Chapter 907 Qin Huai Eight Beauty
In fact, Huang Han had never heard of these women at all in this life, but he mentioned the names of several versions of "Qinhuai Bayan" in later generations.

He didn't know if Qinhuai Bayan ever existed in the real world, and he didn't know that Ma Xianglan had actually died decades ago, and some of them were too young to make their debut at this time.

What's more, she didn't know that Chen Yuanyuan was no longer in Suzhou, but was brought to the capital's mansion by Tian Hongyu for training, and was going to present it as a big gift to the "King of Han River".

The Qinhuai famous prostitutes Yang Wan and Wang Wei were talented and beautiful, but they were never included in the Qinhuai Bayan. These two were Mao Yuanyi's two concubines.

Mao Yuanyi once followed Sun Chengzong in Liaodong as a general who praised painting in the army. His works "Wu Bei Zhi" and "Supervisor Ji Lue" were handed down. Chongzhen died of alcoholism and overdose in 12 years.

Ruan Dacheng was sweating. He had been in the south of the Yangtze River for many years. Because of his talent and wealth, he was well-known in brothels.

He did know a few of the famous Jiangnan prostitutes mentioned by the "King of the Han River", and he even met Liu Rushi and Gu Hengbo who were already famous.

Ruan Dacheng met Li Xiangjun a few times when Li Xiangjun, the adopted daughter of Li Zhenli, the owner of Jinling Meixiang, was just in her prime.

But these are all hot red cards in the Jiangnan yard, and some even set up a brothel by themselves. Hiring them is not something that can be done with three melons and two dates. How much will this increase the cost?

What's more, most of these red officials are backed by wealthy sons from aristocratic families, and there are not a few serving officials and dignitaries with real power to take care of them. If they are not handled properly, they will cause a commotion!
Ruan Dacheng was sweating, and stammered: "This, this... This will cost a lot of money. It may also offend many officials and dignitaries. I am afraid..."

Huang Han waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, 'Red Banner Army' has a lot of publicity expenses, you can use it anyway, the heroine must be outstanding, and the audience must feel pity for me, so as to achieve the effect of fighting against the enemy."

He also said to Huang Sifang: "Sifang, you arrange it, and those who dare to obstruct the selection of actors for the 'Red Banner Army' crew will not hesitate to use all their strength to attack.

The king heard that the boy named Hou Fangyu from Hou Xun's family, the former Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, has been pestering a red card named Li Xiangjun. That boy is a scumbag. "

The story of the Peach Blossom Fan is known to many later generations, and Huang Han doesn't know if it happened in reality. Anyway, he can judge that Hou Xun is not a thing. His son Hou Fangyu is a scum, and there is nothing wrong with getting rid of the Hou family as soon as possible.

Huang Han reads storybooks just for entertainment, he only knows about such a thing, how can he remember the time when it happened?

At this time, Hou Fangyu didn't know Li Xiangjun at all, so how could he make trouble?
In the autumn of the 12th year of Chongzhen, Hou Fangyu, one of the well-known "Four Princes of Fushe", met Li Xiangjun, who was just 16 years old and in his prime. In the story of Peach Blossom Fan, Ruan Dacheng is a complete villain.

Today's Ruan Dacheng will appear in a positive image, and Li Xiangjun, a young talented girl who has not been deeply involved in the world, will be the first to be included in the positive energy crew, so that she can contribute to the publicity cause.

Huang Sifang always resolutely carried out Huang Han's orders, never asked why, he immediately stood at attention and saluted: "Don't worry, my lord, Hou Fangyu must be alive in a few days."

Huang Han saw that Huang Sifang was so violent, and said: "There is no need to kill him, just find a way to make this person famous. Don't use extreme methods to deal with other people. It seems good to take the whole family to exile in Hainan Island." .”

Huang Sifang said: "This subordinate obeys orders!"

Later, the reputation of Hou Fang's domain name was really stink, and the entire scholarly community was afraid to avoid it.

Without him, Hou Fangyu not only had sex with seven or eight male actors and was bumped into by more than a dozen scholars from the Nanjing Imperial Academy, but also went to the lowest-level secret door Fengyue to contract the disease of willows and willows, and developed rotten sores all over his body.

This is not surprising, the so-called "Four Young Masters of Fushe" are not officials, they just have a false name!It's no different from failing to get into a good university, complaining about the lack of education system.

The founders of Yingshe and Fushe, Zhang Pu and Zhang Cai, are now working tirelessly in the "Hanjiang Province". They are doing their best to get promoted and live a fulfilling life. .

Many partisans in the Fushe chose to work in the "Red Banner Army" system for the sake of their future and refused to talk about the country. The appeal of this literati group was greatly reduced.

Among the "Four Young Masters of Fushe", Fang Yizhi and Mao Pijiang failed in many trials, and they couldn't even make a name for themselves. They were completely disappointed with the imperial examination system of Ming Dynasty.

In fact, this is not to blame for the unfairness of the Ming Dynasty's scientific examination, but that these two are miscellaneous scholars, and their studies are too miscellaneous to read the books of sages without distraction, so they cannot pass the threshold of the stereotyped selection system to become scholar-bureaucrats.

After they discovered that the "Han River Province" selected officials more for practical work than scholar-bureaucrat status, they participated in the selection and have now been working in "Seoul" for more than a year.

Working in the "Red Banner Army" system, they have a wide range of knowledge, so they can't pass stereotypes to get scholars. Instead, it has become an advantage.

They work and study at the same time, from the first rank of nine to the eighth rank, and then they can be promoted to become the county magistrate to govern a lower county.

Fang Yizhi and Mao Pijiang are young and full of hope for the future. They have fallen in love with the "Red Banner Army" system and are eager to govern one side.

The two of them always feel ashamed when they think that they criticized the current affairs in Jinling and won the false name of "the fourth son of Fushe".

Chen Zhenhui from Yixing was the only scholar-bureaucrat among the "Four Sons of Fushe". Because he was ranked second in the high school in the local examination and had a great reputation, he did not go to the "Hanjiang Province" to seek a job.

Hou Fangyu was imprisoned by the emperor in Zhao Prison because his father, Hou Xun, had offended the "King of Hanjiang County" and has not been released since then.

Of course he would not take refuge in the "Red Banner Army" system. He was notoriously shamed by the banner guards and was shameless in Jinling, and returned to his hometown in Guide Mansion in despair.

Due to the double blow both mentally and physically, Hou Fangyu died of a terminal illness within a few years, and it was impossible for him to help the tyrant to torture and kill millions of Han people.

The straight-talking fool spoke up to cheer up Ruan Dacheng: "Master Ruan, our 'Red Banner Army' has never bullied others, but it does not mean that we are willing to be bullied.

You don’t need any dignitaries, and you don’t have to worry about the civil servants and military generals in Nanzhili. They are all scumbags. Whoever is not open-minded, even if they don’t kill them, will let them go to Hainan Island to plant rubber trees. "

Hanzi is recognized as the number one general of the "Red Banner Army". He has the aura of Zuo Dudu, Prince Taibao, and Shanhaiguan Commander-in-Chief. This time Huang Han asked the court to grant the title of Earl of Pingliao.

(End of this chapter)

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