Chapter 911
When Tian Hong met Huang Han, he actually knelt and bowed, which was enough to see that the purpose of this person's visit was to seek refuge. Of course, Huang Han wanted to be treated politely and arrange a dinner reception.

Accompanying personnel are Hanzi, Zhang Yang, Wang Zhicheng and other fierce generals.

Chatting about the world and talking about overseas interesting things, the atmosphere was quite harmonious. After drinking for three rounds, Tian Hongyu, who had relaxed a lot, was about to present treasures. He proposed to the "King of Han" to let his family's singing and dancing prostitutes help everyone enjoy the wine.

In fact, Huang Han looked down on the singing, dancing and operas of this era, but he didn't reach out to hit the smiling faces. Tian Hongyu rushed to flatter him and brought a team. He flatly refused at this time, which was not conducive to unity.

With the "King of Han"'s permission, Tian Hongyu immediately went out for a while.

After a while, more than a dozen people from Yingyingyanyan came in. It was obvious that these young girls were well-trained, playing and singing or dancing, which was really pleasing to the eye.

Huang Han glanced at it casually, and found it very strange that the beauty leading the dance kept staring at him with big watery eyes.

This is actually not surprising. Chen Yuanyuan was bought by Tian Hongyu out of sheer necessity. Regardless of the identity of the imperial relatives, Zuo Dudu, and Jin Yiwei Commander, a geisha in a yard can offend, and the prefect of Suzhou dare not neglect it!
But after learning that Tian Hongyu's purpose was to give herself to the "King of the Han River", Chen Yuanyuan's attitude changed immediately, and she even had some expectations.

Being able to meet the prospective master who has become the "King of Han" of the Ming Dynasty today, the little girl is of course eager to see the true face of Lushan Mountain.

After one glance, Chen Yuanyuan felt her heart beating faster, and then couldn't help but look again and again, forgetting all the etiquette of a geisha.

Again, in the eyes of modern people, there is no one who is all over the country, it seems that it is the same thing, no one can tell which one is more accurate, radish and green vegetables have their own favorites!

At this time, Tian Hongyu said: "Your Highness, the kabuki selected by the lower officials are eye-catching?"

Huang Han said politely: "That's right, that's right, Mr. Tian is well versed in this way, and his moves are really extraordinary. The tune is good, the figure is soft, and the dance is light, especially the one who leads the dancer. His eyes are flowing, which reminds people of water. It's Meifengju."

Tian Hongyu said joyfully: "Your Highness, I am here today to offer this girl to serve you. She is from Suzhou..."

Huang Han interrupted: "Master Tian, ​​there is no need to be like this. This king has a lot of affairs and is not stern. Wait, wait, Sir Tian, ​​what's the name of that woman you mentioned just now?"

Tian Hongyu said: "The girl who leads the dance is called Chen Yuanyuan. The official found it from the Suzhou Liyuan and has been training her personally until now. This girl is high-minded and looks down on ordinary people, and admires the demeanor of the 'King of Han'..."

After confirming that it was Chen Yuanyuan, Huang Han took a rare errand and didn't hear what Tian Hongyu was saying, so he took a closer look at Chen Yuanyuan.

The first impression is whiteness. The delicate whiteness of this Asian woman is like the petals of a white rose, which is different from the rough pores like sandpaper of European whites.

It was the first time that Han Zi, who was sitting by the side watching the singing and dancing, saw Fa Xiao carefully looking at a dancer and said with a smile: "Brother Han, this dancer named Chen Yuanyuan is really good-looking, Mr. Tian is willing to give it to you, so you don't have to refuse. "

Huang Han said: "Nonsense, you have been following me for ten years, when did you see me relying on power to make trouble?"

