The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 905 The Light of Han Civilization

Chapter 905 The Light of Han Civilization

Wang Zheng looked at Xu Erjue who was flushed with excitement but didn't speak, then looked at Huang Yi and Yu Fei, and said earnestly:
"This long voyage is enough to comfort me, the old man finally put himself in his place and saw how big the world is, it's just a pity for those wasted years.

The future belongs to you young people, work hard!You will all make a lot of achievements in America, and you will have a rich and colorful stroke in the history books that record the Chinese civilization in the future. "

The young people didn't know that this voyage was destined to be famous in history, and they said in unison: "Master, don't worry, we will not disappoint this beautiful era, and we must let the light of Chinese civilization shine on North and South America!"

Seeing that all the nearby sites were captured, Wu Youxing, Shen Langzhong, and dozens of doctors accompanying the army felt impatient, because 2 Han Chinese traveled across the ocean to tropical regions, and it was inevitable that they would not get sick.

Due to the adequate preparation of commonly used medicines, such as the Chinese patent medicine Huoxiangzhengqi Wan, Huoxue Qufeng Powder, Toilet Water, Fengyoujing, Xingjun Powder, Xiaoshu Powder, etc. produced by the "Renyixin" pharmacy, it is very simple to treat headaches and brain fever.

Huang Han attaches great importance to medical research, strictly controls infectious diseases, and has been spending a lot of money to arrange special personnel to collect, organize, and optimize folk prescriptions, discarding the dross and retaining the essence.

As a modern person, Huang Han certainly has the awareness of protecting intellectual property rights. He never used the model of plundering, but instead gave reasonable compensation to the owner of the ancestral secret recipe, or invested in the owner of the secret recipe to participate in the production of Chinese patent medicine.

The eye ointment produced by Majia in Dingzhou, North Zhili is very famous. Of course, they got the investment of "Renyixin" pharmacy, and got the golden idea of ​​developing hemorrhoid ointment.

Three years ago, "Ma Yinglong" eye ointment and hemorrhoid ointment were procured by the government and became necessary common medicines for military camps. Now this cheap and high-quality Chinese patent medicine brand has become popular in Ming Dynasty, and has even become a hot commodity in foreign trade.

It is difficult for sailors on long voyages to get a lot of fruits and vegetables, and they feel uncomfortable when they poop. Since the "Ma Yinglong" hemorrhoid ointment is used for maintenance, the unspeakable problem has basically been solved.

Not only did "Ma Yinglong" get bigger and stronger with capital injection, but Chinese patent medicines like "Liushen Wan", "Pian Tze Huang", "Yunnan Baiyao" and so on are also in the ascendant.

There are medicines, doctors with excellent medical skills both internally and externally, the consciousness of supplementing vitamins through tea, dried fruit, and orange powder, and the hygienic habits of not drinking raw water, using cups and utensils separately, washing hands frequently, and taking baths. There is no large-scale outbreak of epidemics. .

However, 600 people were diagnosed with malaria, and dozens of highly skilled doctors were unable to recover. Fortunately, this time they came to the other side of the ocean to find the sacred tree to cure malaria. They were not very nervous, but impatient.

Ever since, they arranged for more than a hundred teenagers who had studied Spanish, Portuguese, English, and French to show pictures of cinchona trees and rubber trees and talk and gesture to the local indigenous people.

They offer a reward, no matter whether the information is accurate or not, they will get meat and wine, and if the information is confirmed to be accurate, they will get gold, a house and a woman.

It is not far from Colombia in the later generations. The Spaniards captured the indigenous people everywhere in order to obtain labor. There are many slaves in Panama City whose hometowns are in Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru and other countries in later generations.

Of course, nine out of ten of these places are now Spanish and Portuguese colonies.

The Spaniards in their heyday were really amazing, successively conquering the three ancient civilization empires in North and South America.

More than 100 years ago, the indigenous Indians established a rather large Inca Empire.

An incredible thing happened, the Inca Empire was conquered by 160 nine soldiers led by the Spanish colonist Francisco Pizarro in the most dramatic way.

You know, according to the statistics of later historians, the population of the Inca Empire at that time exceeded 600 million, and its military strength exceeded [-].

After that, the Spanish army defeated the army of the Inca Empire many times. What is funny is that each time the Spaniards dispatched no more than 200 soldiers, and the defeated Inca army in each battle was often in the thousands or tens of thousands.

This shows how vulnerable the Indians on this vast land should be. Defeating them is really much easier than catching pigs.

It is also because the countries on the land of the Americas are too weak and have too many resources, which led to the earliest colonists earning amazing profits at a very small cost, making countries with small populations such as Portugal and Spain become great powers, and even once dominated the world.

It is also foreseeable that more than [-] members of the powerful "Red Banner Army" navy and marine corps will land in South America and sweep the enemy.

Because of the rewards offered, and because more than a hundred teenagers communicated slowly with the native slaves in body language and Spanish and Portuguese, thousands of slaves finally understood what these civilized people who looked similar to themselves were looking for.

Not long after, Wu Youxing and Shen Langzhong respectively led the medical team to join two expeditionary teams formed by marines to the Amazon forest and the Andes Mountains in South America.

They need to collect the seeds of rubber trees and cinchona trees, tap rubber, collect the bark of cinchona trees, and try to transplant as many trees as possible.

Each team has [-] indigenous slaves pushing [-] wheelbarrows full of supplies and food, and [-] Marine Corps officers and soldiers are responsible for security and looking for cinchona trees and rubber trees.

While the soldiers heading to South America were opening their way and exploring in the tropical jungle, Huang Han had already led his troops to Tongzhou City at the northern end of the Grand Canal.

There are four concrete roads in Tongzhou invested by Huang Han and built in the form of work relief, one directly leads to Shanhaiguan, one leads to Tianjin Wei, and the other leads to Yongping Mansion.

The main road leading to the capital is of course the widest one, and the surrounding area of ​​this road is now prosperous.

Tongzhou, which has been in peace for eight years, has developed into a larger commodity distribution center, not only has the convenience of land, but also has the convenience of the Grand Canal.

In the past, when the Grand Canal was frozen, Tongzhou should have been the most depressed time. The past two years have been completely different. There is a steady stream of goods transported by sea and land. Many trackers can earn more than pulling fiber by pushing wheelbarrows.

The "King of the Hanjiang River" led [-] "Red Banner Army" across the capital and crossed the Yellow River. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians saw it with their own eyes, so the news that the bandits once again flooded into Henan did not cause much panic.

At the end of last year, after Zhang Xianzhong, who dug the emperor's ancestral grave, was captured by the "Red Banner Army" and sent to the capital, millions of soldiers and civilians in the capital city felt more at ease knowing that the bandits suffered a disastrous defeat.

Now we have the latest news that the "King of the Hanjiang River" has returned to Liaodong, and will launch a general attack this year, aiming at Shenyang Wei, which has been occupied for more than ten years.

(End of this chapter)

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