Chapter 903
Facing the sea to the west of Panama City, more than ten miles away from the port, more than a dozen long-barreled cannons were deployed, with a maximum range of 5000 meters and an effective range of about 2000 meters.

Obviously, the Ming army was familiar with the range of artillery, and the assembled troops were all outside the effective range, and only scattered soldiers were sent within 300 meters.

The total number of cannons equipped and carried by the "Red Banner Army" expedition fleet reached [-] pieces, including [-] Fran cannons with a short range, low cost, and fast firing speed, and Hongyi cannons with a maximum range of more than ten miles. About a thousand doors.

If a certain city is difficult to capture, Huang Yong can spend his time transporting the artillery equipped with warships ashore to cooperate with field artillery for indiscriminate bombing.

It's just that Panama City seems to have a weak defense. If it launches a destructive attack, it will take time and energy to repair it after it is captured, which is not worthwhile.

Therefore, Huang Yong's tactic was to block the gun positions at the head of the city by the Mini gunners, trying to prevent the guards from firing effectively, and then get a complete city.

Facts have proved that it is effective. It takes longer to deploy tactics than actual combat. The Spaniards have no idea that the Miniguns in the hands of those skirmishers have been able to hit the defenders.

Just half an hour passed, because the defenders did not find the artillery positions of the Ming army, so they did not realize that they were in danger.

The Spaniards didn't even know that they were all within the shooting range of the Mini shooters, and it was already too late when they heard the "cracking" gunshots.

The effective firing rate of the five 600mm gunners exceeded 500%, and no less than [-]mm rounds harvested their lives. More than a hundred Spanish matchlock gunners were killed, and a dozen gunners who were about to fire were shot by snipers.

Unfortunately, their chief military officer, Captain Michael, was too eye-catching, and was hit by five mini-bullets when the first round of gunshots fired, and he died on the spot without any pain.

The Marine Corps Mini Gunner is the officer who loves to hit the enemy. Five or six hundred gunners with outstanding marksmanship will form a skirmish line and will not be merciful when they are close to the ideal position.

The best musketeers fired at this distance could hit the target by feel without even having to aim carefully.

After a rain of bullets, the guards at the top of the city who had escaped by chance all fell to the ground without exception.

Soon there were follow-up marines running close to the city wall, but it was not easy for them to find the target.

It seems that if you don't kill an enemy, you will lose half of your manpower, and the defenders at the top of the city will be heartbroken.

The enemy was coming fiercely, and their strength was ten times that of their own. It was obvious that their weapons were superior to their own. In this case, the bullying colonists were persuaded, and the Spanish Army also made a wise choice-a decent surrender.

In order not to offend the winner, the guards who chose to surrender were relatively honest and did not dare to play tricks.

After Huang Yong led the army into the city, he did not carry out a massacre. Instead, he arranged for people to collect weapons and concentrate on guarding hundreds of young and middle-aged Xiyi.

The colonists, who had never suffered such a disastrous defeat, looked at the troops from the Ming Dynasty with horrified eyes. They really couldn't imagine why there were such well-equipped troops in the far east, and the number of them was unbelievable.

It is possible to leave the lives of the Western Yi colonists, but it is impossible to leave property. Soon precious metals, jadeite, agate, and pearls piled up like mountains, and the initial estimated value was close to 1000 million taels in silver.

Wang Zheng, Lin Minghai, Xu Erjue, and Wang Yuqi immediately organized immigrants to reinforce the city. The city was too small to accommodate 2 to [-] people, which did not conform to the living habits of the Han people.

They will command craftsmen and drive slaves to build a city outside Panama City that is close to the sea and can accommodate [-] soldiers and civilians.

Huang Yi and Yu Fei each led two thousand general marines to land and attack north, south, and west. They searched a range of [-] miles centered on the landing point in half a month, and searched all the way to the Caribbean, which belongs to the Atlantic Ocean. sea ​​west coast.

Under the attack of the armed forces ahead of the times, the progress was rapid and the enemy was invincible.

Fortifications built by the Spaniards, such as Fort San Lorenzo, Fort Portovero, Fort San Lorenzo, etc., were captured one by one.

It's not that the Spaniards are vulnerable, but that they have too few troops, and the garrison in the San Lorenzo Fortress with the largest number of troops is only more than 300.

Moreover, they were very uncomfortable with the new sniping tactics of the Mini gunners. They found that their own musketeers couldn't hit their opponents at all.

Next, the Marines will send three Spanish soldiers captured in Panama City to shout under the castle, telling the defenders that Panama City has fallen, and urging the defenders not to die in vain.

If you can't defeat the enemy, you are destined to not be able to wait for reinforcements, and you have heard the words of your comrades-in-arms who have become prisoners of war that they will not be executed or abused if they choose to surrender. The defenders naturally choose to surrender.

Therefore, none of the military forts experienced bloody battles, but after dozens of Spanish soldiers were killed, white flags flew over the castle.

For one month, Huang Yi, Yu Fei and other generals led four to five thousand marines to attack seven Spanish military fortresses, killing more than 200 regular Spanish soldiers and arresting more than [-].

Only 3 or [-] aborigines were captured. Now these Spanish colonists lead ten to twenty aborigines to build cities, reclaim land, mine stones, and burn bricks and tiles under the command of the Han people.

The colonists dared not resist, and few thought of fleeing.

Not only because the "Red Banner Army" gave them food and clothing and did not abuse them, but the colonists knew that their hometown was far away from the ocean, and they could not go home anyway with their two legs. Relatively speaking, it was safer to stay in Panama City to work than to escape into the jungle many.

The aborigines were killed too hard by the colonists, and the hatred was buried too deep. The white people did not have muskets in their hands, just like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

This is not alarmist talk, there are not a few tribes that cannibalize people on this continent.

Therefore, the colonists would rather accept the highly civilized labor of the new colonists than flee. In order to be recognized as a good performer and rewarded with eating meat and drinking, too many white people are working hard.

The pioneering group has made enough preparations and brought enough supplies, even if it is completely on its own, it can uproot a city on the deserted seaside.

Today's results are better than expected, and too many indigenous labors have been obtained. Although most of these people are uncivilized and some are stupid, working as coolies is not a problem.

But one or two thousand white young and middle-aged men basically have some skills, and a similar number of white women can also sew, wash and cook. With them participating in the labor, it is much easier to manage the aborigines.

Panama City now has a place to stand on. Huang Yi, Yu Fei, Shi Daxuan and other pioneers are full of pride. At this moment, they all understand the intention of the "King of the Hanjiang River" to develop the navy regardless of cost.

(End of this chapter)

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