Chapter 913 Full Attack
Daming was bleeding continuously, and it was getting faster and faster.

Not only did the influx of luxury accessories and daily necessities make money away, but it was also impossible to curb a large amount of capital outflow.

Huang Han strictly controlled the local officials, and achieved miraculous results in striving for sunshine to govern. The phenomena of laziness and slack in politics, and eating cards were basically curbed. With the escort of the "Red Banner Army", the law and order was good.

Too many well-known products in Ming Dynasty have migrated to the "Red Banner Army" system with better development prospects and better business atmosphere, and many scholars have also been attracted by "Hanwang".

Chongzhen's level is low and he is faced with the dilemma of no one and no money. How to deal with the peaceful evolution in the future?

At the beginning of April, Azig, Jierhalang, Fan Wencheng and others returned to Shengjing via Mobei. They spent more than two months and paid the price of reducing their staff by more than [-] people.

However, Ning Wan and I tried to sneak into Sichuan and Guangxi to do things with two or three hundred secret agents, but it seemed that it was unsuccessful, because no one was seen and the news was sent back to Shengjing. Ning Wan and my whereabouts are still unknown.

I don't know if these spies who carried a lot of gold and silver treasures were killed by Tucai on the way, or these people hid their names in the south and settled down in a certain place to live a prosperous life and refused to take risks.

This spring in Daming was relatively peaceful, because Huang Han worked hard for ten years, increased investment in water conservancy facilities, promoted high-yield crops, contracted taxes and fees to reduce farmers' burdens and increased their enthusiasm for production, and imported a large amount of grain.

The direct result is that the great famine in the original history led to thousands of miles of desolation and starvation, which were effectively contained, and the common people did not panic when they had food at home, so the society was stable.

The "Red Banner Army" infiltrated Huguang, Jiangxi, and Sichuan. Too many civil and military generals were officials of the imperial court on the surface, but secretly followed the lead of the "King of Han".

The rogues were suppressed, they could only make trouble in Shaanxi, north of Henan, and south of Shanxi, and there was no possibility of breaking into the capital and breaking into the capital before the Yellow River froze.

This meant that it would definitely not be Li Zicheng who destroyed Daming, and Gao Yingxiang who did not die could not do it either.

Huang Han's plan to replace Daming can definitely be accomplished, but he must be more cautious in order to reduce bloodshed.

In mid-April, the Ping-Liao plan was issued, and Huang Han called a meeting of civil servants and generals to arrange tasks for Ping-Liao.

Jiannu, who is dying, will not give up easily. Hong will not be stupid at this critical moment. It is necessary to make use of strengths and avoid weaknesses. It is foreseeable that the main battlefield must be far away from the sea.

The Longwu Navy will not take on too much work in the Battle of Ping-Liao. Their main task is to send transport ships to deliver supplies.

Besides, Huang Han would not waste his powerful sea power doing nothing in the Liaohai Sea, because the interests of maritime trade plus the huge profits from robbing merchant ships and warships of other countries, every time he made a move, he would strengthen himself and weaken the enemy.

The Marine Corps, which has grown to nine battalions, has its own missions. Many generals are far away in North and South America and the Straits of Malacca. They will not participate in the Ping-Liao battle. Therefore, most of the generals of the Longwu Navy did not attend the meeting.

Hanzi, Yang Danian, Song Pengfei, Zheng Xiaowen, Gao Youmou, Wang Zhanpeng, Sun Chuanting, Chen Qiyu, Huang Long, Yuan Siming, Liu Fenyong, Mao Chenglu, Shang Keyi, Yang Hanwei, Wang Zhicheng, Sang Yu, Zhang Yang and other civil and military generals came one after another.

The meeting took a day to determine a comprehensive attack plan that had been prepared long ago.

Huang Han mobilized a total of 20 "Red Banner Army" soldiers to participate in the battle, and will form three front armies in western Liaoning, southern Liaoning, and Yalu River, and the time for a joint attack is set for August [-]st.

