting more and more prosperous.

Relatively speaking, it is Zheng Zhilong who is not easy to mix, the two largest hostile forces are under control, and the South China Sea has "Longwu Navy" operating Kinmen Island and Hong Kong Island.

Zheng Zhilong didn't need to be prepared for surprise attacks, he took all the warships capable of long voyages, and selected [-] of the best armed merchant ships.

The reason why he brought his 15-year-old son Zheng Sen with him was because he heard that at the end of this year or early next year, the "King of the Han River" might select eight young guard disciples to bring with him to teach by example.

Shi Daxuan, one of the Eighteen Zhi, was able to let his second young Shi Xian study with the "King of the Hanjiang County" for two or three years, Zheng Zhilong would not be willing to stay behind.

Besides, he thinks that the eldest son, Zheng Sen, who has both civil and military skills, has the reputation of a scholar, and is many times stronger than the two boys of Shi Daxuan's family. If he can be trained by the "King of the Hanjiang County" for two or three years, he will definitely be even more powerful.

In history, Zheng Zhilong attached great importance to the education of his children. The eldest son Zheng Sen once studied under the famous Donglin Party boss Qian Qianyi in the 17th year of Chongzhen, and studied with Gu Yanwu.

Today's history is beyond recognition. Zheng Zhilong keenly discovered that the real knowledge is taught by the new system of the "Red Banner Army". The disciples trained by the "Hanjiang County King" have a bright future.

The flagship "Hanjiang Junwang" has been in service for more than a year, and the authorized crew of this first-class battleship with a displacement of 770 tons has reached [-] people.

Now with the addition of dozens of Zheng Zhilong and a general directly led by Huang Yong, generals of the Zanhua Department, translators, military doctors, nurses, etc., there are more than [-] people on board.

The Longwu navy also had nine warships escorting more than [-] merchant ships sailing in formation to return. The fleet was fully loaded with copper ingots, rice, cotton, pig iron, spices and other materials.

It is expected to arrive at Nantong Prefecture for unloading at the end of the year, and the goods shipped to Seoul Port may not be unloaded until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Huang Yong saw Zheng Zhilong's fleet, and also saw many ordinary people with their families on the armed merchant ships. Knowing that the Zheng family had no secrets, they almost mobilized all their nests. He was very satisfied with Zheng Zhilong's attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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