The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 909 It is important to stand in line

Chapter 909 It is important to stand in line

Hanzi said loudly: "Brothers here, Liu Zaiqi has improved a lot! Knowing how to draw inferences from one example, and knowing how to be grateful, I started to like him.

Brother Liu Zaiqi, you can also write about me. I think back when I was in my hometown in Jiulitai, my family was destitute and I couldn’t marry a wife. A damn matchmaker actually wanted to introduce a silly girl to me.

However, since Brother Han came back and took me to join the army, I have never been able to accept it. Now that I have been a first-rank official, I don't know if I will be appointed as a public or a marquis. "

Huang Han stood up and went to Hanzi's side, patted his thick shoulder, and said, "Honky boy, you are the Monkey King in Journey to the West, and you should become the Buddha of Fighting and Conquering God. In the future, you will not only be granted the title of Duke and Marquis, will you?"

There was thunderous applause again, and the banquet immediately entered a climax. Many generals who started their careers began to recall how they were down in the past, and lamented how proud they are now, and then a sentence became a classic: "If you follow the right people, even if you are as stupid as a pig, you can become a Buddha! "

Liu Zaiqi was even more excited. He had always had a low self-esteem in front of the top general of the "Red Banner Army", and the idiot had never looked at him seriously.

Today, Hanzi called him Brother Liu Zaiqi to recognize him and accepted him.

In the evening, many articles about the discussion about the right person and the right camp were published in the "Red Flag Daily". The humor contained profound philosophy, which inspired too many people, including Gun Gun, who was playing the right match at the Ming Dynasty Hall. gentlemen.

Seeing that no one spoke, Chongzhen, who was slightly tired, asked in a hoarse voice: "Ministers and workers, the 'Hanjiang County King' led tens of thousands of horses and horses to stay in Tongzhou for five days. What is the reason?"

At this time, the cabinet ministers in the court changed again. Liu Yuliang, the first assistant who had only worked for half a year, was dismissed, and Xue Guoguan, a native of Shaanxi, took over as the first assistant.

This Chief Assistant is also a member of the Wen Party, but his talent is far inferior to Wen Tiren's. He is also relatively greedy, and he has done a lot of things like selling officials and nobles.

He had already contributed 10 taels of silver to participate in the investment in the steel plant, and he secretly went to Tongzhou to meet Huang Han the day before yesterday.

Of course, it was not for nothing that Huang Han led the army to station in Tongzhou, not only to put pressure on Chongzhen and challenge the imperial power, but also to give the civil servants and generals who were willing to take refuge in him a chance to get in close contact.

To achieve great things, one must be tolerant of others, and it is even more difficult to win a moral gentleman. Besides, the so-called moral gentleman can only be set as an example, and nine out of ten are useless.

Besides, those who are good officials and play politics well are all good people, how can they be moral gentlemen?
A moral gentleman can only do learning, and only those who can play with people can play with politics.

Like Xue Guoguan, an unscrupulous and greedy villain who took the initiative to seek refuge, Huang Han certainly couldn't turn him away, hypocrisy and deception were essential.

Seeing the emperor's question, dozens of important ministers didn't answer, so Xue Guoguan had no choice but to go out and say: "Your Majesty, I learned that the 'King of the Hanjiang County' is staying in Tongzhou, so I rushed to have a look.

I also chatted with several generals of the 'Red Banner Army', I guess they are waiting for His Majesty's reward! "

Xue Guoguan's words are true, Huang Han thinks that he has made outstanding contributions, and that he and his generals should be rewarded by the court.

Because if it weren't for the "Red Banner Army" to turn the tide, Jiannu invaded again on September 11, 22th year of Chongzhen. Dorgon, Yue Tuo and other Manchu generals commanded tens of thousands of Manchu and Mongolian cavalry to loot the capital of Daming again.