There is no doubt that the Liaoxi Front Army is the main force. It has about 15 regular soldiers, as well as guards and [-] laborers.

Hanzi, Gu Kui, Liu Fenyong, Yuan Siming, Wang Zhicheng, Sang Yu, Zhang Yang, etc. will use [-] "Red Banner Army" cavalry and [-] Mongolian light cavalry who enjoy the treatment of the Guards Army.

Huang Han personally led [-] cavalry, the Chinese army's personal guard battalion, [-] bicycle infantry, and more than [-] vehicle-mounted infantry and artillery to advance directly to Shenyang.

The Liaonan Front Army is composed of [-] infantry, [-] guards and laborers. The chief general Song Pengfei, the general Zanhua Sun Chuanting, the general town governor Jin Sheng, and the generals under his command include Liu Sihai, Huang Long, Yang Gu, Zhu Lianshan, Li Weiluan, Chen Song, Zheng Xuewu and so on.

Their task is to attack along the coastline and capture Yangguanbao, Beixunkou, Nanxunkou, Fuzhouwei, Yongning, and Gaizhouwei.

The Yalu River Front Army is also composed of [-] infantry, [-] guards and laborers. The chief general Yang Danian, the general Zanhua Chen Qiyu, the general governor Zheng Xiaowen, and the generals under his command include Yang Guoen, Mao Chenglu, Gao Zhongyi, Shang Keyi, Wang Zhaoxiang, Zheng Xuewei , Wang Gensheng and so on.

This group of troops started from Zhenjiang Fort, recovered Kuandian Six Forts, attacked Xuancheng, Xiuyan Fort, and Phoenix City, and aimed at the "Xingjing" Hetuala, the land of Longxing that the slaves boasted.

Huang Han didn't worry at all that Chongde would be able to yell like his Laozi wild boar skin, "You come all the way, I'll just go all the way!"

First of all, the "Red Banner Army", which is mainly composed of educated youths, is like arm and finger, and there is no such thing as the Ming army at the time of the Sarhu War.

In addition, the 5 troops of the Liaonan and Yalu River fronts advanced steadily and step by step, and did not take opportunistic opportunities to "make a hard stand and fight a dull battle."

When Jiannu launched the cavalry attack, he was unable to carry artillery to attack the fortifications. With the help of cold weapons such as long bows and broadswords, he attacked the front army camp with at least [-] long guns and short guns, more than [-] field artillery, and anti-war artillery.

There is another more important point. The invincible "Red Banner Army" educated youths have a broad vision, a deep-rooted sense of national honor, and a passion to kill enemies for the country. For the sake of honor and future, I don't know how many passionate youths will risk their lives.

Literate, know why to fight, and have a strong spirit, strong force, well-trained, well-equipped, sufficient money and food, and a large number of people, who can compete in such an army?
It is clear that a general attack will be launched after a hundred days, which means that the opportunity to be promoted to the ranks is at hand. All the civil and military generals are gearing up, and then they will lead their subordinates to conduct joint training and exercises.

Huang Han believed that Jiannu could not withstand such a sharp attack and was destined to be defeated, but it was impossible to predict how many Mongolian and Manchu cavalry would flee to the northern mountains or prairie.

Seeing that summer had already entered, Huang Han became more and more irritable.

He was not worried about the upcoming Ping-Liao war. The "Red Banner Army" had an overwhelming advantage, and they could win the victory without giving the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry a chance.

It is because there is no news of the fleet that traveled across the ocean to develop the Americas.

A year is about to pass, and it stands to reason that he should come back.

The "Red Banner Army" dispatched two battalions of marines and 36 warships, merchant ships, and supply ships, with a total displacement of [-] tons. How could the colonists in America afford such strength?

Even in the event of extreme weather, it is impossible for the entire army to be wiped out, and there will always be ships that survive.

(End of this chapter)

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