Chapter 902 Panama

Thirty-six most advanced ships of this era crossed the Pacific Ocean, sailing in the vast sea for about three months without encountering merchant ships or warships from other countries.

The reason is simple, the Longwu navy fleet is explorers, without known routes, naturally there will be no merchant ships.

As they approached the port of Panama City, Huang Yi, Shi Daxuan, Yu Fei and other generals finally became excited.

Because they used the 32-fold fixed telescope to see several warships and a dozen merchant ships moored in the port. These ships were not small in size, and their displacement should be more than [-] tons.

This is not surprising. The Spaniards need to transport the plundered gold and silver treasures back to Europe. Europeans are coveting the Spanish treasure ship.

However, the height of Tao is one foot high, and the height of magic is ten feet high. If you successfully capture a Spanish treasure ship, you can buy more than a dozen fully equipped warships, and you can afford the annual expenses of thousands of sailors.

Under the temptation of such great interests and without legal constraints, privateers from various European countries are trying to make Spanish treasure ships. The officials of various countries not only do not stop them, but also deliberately sell advanced warships and artillery to privateers. .

This is actually Huang Han's way of supporting Liu Xiang, Li Guozhu, and Zheng Zhilong, the famous pirate leaders, and feeding pirates is a disaster.

The Spanish Empire, the former colonial big brother, was targeted by the European brothers. There were countless attacks on the way to transport wealth from the Americas to Europe, causing huge casualties and economic losses.

What most inspired many privateers was a naval battle in the first year of Chongzhen.

Privateer Captain Peterson Hein, employed by the Dutch East India Company, achieved a fantastic victory in the Gulf of Matanzas, during which not a single ship was destroyed on either side.

Hein led 31 warships from the Dutch West India Company and about [-] sailors and gunners to successfully capture [-] Spanish treasure ships and five galleon-type warships with negligible casualties.

The value of emeralds, agate, gold and other treasures on the Spanish treasure ship reached 150 million Dutch guilders, while the total capital of the Dutch East India Company at that time was only 650 million Dutch guilders.

This huge sum of money can actually afford the military expenditure of the Dutch Alliance of Seven Provinces for eight months.

Such a small profit and big business further stimulated the privateers of various countries, which caused increasing losses to the Spaniards, and finally dragged down, weakened, and dragged down the former boss.

The Spanish warships and treasure ships moored in the port of Panama did not expect a large fleet to enter the port directly to attack.

In order to seize the ship, the Fran cannons were used to continuously fire shotguns to launch attacks. The Longwu Navy warship was as fierce as a tiger in a pack of wolves. The moment it came into contact with the enemy ship, the Spaniards who fought hastily had no chance to fight back. ability.

The gunfire of the Longwu Navy was still raging, and the declining Spaniards finally couldn't hold back. A bamboo pole with a white flag stuck out and shook its head on a Galen ship, and the next two, three...

In order to survive, the Spaniards surrendered with dignity. The Longwu Navy won the first battle and captured more than [-] warships and armed merchant ships. There are also more than a dozen large and small fishing boats in the port, which of course also became trophies.

It was completely different from the small fights of the Western Yi colonists. More than [-] Han Chinese set foot in Central America for the first time, and more than [-] educated young soldiers armed with Miniguns, self-generating blunderbusses, and field cannons quickly surrounded It is not as good as Panama City, which has a large area in the small county of Ming Dynasty.

The Xiyi colonists were the masters of the city, and the status of the aboriginal Indians was even worse than the black slaves brought by the white people.

Europeans are of course superior in the American continent at this time, because the natives here are indeed too bad, and Europeans are invincible.

But when the colonists in Panama City heard the rapid alarm bell from the church and the rumble of cannons from the port, they picked up matchlock guns and went to the top of the city to cooperate with the regular army to participate in the defense, most of them were frightened.

Most of the colonists had experience in fighting the native army, and almost none of the colonists did not have blood debts in their hands, and many of them had seen thousands of barbarians besieging white settlements.

Judging by the number of troops that appeared outside Panama City, they should definitely not have come from civilized Europe. However, it is absolutely impossible for the thousands of indigenous troops to be so well-equipped.

Many regular Spanish troops were carefully watching the army of unknown nationality approaching the city, smacking their tongues inwardly. It was obvious that the opponent's weapons and clothing were not inferior to their own.

The Han people in history were absent from the age of great voyages. After Zheng He's voyages to the Western Seas, how could it be possible for the army to go abroad?Even more will not appear in North and South America.

The flag of the Marine Corps is not only a red flag, but also a bright yellow dragon flag. It is highly recognizable in the Liaohai Sea, the East China Sea, the South China Sea, the Gulf of Siam, and the Strait of Malacca, but it is still unknown on the east side of the Pacific Ocean.

Miguel Serrano holds the rank of captain and is the supreme commander of the Spanish garrison in Panama City. He is already sweating profusely at this moment, and he seems to be unable to hold the telescope in his hand.

Thousands of enemy troops surrounded Panama City. Captain Michael could imagine the end of the warships and the navy in the port with his toes, but he really couldn't imagine why the navy would end overnight.

Huang Yong, Huang Yi, Yu Fei, Lin Minghai, Shi Daxuan, and other generals were also using binoculars to observe Panama City, which was about to be captured.

They knew it well, because Huang Han told them before departure that the equipment of the "Red Banner Army" was far ahead of the Western Yi colonists, and their numbers were far greater than the Western Yi troops stationed in America.

You don't need to be polite with these Xiyi who have fattened their courage because they have no opponents in the local area. They just use force to crush them. The harder the fight, the more obedient the colonists will be.

Three teenagers who could speak Spanish broke away from the main force and came to the west gate of Panama to shout loudly. The Spanish guards at the top of the city were even more numb when they heard the Spanish that was a bit blunt but understandable.

The meaning conveyed by the "Red Banner Army" is very simple. General Huang Yong from the Shang Kingdom of Ming Dynasty ordered all the western barbarians in Panama City to give up resistance and raise their hands to surrender. .

Captain Michael was a professional soldier, so of course he would not choose to surrender without firing a single shot, and he did not order to fire or shoot to kill the three Ming soldiers who came to persuade them to surrender.

The guards at the top of the city were highly nervous and were waiting silently. The half-hour period given by the Ming army was slowly slipping away.

The Ming army outside the city continued to deploy. Captain Michael Serrano did not see a column of Ming troops marching in line. He only saw five or six hundred Ming troops in red uniforms entering a distance of 300 meters in a skirmish line.

(End of this chapter)

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