Chapter 908 Alertness
For nearly ten years, Han Zirong has grown a lot of knowledge and mastered a lot of new knowledge with Huang Han, and his vision is extraordinary.

He really didn't take the dignitaries and officials of Ming Dynasty seriously.

In his heart, he didn't even know the emperor. As long as Brother Han gave an order, he would lead the 600 reinforcement battalion directly under him to kill the capital without hesitation.

Finding some red cards to join the crew, that's a big deal, who doesn't have a good eye and dares to blah blah blah?
Huang Sifang comforted Ruan Dacheng and said, "Don't worry, Qiwei can be said to be everywhere in Nanzhili. I will issue orders, and then they will definitely assist you to succeed secretly."

Ruan Dacheng heard Hanzi's rhetoric, and also heard that Huang Sifang, the leader of the banner guards who was feared by everyone, would arrange for people to help secretly, and he was immediately full of confidence.road:

"My lord, the two sets of casts are mature now, and there is no need for the officials to keep an eye on them. The officials will gallop to the south of Zhili tomorrow to look for those red-card elites to join the crew. The talented and beautiful women you mentioned know several of them. , It shouldn’t be too difficult to persuade them to join.”

Seeing that Ruan Dacheng was working tirelessly and preparing to go south immediately, Huang Han once again affirmed, and told him to go to Jinling Everbright City to ask the side concubine of Chu Chu for assistance. There are many talented and good-looking actors in Everbright City. If you have acting talent, you can join the crew.

Huang Han, in order not to let watching the theater become a heavy burden for ordinary people, did not require the crew to make a profit, emphasizing social benefits.

Tickets for new plays are relatively low, and about [-]% of free tickets have to be reserved for martyrs and military models for each show.

On the tenth day of the first lunar month, when it was staged at the Nightless City Grand Theater, the ticket price was up to [-] renminbi, and the price for those seats in the back and side with bad seats was [-] renminbi.

Usually, the ticket price is only half of the ticket price for building theaters and yurts for performances. Seat tickets for open-air performances in summer are controlled at ten to twenty copper coins.

Why not free?Performances require costs, and the performance team needs to compare. Not charging tickets means that there is no competition mechanism introduced.

Without ticket revenue, how can we judge which crews are popular and which crews are left out?Only those who earn high income can stimulate their vitality.

The "Red Banner Army" system can give job opportunities, but it will not give iron rice bowls. Survival of the fittest is always in progress.

It was another banquet and another big show. Huang Han, who led the "Red Banner Army" back to the division, stayed in Tongzhou for five days and still had no intention of leaving.

Jin Yiwei and Dongchang played closely, and many serving officials of the imperial court went to Tongzhou to meet with the "Hanjiang County King", and it is unknown what they talked about.

These abnormal phenomena immediately aroused Chongzhen's vigilance, and he hurriedly convened dozens of important ministers to discuss the matter.

Contrary to the high tension of the emperor, civil servants and generals didn't care at all.

Even many officials who had never dealt with the "Red Banner Army" took the initiative to go to Tongzhou to ask to meet the "Hanjiang County King" with a face.

Fortunately, without exception, these officials were warmly received by the civil and military generals of the "Red Banner Army" system, and also participated in the reception hosted by the "Hanjiang County King".

Now the road from Tongzhou to the capital is in good condition. The four-wheeled carriage runs on the flat concrete road, and it takes an hour to reach the destination.

If all the civil and military officials leave the court in the morning, they will rush to Tongzhou, and return to the capital at night before the city gate is closed. There is more than enough time.

Except for a few so-called Qingliu who were too old-fashioned and impersonal, many officials took the time to go to Tongzhou to show their faces and drank a few glasses of "Yangchunbai" at the banquet of the "Hanjiang County King".

When the platform played right, many ministers looked at the haggard emperor and couldn't help but think of the "King of the Hanjiang County" they had just met in the past few days.

Both civil and military officials knew that these two were of the same age, but now one temple has frost, and the waist and back are starting to swell, and they seem to be very old!

The other has a straight waist and a radiant face, walks vigorously, and talks not only humorously, but also often thought-provoking.

It's really annoying to compare people to people!Many ministers kept sighing in their hearts.

They couldn't help but think of a joke Huang Han told at the banquet, and at this moment they had a deeper understanding in their hearts.

Huang Han came from a later generation, and he knew too many jokes. He once took advantage of the wine and asked more than a hundred civil servants and generals who were drinking happily. Have you read Journey to the West?

This novel has been widely circulated in Ming Dynasty, and the publishing houses of the "Red Banner Army" system have issued hundreds of thousands of copies. Due to its exquisite printing and vivid illustrations, it has become a sought-after item in the market.

All the civil servants and generals present here have actually read this book, but they just don't know why the "King of the Han River" asked such a question?
The face of Xue Guoguan, the chief assistant of the court, was naturally embarrassing. He cupped his hands and asked with a smile: "My lord, Journey to the West is indeed wonderfully written. There are many readers. I don't know what your lord means?"

Huang Han asked: "My lords, it is easier to understand that Tang Seng, Sun Wukong, Sand Monk, and Bailongma have all become Buddhas. After all, they have worked hard and made great achievements. Why are they lazy and lustful? When Tang Seng was arrested, Zhu Bajie, who broke up with him, also became a Buddha gone?"

The idiot who was drinking suddenly stared at Faxiao with wide eyes, then scratched his head and said, "That's right! That bastard Zhu Bajie is useless, he's not good enough for success, but he's more than good for failure. Wouldn't it be too unfair to let him become a Buddha?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was a lot of discussion, too many people thought that the idiot's words were justified, and Zhu Bajie should not have become a Buddha.

Huang Han interrupted everyone's discussion with a smile, and said: "Journey to the West tells us a truth, as long as you follow the right people and choose the right team, even a pig can become a Buddha!"

"Hahaha..." The civil servants and generals present laughed wildly at first, and many scholar-bureaucrats filled the seats with food and wine from their mouths. It didn't take long for someone to start applauding, and then the applause was like a wave.

Liu Zaiqi, the leader of the propaganda team who is good at speculating, suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Your Majesty is so insightful, I think that the lower official was just a slave of Jiannu. Suffering from hunger and cold.

However, since Xiaguan was rescued by the prince to join the 'Red Banner Army', not only is he well-fed but also has a bright future. Xiaguan should be the Zhu Bajie who became a Buddha without success. "

Huang Han said: "Master Liu is too modest. You have done your best in charge of publicity. Everyone can see the credit. It is no less than the white dragon horse in Journey to the West. You deserve to become a Buddha."

When Liu Zaiqi saw the patriarch affirming himself in front of more than a hundred Ming civil officials and generals, he was so excited that he couldn't help crying. He knelt down with a plop, choked with sobs and said:
"I have received the kindness of the prince, and I am afraid that I will not be able to repay it in this life. I am ashamed of the prince's praise. The meaning of what the prince said today is far-reaching. Today, the official will review the manuscript and publish it in the 'Red Flag Daily', so that the people of the world can share Discuss the importance of following the right people and choosing the right camp."

(End of this chapter)

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