Chapter 901
Take it, take it completely!
Zheng Zhilong finally knew that the "King of the Hanjiang River" hadn't tricked him, and that he didn't need to sail long distances to gain a foothold in "Xingdao".

However, despite the excitement and excitement, Zheng Zhilong was not at ease. It was obvious that as the number of warships and merchant ships from the Western Yi countries missing in this sea area increased, sooner or later it would be revealed who was the culprit.

"Xingdao" has become the target of public criticism, and it is very likely that it will be attacked by the Xiyi army in turn.

Naval battles in this era have their own characteristics. Because the main structure of warships is made of wood, they win after bombarding each other, and most enemy ships will not sink to the bottom of the sea.

In order to be able to capture more enemy ships, the Spaniards often carry a large number of infantry to engage in board-hopping battles.

Therefore, in naval battles, the victorious side captured far more warships than lost warships, and the strong will always be strong.

Zheng Zhilong thought that although he bought seven warships from the Longwu Navy and more than a dozen warships on the Western Yi deck, they would definitely not be able to reach the strength to sweep the Western Yi in the Straits of Malacca.

If you fail in a naval battle, the loss of warships is unpredictable, and you will enter a vicious circle, getting weaker and weaker, and eventually driven out of this sea area by Xiyi.

It is urgent to build the "Sea City" into an impregnable fortress, and it is time to seize the day and night by strengthening the artillery fire of warships.

Even so, Zheng Zhilong still had no idea. He asked Huang Yong to leave a few warships to strengthen the patrol around "Xingdao".

Zheng Zhilong relies on the large warships of the Longwu Navy with a displacement of one or two thousand tons. He believes that as long as there are a few of these giants equipped with 120 to [-] cannons, plus a hundred or so of the Zheng family's last A warship can at least be invincible.

Huang Yong has been in charge of the navy for eight or nine years, and has rich experience. He has seen the great benefits of being based on "Star Island", and he can also predict that the Xiyi countries and nearby indigenous countries that have reacted will not be allowed to develop.

In the future, there will be countless enemies here. It is necessary to have overwhelming force to defeat the Western Yi countries to sit down and negotiate, obediently pay the protection fee and pass safely. This is the only way.

Huang Yong decided to leave nine battleships and two thousand marines under the command of Huang Chunsheng. He returned with eighteen warships and more than thirty captured warships and armed merchant ships. Zheng Zhilong's eighty armed merchant ships peers.

With the nine advanced warships of Longwu Navy equipped with a total of [-] large and small artillery pieces, and Zheng Zhilong's more than [-] large and small warships, while cutting off the Strait of Malacca, they can also rob the warships of other countries that are constantly coming and going. Armed merchant ships are so good!
With a fleet of more than a hundred ships sailing in the Gulf of Siam, the civil servants and generals of the Ayutthaya Kingdom and the Toungoo Kingdom all thought that foreign enemies were coming, and there was a panic for a while.

Unexpectedly, the result was unexpected. This huge fleet came from the Kingdom of Heaven, and they came here for trade, not to start a war.

In order not to anger Daming, two trade agreements were signed successively, and resources and medicinal materials such as cotton, rice, tin, jade, copper, lead, nickel, rhinoceros horn, pepper, agarwood, etc. were purchased in large quantities.

When Huang Yong led the fleet back to the voyage, it returned with a full load.

Huang Chunsheng, who stayed in "Xingdao", would not waste his time. More than [-] marines and more than [-] private soldiers of the Zheng Group began to attack and encroach on the territory of the former Managa Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Managa is also the Sultanate of Malacca. The king was once conferred by Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty, and it was a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty.

More than 100 years ago, the Portuguese invaded and destroyed the country, and the city of Malacca is still a Portuguese colony.

This small country is weak, it is a mess, and its armed forces are not worth mentioning. A few hundred Portuguese beat them to death, but there are too few Portuguese to occupy the whole territory.

There are many Han Chinese living overseas here. When Huang Chunsheng led an army of [-] to advance, he did not engage in massacres. He found that those who looked similar to Han Chinese were given preferential treatment, and organized them to learn the official language of the "Red Banner Army".

Unlike the Western Yi countries who only sent out a few hundred people at a time to colonize overseas, Huang Han had tens of thousands of people in one go. The fleet that sailed to Central America was as high as [-] warships, each with a displacement of more than [-] tons.

In addition to the two battalions of marines directly led by Huang Yi and Yu Fei, [-] soldiers dispatched [-], [-] merchant ships, sailors on supply ships, and [-] immigrants.

The first trip to the other side of the ocean was the work of more than 2 people. With a relatively accurate world map and many nautical charts captured from Xiyi, disorientation can be ruled out.

Therefore, there is no possibility of failure. If you are lucky, there is great hope that no loss of ships will be caused.

The fleet of the Longwu Navy, which traveled across the ocean, was as lucky as Magellan. The Pacific Ocean gave face, and it was really peaceful. The fleet found Honolulu Island according to the map, and then found out the entire Hawaiian Islands.

After unloading part of the supplies, leaving two general marines, [-] immigrants, and three battleships, all the crew members who knew that they were approaching the American continent set off again for the main destination, the Isthmus of Panama.

By the time they arrived at the location of the later Panama, the fleet had been at sea for a hundred days and traveled more than [-] nautical miles.

At this time, the main colonists in North and South America were Spain, which fell due to the defeat of England by the Armada, and Portugal, which was defeated by the Dutch fleet in the Malacca naval battle and lost its dominance in the East and was overwhelmed.

In addition, there are the upstarts Holland and England, as well as France, Denmark, Italy and so on.

In fact, these colonists all have one characteristic. They are short of troops, and organizing a few hundred musketeers to carry out a landing battle can be regarded as launching a big war.

This is not surprising. In the entire history of human civilization, the significance of the Mayflower Convention is almost comparable to that of the British Magna Carta, the American Declaration of Independence, and the French Declaration of Human Rights.

In the 48th year of Wanli, only 18 years have passed since now. The wooden sailing ship "May Flower", which is well-known in later generations, only took [-] people to the land of North America.

Panama City is located in the east of the entrance to the Pacific side of the Panama Canal, which is still in a natural state and later passes through the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.

This is a Spanish colony, belonging to the Governor of New Spain, and the Governor of New Grenada had not yet appeared.

Panama was also the starting point and base of the Spanish Empire's invasion of the Inca Empire located in what is now Peru. It was also one of the important trading centers for Europeans in the New World of America at that time.

It sounds more powerful, but it is actually a fart, just a paper tiger.

This is not nonsense, because the ancient city of Panama built by the Spaniards was actually breached by the British pirate Morgan in the middle of the seventeenth century. After the pirates ransacked the city, they set fire to the entire Panama city.

(End of this chapter)

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