Chapter 910 Stupid as a Pig

Seeing the cabinet minister Zheng Guochang like this, Chongzhen was surprised and said:

"Zheng Aiqing, I have long promised to give the 'King of the Han River' the title of 'King of Han' when the Ping-Liao Dynasty succeeds in five years. At this time, he leads the army to stay in Tongzhou. Isn't there any suspicion of intimidating the court?"

Zheng Guochang said: "If the 'King of the Hanjiang River' won the Ping-Liao Dynasty, it would be enough to be canonized as a vassal king, but in the past two years, he has not only planned the Ping-Liao War?

This time, even the military supplies, food and grass were brought with them, and tens of thousands of horses were led to attack thousands of miles, exterminated tens of thousands of bandits, and captured the most heinous bandits.

Why is Your Majesty reluctant to part with the title of 'King of Han'?There are so many vassal kings in the Ming Dynasty, who has made great contributions to the country?They just reincarnated well.

Why does the vassal king have to have one family and one surname?This injustice should have been broken long ago.In the future, the vassal kings will also be those who have meritorious service, which is what everyone expects! "

The state affairs went from bad to worse, and he had many long talks with his son-in-law. Zheng Guochang, who specialized in studying the principles and policies formulated by Huang Han, raised his vision a lot.

He has long been disappointed with Chongzhen, who has a vague ruling program, inexplicable appointments, policy changes every day and no responsibility.

He believed that the extremely confident son-in-law would be able to accommodate Zhu Ming's royal family even if he usurped the Ming Dynasty, and would definitely give Chongzhen a face.

And if the cool Chongzhen can control the son-in-law, the Huang family and the Zheng family may face the risk of exterminating the nine clans.

For the sake of his son-in-law, but also for the Zheng family, Zheng Guochang fired cannons in front of dozens of important officials, trying to challenge the imperial power, pointing out that the era of the Zhu family for thousands of miles should be over.

Chongzhen's face became even more ugly, but he knew that Huang Han's army was close at hand, so he could not take any action to anger Huang Han at this time.

He said: "Is Zheng Aiqing implying that the imperial court should give the 'King of the Han River' the title of 'King of Han'?"

Zheng Guochang said: "Of course, at this time, the imperial court granted the title of 'King of Han', and the morale of the 'Red Banner Army' must be high, which is conducive to the next fierce battle against Liao."

Chongzhen looked at the other important ministers again, and asked, "Do you have any objections?"

Xue Guoguan, the chief assistant who had already decided to embrace Huang Han's thigh, said: "Your Majesty, now that Ming Dynasty is in trouble both at home and abroad, only the 'Red Banner Army' stands alone and relies on the 'King of the Han River' to turn the tide. At this time, giving the title of vassal king is what everyone expects."

Next, half of the important ministers opened their mouths to support Shoufu, and half of them chose to remain silent.

The game between powerful ministers and imperial power is purely a fight between gods, wouldn't it be stupid to jump out and set off cannons at this time?It is the best policy to choose to be wise and protect yourself from offenses on both sides.

The matter has come to this point, even if Chongzhen is unwilling, he can only choose to swallow his anger. Two days later, it will be an auspicious day, and the eunuch Cao Huachun, the chief assistant Xue Guoguan, and more than a hundred civilian and military generals rushed to Tongzhou to announce the decree.

The next day, Cao Huachun presented the Huang Han Xie En Zhezi, who had entered the "King of Han Dynasty", to play the emperor.

After reading the memorial, Chongzhen learned that Huang Han was going to come to the Forbidden City to face the Holy Xie En, and asked for an order that [-] soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" would be inspected by the Holy Emperor on Chang'an Street outside the Forbidden City.

Huang Han led an army stationed in Tongzhou, less than a hundred miles away from the capital, and got the title of vassal king. Of course, he had to enter the court to thank the emperor for his kindness. This is the most basic gift for a monarch and his ministers.

