The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 906 Three Kowtows and Nine Bows

Chapter 906
In the second year of Chongzhen, slaves were established and invaded by bandits, and the land of Gyeonggi was the first to bear the brunt. Too many military and civilian officials and eunuchs were destroyed.

The "Red Banner Army" not only stood up in times of crisis, but also organized the victims to complain about the atrocities of slavery, and instilled in millions of soldiers and civilians the truth that humiliation is impossible, and that only by taking up arms and fighting to the end can we avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Now nine years have passed, and many soldiers and civilians in Gyeonggi have the consciousness of "never be a slave".

Tens of thousands of young and middle-aged men have participated in the training of rural bravery for more than two years, and have a certain combat effectiveness.

Too many outstanding young and middle-aged men were elected to the Guards Army, and there were not a few people who passed the regular soldier examination and became musketeers and cavalrymen of the "Red Banner Army".

The overall quality of these young and middle-aged men who took the initiative to join the army is much higher than that of the Ming battalion soldiers, and the family members who receive military treatment are of course the hardcore supporters of the "King of the Han River".

The weather was cold and snowy, and the farmers basically had nothing to do. Too many people came out to watch the "Red Banner Army".

The Xiangyong Armed Forces took the initiative to undertake the task of maintaining order, which is normal. The Xiangyong is equivalent to a militia organization, and all officials above the [-]-headquarters are retired veterans of the "Red Banner Army".

Improving the relationship between the army and the people is one of the magic weapons for fighting for the world. For this reason, Huang Han deliberately stayed in Tongzhou, and tens of thousands of soldiers camped outside the city.

In order to allow more people to experience the strength of the "Red Banner Army" personally, Huang Han ordered an open day for the barracks to receive soldiers and officials, and organize military and civilian parties.

Ruan Dacheng's new play was rehearsed in a huge yurt built to accommodate more than [-] spectators.

After more than four months of intense rehearsals, the new play "Recovering Liaodong" has been grandly staged on the tenth day of the first lunar month at the Beijing Everbright City Grand Theater.

The wonderful plot, brand-new interpretation method, frank dialogue, beautiful theme song and interlude refreshed the audience. Two performances a day could not satisfy the needs of the soldiers, civilians and officials in the capital.

Ruan Dacheng was very excited to see his hard work being recognized by so many audiences. He had already cried several times secretly hiding in a place where no one was around.

Huang Sifang, who came to the capital to sit in the town and ensured that Zhang Xianzhong was killed, saw that the play was so sensational, and immediately arranged for people to build a huge yurt outside Tongzhou City for the performance.

He personally came to meet Ruan Dacheng at the backstage of Everbright City Theater and told Ruan Dacheng that the "King of the Han River" would lead his troops to stay in Tongzhou for a few days.

Everything Ruan Dacheng did was to get Huang Han's approval. He immediately notified the performance team that he would go to Tongzhou to report on the performance to the "King of the Han River" and the soldiers who had returned from fighting bandits in Henan.

The two to three hundred actors, musicians, and staff members of the entire crew heard this exciting news, and burst into cheers immediately.

On the 25th of the first month, the crew of "Recovering Liaodong", which had performed [-] performances in the capital, performed passionately in Tongzhou and won unanimous praise. The soldiers expressed their love for this new play with the warmest applause.

Huang Han, who watched the drama with Hanzi, Sun Chuanting, etc., did not watch the drama at all, but watched the expressions of the civil servants, generals and soldiers, and saw their serious and focused faces.

Huang Han, who came from a later generation, has naturally seen too much, and basically can't watch this kind of drama, but seeing a schoolmaster like Sun Chuanting watch it with relish, he realizes that this mode of entertaining must be entertaining. can become a trend.

The theme of the new play "Recovering Liaodong" is to arouse the awakening of the Han people and encourage the Han people to never be slaves. Of course, such a positive work must expand its influence.

Huang Han summoned Ruan Dacheng to commend him, and there were only guard disciples on duty, head of the banner guard Huang Sifang, and Fa Xiaohanzi. The excited Ruan Dacheng saw that there was no outsider in the big tent, but he kowtowed and bowed three times to bow to the emperor and ministers.

Seeing this, Huang Sifang and Hanzi looked at each other and smiled, feeling extremely happy in their hearts. They had long since realized that they were ministers of the dragon, and they were looking forward to this day.

Sure enough, villains naturally have the advantages of villains, and they are much easier to use than those moral gentlemen.

Huang Han did not hypocritically accuse Ruan Dacheng of overreaching, and stated on the spot that he would be promoted by two ranks.

Ruan Dacheng knelt down and kowtowed again, and said in his mouth: "I thank the Lord for your kindness!"

Talented, unscrupulous literati are the most able to make a statement for politicians, and they can even create gods.

For example, the ridiculous myth of Liu Bang's birth.Isn't it shameless to write a lie about Liu Bang's old lady mating with a dragon in the history books?

It doesn't matter if you are shameless, as long as it benefits the ruling class.

Huang Han is now an out-and-out ruler, and it would be great to be able to create gods and make more ordinary people blindly follow goodness!
The national war to destroy the Manchu Qing Dynasty is about to be launched, so it is especially important to unify the mind. If the crime of slavery is not widely publicized, and the Manchu Qing's ambition to destroy the Ming Dynasty is exposed, how can Huang Han's great achievements be highlighted?
Huang Han said calmly: "Your Majesty Ruan is free, I have watched your drama, which is very exciting. But too few audiences will directly affect the publicity effect. Have you taken any measures?"

Ruan Dacheng said: "Your Majesty, I have been planning for this matter, and now I have formed a second set of cast members with backup actors as the main body and have rehearsed for seven or eight days. In another three or five days, I will be able to go on stage, and the crew will be able to do so next month." Performing in two places at the same time."

"It's not enough. If such a good show needs to be seen by more people, it is best to form at least ten sets of teams as soon as possible, but the quality must not be too different. When it is staged in the Night City Grand Theater that can accommodate [-] spectators, it must be the best Strong lineup."

Ruan Dacheng hesitated for a moment, then said cautiously: "My lord, it's not easy to find male and female protagonists with good image and excellent acting skills in forming a team. It's hard to guarantee the quality if you are eager for success."

At this time, Huang Han thought of Qinhuai Bayan like a conditioned reflex. At this time, Liu Rushi should be young and not married to Qian Qianyi as a concubine. If a positive energy drama is used to attract her to join the management of the "Red Banner Army" propaganda team The crew, nine out of ten will succeed.

In history, Lord Hedong was full of passion and willing to die for his country and commit suicide, which can be seen from being called "the strong character and strong Liu Rushi" by the world.

Such a wonderful woman with both good looks and talent should become the star of the film crew and a superstar that attracts everyone's attention. Don't let Qian Qianyi, a pig, win over her.

Huang Han pointed out: "There are so many geisha in the south of the Yangtze River, and there are not a few talented and beautiful ones. You can hire them with money. If the bustards of any family don't let them go, you can directly use the flag guards or the local government to put pressure on them.

Although the king is far away in Liaodong, he also knows the reputation of many famous courtesans in Jiangnan, such as Liu Rushi, Gu Hengbo, Ma Xianglan, Chen Yuanyuan, Kou Baimen, Bian Yujing, Li Xiangjun, Dong Xiaowan, Li Shiniang, Gong Zhizhi, Huang Yanqiu, Yang Wan, Wang Wei and so on.

It is rumored that these are all talented and beautiful geisha and actors, Mr. Ruan can definitely include them in the crew to add color to the new play! "

(End of this chapter)

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