Chapter 904
A group of civil servants and military generals came to Panama City to look far away. A fortress was rising at the port more than ten miles away, and 2 people with different skin colors were busy.

The fortress is designed with a three-story gun tower close to the sea, and will deploy forty heavy artillery, sixty medium-sized artillery, and one hundred Fran machine light anti-aircraft guns that can be transported flexibly.

The heavy artillery can fire 32-pound solid bullets, with a maximum range of [-] miles and an effective range of about [-] miles. It can completely hit any warship in the port and achieve the effect of blocking the port.

After the completion of the fortress, a city wall will be built between the original Panama City, and the perimeter of an irregular rectangular city "Hanwei City" with a port fortress and Panama City as the "Twin Fortress" will reach more than forty miles.

This is the best plan adopted by the designers according to Huang Han's instructions and requirements. They believe that once the "Hanwei City" is completed, it can fully meet the goal set by the owner of the house and will not lag behind the times within 100 years.

With money, people, and food, tens of thousands of people can easily be mobilized to build the city. Shi Daxuan couldn't help sighing:

"The capture of Panama City is enough for all the expenses of our voyage. I didn't expect that Xiyi has accumulated so much money. It would be great if we came a few years earlier!"

Huang Yi nodded and said: "According to the summary report, not counting the captured warships and armed merchant ships, the property loaded on board and the gold and silver treasures seized in the city and those fortresses have reached 1000 million taels of silver in total. A few days ago It’s been a really good year to start.”

Not long after Yu Fei returned from Portovero Fort with his subordinates, he heard the words and said with a smile:

"Traveling across the ocean has to face the warships and armed merchant ships of the western barbarian countries. Without absolute strength, it would be too long to come to North and South America to grab territory. Therefore, although my teacher had a plan long ago, he still waited until today."

Wang Yuqi said: "It is really important to proceed step by step, and it is indeed a bit powerless to develop the Americas too early.

The "Red Banner Army" that I am developing is changing with each passing day, and its strength will increase by [-]% to [-]% every year. Taking new territories will open up more financial resources, so it is no problem to continue to maintain the growth momentum of [-]%. "

Huang Yi has learned a lot of new knowledge from Huang Han. He believes that it is unrealistic to maintain a high growth rate of 30.00%.

He said: "In the past three years, my 'Red Flag Army' system has more than doubled its financial, manpower, material and military strength, but it will be difficult to double it in the next three years, because our foundation is getting stronger and stronger. , It is too idealistic to maintain a growth rate of [-]% every year."

Wang Yuqi said confidently: "General Huang is right, and I thought so before coming to South America, but after this month's conquest and plunder, it can be predicted that in the next three years, the total economic output of my 'Red Banner Army' will still be the same." able to double that."

Shi Daxuan said sincerely: "You didn't realize that the 'King of the Hanjiang River' seems to have clairvoyance. Before we set off, when he organized a meeting to study, he analyzed the current situation in North and South America. He even guessed the deployment of troops in Panama City. ,amazing."

Huang Yi said proudly: "Of course, the 'King of the Han River' is well known for its exhaustive strategy, so the 'Red Banner Army' is invincible."

Lin Minghai once ran across South America as an interpreter for the Dutch East India Company, but the port he called was in the Caribbean Sea on the other side, which should be a port in Cuba in later generations.

He said: "The 'King of the Hanjiang River' asserted that North and South America were rich in products and sparsely populated, and that the armed forces of the western barbarians were weak.

Our Longwu Marine Division wants to take this opportunity to establish a foothold in Panama to manage this place like gold, and we must also strive to achieve self-sufficiency in food. There is a long way to go! "

Wang Zheng has been studying the soil and climate here, and he is not ashamed to ask the Spaniards who have lived in Panama for more than three years, ask about the climate characteristics through an interpreter, and ask a few students to record it.

At this moment, he said confidently: "It's warm and humid here, and the water source is plentiful. One acre of fertile land can be cultivated for three crops, and one acre of potatoes can be planted. The food harvested in one year is enough for a dozen adults for a year, and we can be self-sufficient in food. More than enough."

Huang Yidao: "Master's judgment is completely accurate. Just looking at the dense forests and countless towering trees, you can tell how fertile the land here must be."

Wang Zhengnai is one of the principals of "Hanjiang University", an academician of the Academy of Sciences, and the young generals of the "Red Banner Army" all call themselves students in front of him. Huang Yi, Yu Fei, etc. respect him very much and call him master.

Wang Zhengdao: "It is my wish to defend the land and open up the frontier. This old man has decided not to return with the fleet this time, but to stay in Panama City to do some research and try to grow rice as soon as possible."

Huang Yidao: "Master, the students will not go back, but stay here to guard the land and open up the frontier! I also want to write a book to record all the exotic customs here."

Wang Zhengdao: "The old man believes that in order to maximize the benefits, we should transport as much cargo as possible when returning to the voyage, so you should launch publicity in advance to try to get more marines to choose to stay.

With the completion of shipyards and steel factories, when we have the ability to build merchant ships and warships in Panama, it is no problem to increase the transportation capacity. At that time, more people can travel to and from the Pacific Ocean. "

Wang Yuqi smiled and said: "Master Wang, the technical team I brought here is not vegetarian, the foundation here is better than I imagined.

Do not worry!At most half a year, new large docks, steel plants, and cement plants will be built.

The forest resources here are too rich, and the cost of building a ship is much lower than that in 'Tiger Cave City' and Qingniwa. The official has already arranged manpower to start logging.

The Spaniards have long built a dock here, and we have captured as many as two to three hundred white craftsmen, and at least five hundred natives have worked as handymen in the dock and can be considered skilled workers.

There are too many ship materials in the warehouse of the dock, all of which are giant logs that have been air-dried for two or three years, which is enough for immediate needs. "

Wang Zheng twisted his beard and said: "Good! If we are based in Panama, industry and agriculture will develop together, and then a large number of immigrants will be brought in. Within five years, we will definitely be able to expand the land for thousands of miles."

Huang Yidao: "Master, the students think that the pattern of expanding the land for thousands of miles is still a bit small. It is possible to develop a large country with an area no less than that of the Ming Dynasty here!"

"Hahaha!" Wang Zheng laughed loudly, and said, "It's a pity that I'm getting old, and I may not be able to wait until the day when we can build thousands of miles of mountains and rivers in America, but I believe that you can do it in time."

Yu Fei was a little excited, and he said: "It's a lot of fun to show off in a foreign land and expand the territory. Students will strive for this in their lives."

(End of this chapter)

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