If Huang Han didn't express it, it would be disrespectful and he would be wronged.

Although information from various sources indicated that Chongzhen was not so lucrative that he would arrange troops to deal with him, but for unnecessary trouble and safety considerations, Huang Han proposed to bring 3 horses into the city in the name of accepting the emperor's inspection.

Once done in this way, this problem was handed over to Chongzhen.

Of course, even if Huang Han led 3 people into the inner city, he would not have easily captured the Forbidden City and captured Chongzhen.

However, just as Huang Han was worried about Chongzhen, Chongzhen also did not dare to take risks.

The next day, another imperial decree arrived.

On the grounds that the "King of Han" wanted to command hundreds of thousands of soldiers to pacify the busy affairs of Liaodong, Chongzhen exempted the "King of Han" from entering the court to thank him, and ordered the "King of Han" to lead the army to leave immediately.

Obviously this time the challenge to the imperial power won a complete victory, Chongzhen subdued and chose to compromise.

Huang Han did not add insult to injury, and immediately led his troops northward after receiving the imperial decree, and returned to Shanhaiguan in mid-February.

The ice and snow melted, and it was the busy season of farming. The plan of the year was spring. During this period, Huang Han did not issue combat missions. Instead, he gave [-]% of the infantry soldiers a half-month long vacation. The purpose of course was to allow more young adults to participate in the farming season.

The Manchus did not take the initiative to provoke them in the spring. They were faced with a major problem of food shortage, and they did not dare to delay the farming season. Many Jiannu soldiers were working in the fields.

Huang Han participated in the formulation of the plan and task is still to launch a full-scale attack when the wheat in Liaodong is ripe. The more the Manchus planted the area, the greater the loss.

Although Liaoxi finished the spring plowing before Liaodong, Huang Han did not launch an attack in the spring, but planned to continue to reap the benefits in the autumn, so that Jiannu would not get the chance to reap after sowing hard.

During this period of time, there were different opinions in the Ming court, not only because the emperor chose to compromise and gave Huang Han the title of "King of Han", but also because the theory that "pigs can also become Buddhas" was hyped up.

Too many civil servants think that they are extremely smart, "a pig can become a Buddha" with the right people, and they are so talented, so why not follow the right people to be high-ranking officials and generous salaries?
Many generals think that they are from a family of generals. They think that Yang Dalang, who could not even marry a wife, has soared to the sky and became the most powerful official of Da Ming Ping Liao Bo because he followed the "King of Han" early.

They only hate themselves for waking up too early, and think of the hundreds of generals who died in Liaodong, Henan, and Shanxi these years. .

A teacher who never forgets the past, and it’s time to do multiple-choice questions. Follow Chongzhen’s allegiance to Daming, or follow the “King of Han” to find another way?Most people have clear goals.

Relatively speaking, the nobles who bet on the right treasure are not in a hurry. They have already actively invested in the industries of the "Hanwang" system, which is equivalent to being tied to the interests of the "Red Banner Army".

However, Tian Hongyu couldn't sit still anymore. Originally, he planned to wait and see for another year, and wanted to see the result of the "Red Banner Army" Ping-Liao war before making a bet.

He was worried that if the legendary "Red Banner Army" who survived all battles encountered Jiannu's desperate counterattack, they would be defeated and lose.

Thoughtful Tian Hongyu believes that as long as the "Red Banner Army" fails in the Liaodong battlefield, the imperial court will definitely attack behind the scenes, and then the situation will change completely.

However, Tian Hongyu finally made up her mind after reading many articles about "Pigs Become Buddhas" published in the "Red Flag Daily". She took Chen Yuanyuan and a singing and dancing troupe to Shanhaiguan to ask to see the "King of Han".

The group of foreign relatives is also the object of competition. Of course, Huang Han will not refuse Tian Fei's father to see him, and arranges a time to meet him that afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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