Hanzi said: "Brother Han, you are a good-looking person with literary and military skills. You don't need to rely on power. I don't know how many beauties are looking forward to your favor. I think that girl Chen Yuanyuan should be no exception. I'll find out by asking! "

Hanzi is already an Earl, and his status in the "Red Banner Army" system is second only to Huang Yizhou. He doesn't have to worry about anything, and directly beckons Chen Yuanyuan to come forward and answer.

The question is simple, are you willing to stay by the side of the "King of Han" to serve? If not, Hanzi said that Chen Yuanyuan can choose her own life, and promise to support her, so that she will never be embarrassed by anyone in the future.

An earl who is leading the army abroad is a super high-ranking official, much better than a noble who has a false title based on his ancestral yin and emptiness. He speaks out to provide protection for someone, and there are really few who dare to stroke the beard.

Geisha, actresses, especially the most popular stars, are rarely ignorant of the twists and turns of the officialdom. If Chen Yuanyuan proposes to return to Suzhou Taohuawu troupe, she will really not be made things difficult.

But this girl lost her parents since she was a child, and was sold to Suzhou Liyuan by her uncle who adopted her. Since she grew up, she was coveted by many princes and grandchildren. When she was entangled to the point of helplessness, she happened to be caught by Tian Hongyu.

She is too eager to be protected and feel safe, so she does not hesitate to commit herself to an official as a concubine. Now that she is serving the young, wealthy and magnificent "King of Han", the number one dignitary in Ming Dynasty, she is willing to miss it.

Therefore, Chen Yuanyuan's answer was simple and straightforward, to stay with the "King of Han" was exactly what my family wanted!

In this way, Huang Han, who was going to resist corruption and never touch, fell for once, and spent half the night in the night...

Chongzhen is doomed to die, Wu Sangui can't even think about it, Liu Zongmin?Sooner or later, I will chop that guy up!Li Zicheng?A thousand cuts is not an exaggeration!

Tian Hongyu got his wish, because Huang Han gave him 5 silver coins in the rubber plantation shares, and promised to give him priority in the next capital increase or new share issuance.

Tian Hongyu was finally relieved to be able to step on two boats. At this time, Concubine Tian was still favored. As a relative of Ming Dynasty, Tian Hongyu could not openly serve as an official under the "King of Han", but it did not prevent him from making a fortune and betting on both sides.

Of course, Huang Han would not be at a disadvantage. After all, Concubine Tian was favored by Chongzhen and made good friends with sisters Zheng Xiu'e, Chu Chu, and Xu Miaoyan. She was also the biological mother of the fourth prince Zhu Cizhao.

I don't know how the following history will evolve, and this will definitely not be the history that Huang Han is familiar with.

The demise of the Qing Dynasty has been put on the agenda, and the Ping-Liao plan can be completed in the winter of Chongzhen's 12th year without accident.

This is not what Huang Han took for granted. The combat effectiveness of the "Red Banner Army" today is definitely not weaker than that of the British and French allied forces that invaded China 200 years later. But the spirit is too bad.

Calculated according to the proportion that 20 British and French allied forces can defeat [-] Manchu and Mongolian cavalry, [-] musketeers can defeat Jiannu. According to the plan, Huang Han plans to gather about [-] soldiers to launch the Battle of Ping-Liao.

The purpose is clear, it is not enough to just defeat the enemy, but also to completely destroy the vitality of Jiannu, so that they will never stand up again.

Next year, that is, the 13th year of Chongzhen, the outside of the customs will no longer be the main battlefield of the "Red Banner Army". By then, only tens of thousands of horses will be left to drive the Mongolian light cavalry to patrol the territory regularly.

At least [-] "Red Banner Army" soldiers will enter the customs to fight against the bandits.

Should we still carry the banner of the Ming Dynasty, or should we drive Chongzhen out of power and unleash the dragon banner of the "Great Han Empire"?

Huang Han hadn't figured it out yet, how many officials and scholar-bureaucrats would choose to commit suicide to die for the Ming Dynasty?Huang Han couldn't predict it either.

(End of this chapter)

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