Wu Aheng, governor of Ji and Liao, and hundreds of civilian and military generals, including Xuan and Grand Governor Lu Xiangsheng, died in battle. The Qing army, as if entering a land without people, plundered all the way, all the way to Shandong, and captured Linqingzhou, a prosperous city beside the canal.

In the first month of the 12th year of Chongzhen, Jiannu captured Jinan Fucheng and captured the king of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Youshu, the king of Deming, Zhu Cili, the king of the county, Zhu Enshang, the general of Fengguo, and so on.

The Qing army entered the pass for half a year this time, penetrating 55 miles into the hinterland of Daming, and captured one prefecture, three prefectures, [-] counties, and two passes.

Killed more than a hundred people from the two governors of the Ming Dynasty and above the garrison generals, captured more than 46 people, seized countless gold, silver, and rare treasures, and killed millions of soldiers and civilians in the Ming Dynasty.

Due to the appearance of Huang Han, today's Gyeonggi is really the most benevolent area under the foot of the emperor, and the common people live and work in peace.

Huang Han, who has modern thinking, did not regard the title as a gift from the emperor, but earned it by leading tens of thousands of soldiers with blood and sweat.

Huang Han, who has made great contributions to the country, has saved millions or tens of millions of Han people in these young years, and deserves the title of "King of Han".

However, Emperor Chongzhen held back and refused to issue a decree for canonization, which made Huang Han feel very uncomfortable.

This time the troops stationed in Tongzhou knocked the mountains and shocked the tigers, and it was also a show of strength to take the title of "King of Han" into the pocket by the way, which once again weakened Chongzhen's prestige.

It is no longer convincing to talk about the ancestral system of the Ming Dynasty, because the canonization of "Hanjiang County King" has long since broken through the shackles of the opposite sex not being a king.

Huang Han believed that as long as the troops were stationed in Tongzhou, the bullying Chongzhen would definitely choose to compromise. He also talked about this topic cryptically with some visiting dignitaries.

Of course Xue Guoguan knew it well, in the officialdom, it was very important to stand in line, and when he was right, he was not afraid that the emperor would be unhappy and told the truth.

When the chief assistant of the court actually admitted to his face that he had specially gone to Tongzhou to meet Huang Han, Chongzhen's face was livid and noncommittal.

Seeing that the first assistant spoke, it seemed that the scene was cold. In order to avoid embarrassment, the cabinet minister Cheng Guoxiang played:

"Your Majesty, the veteran thinks that the meritorious officers and soldiers should be rewarded for peace of mind, and the thief has been detained in Zhao Prison for more than a month, and how to deal with it should be executed."

After reading the "Red Flag Daily" in the morning, Cai Guoyong, the cabinet minister who realized that "pigs can also become Buddhas", said: "Your Majesty, only when rewards and punishments are clearly distinguished can the soldiers be motivated to serve the country. The reward should not be delayed for a long time."

Chongzhen pondered for a moment, and asked: "How to award civil servants and military generals who have done meritorious service? Is there a constitution for the cabinet?"

Xue Guoguan said: "The people involved in meritorious service have already agreed, and the canonization of Ding Liao Bo and Yang Dalang Ping Liao Bo of Huangyi Prefecture has been unanimously recognized. Your Majesty will make a decision."

Chongzhen's face was as heavy as water, and he murmured: "Coveting the title of the King of Han? Could it be that the 'King of the Han River' is so impatient?"

These words were harsh, and Zheng Guochang, who was still pretending to be an old monk, was furious when he heard it. His son-in-law led the "Red Banner Army" to fight in the north and south with outstanding achievements. How could he become a coveted king?
No, the name of the son-in-law must be corrected. Thinking of this, Zheng Guochang went out to play and said, "Your Majesty's words are wrong!"

Accusing the emperor of saying the wrong thing as soon as he opened his mouth in the court hall, no one would dare to do so in the Qing Dynasty, but it often happened in the Ming court hall. Hai Rui was famous for scolding the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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