Chapter 914 Fulfilling the Mission
The huge fleet led by Huang Yong deterred Ayutthaya Kingdom and Taungoo Kingdom. It took more than a month to complete the purchase and sign the trade agreement, and returned at the end of February.

The fleet unloaded all the way into the South China Sea and the East China Sea, and many ships were reloaded to transport goods to Tianjin Wei, Shanhaiguan and other places to continue sailing.

In the past three years, the targeted elimination of pirate gangs has achieved remarkable results. After Liu Xiang, Zheng Zhilong, Li Guozhu and other big pirates surrendered, the Daming Sea was already free of thieves.

In the past, as long as merchant ships paid a protection fee of [-] to [-] silver coins according to their displacement, they could get a Qinglong flag issued by the Longwu Navy.

The Qinglong flag is hoisted in the actual sea control area of ​​the "Red Banner Army". Once it is robbed, the Longwu Navy will pay fifteen times the compensation for the protection fee paid by the ship.

If the merchant ships traveling to and from the sea do not fly the Qinglong flag, they will have to seek good luck. If they are unlucky and are discovered by the Longwu navy, there will only be one end: the ship and cargo will be confiscated, and all crew members will be reformed through labor for three years.

Now merchant ships traveling between the Liaohai Sea, the East China Sea, and the South China Sea are flying the Yellow Dragon Flag and the Qinglong Flag. Ships flying the Yellow Dragon Flag mean that they are owned by the "Red Flag Army" system.

The sources of the ships flying the Qinglong flag are very diverse, not only from the Ming maritime merchants, but some are even armed merchant ships of Portugal, Spain, France, and the Netherlands.

Only openness can invigorate the economy. Da Ming welcomes fair trade and does not reject armed merchant ships from Western Yi countries to trade, but they must obediently pay protection fees, otherwise the ships, goods, and people will all be detained.

Portugal and Spain were in decline, and they were more obedient. However, the Dutch East India Company, relying on many deck warships and many armed merchant ships, was not reconciled, and secretly robbed merchant ships of other countries flying the Qinglong flag several times.

Without saying a word, the Longwu navy compensated the owner of the ship according to fifteen times the insured amount, mobilized all forces to find the culprit, and finally identified the perpetrator as a warship from the East India Company.

Huang Yong, who learned the news on the way back, came to Shanhaiguan in mid-April to ask for instructions. He was going to teach the Dutch a heart-wrenching lesson and planned to capture the city of Zeelandia.

Of course, the two brothers had a lot to talk about when they met. After talking about completely capturing Taiwan Island and annihilating or capturing the Dutch near the city of Zeelandia, and the Spaniards entrenched in Jilonggang, they naturally talked about Huang Yi and other American pioneers.

Huang Yong was also worried about the safety of the long-distance fleet. He suggested that his brother go to Qingniwa Military Port to preside over the launching ceremony of the "Hanwang" sailing battleship, and then go to Ryukyu to have a look.

Sitting in Shanhaiguan was too exhausting, and Huang Han also wanted to go to sea to relax. He was particularly interested in the three steamships with a displacement of about [-] tons that were launched together with the "Han Wang".

According to the plan, the steam engine ship entering the experimental stage will travel between Qingniwa and Tianjin Wei for trial voyages. The scientific research team will record the operating data along with the ship and solve mechanical problems in time to facilitate updates and improvements.

Although he is familiar with the development path of ships and knows that steam engine ships are the only way, Huang Han, a traveler, is still inexplicably excited to hear such good news. If the Han people can enter the era of steam engines nearly 200 years in advance.

The "Great Han Empire" navy launched a steam engine ship against Xiyi's sail warships. It was not a war at all, but a crush.

Ships with a small displacement can already go to sea for trial voyages. It is believed that steam engine warships can be built within a year and a half. After three or four years, a heat-driven all-weather fleet will be born.

Huang Han took seven disciples who were still studying by his side, Gu Jixiang, and about a thousand teenagers who had just been selected into the personal guard camp at the end of last year to board the sailing battleships "Hanjiang County King", "Tiger Cave City" and "Jiulitai". Qingniwakou, the main base of the Longwu Navy.

The sea trial date was set for the Dragon Boat Festival in May. Officials, scientists, and master craftsmen including Wen Tiren, Xu Guangqi, Song Yingxing, Shen Cunli, Yang Yipeng, Kong Wenshi, Peng Jiawang, Zhao Shizhong, Gui Youguang, etc. were present to watch the ceremony.

The design and construction of the "Hanwang" battleship with a displacement of [-] tons and the three trial steamships have received technical support from "Hanjiang University" and "Hanhua University". Many college students who are about to graduate choose to work in Qingniwa Military port internship.

Academician Xu Guangqi is still in good health, and he is as enthusiastic as he is rejuvenated, and he often travels to and from "Seoul", "Tiger Cave City" and Qingniwakou without hesitation.

Since Song Yingxing entered the "Red Banner Army" system like a fish in water, he has exploded with great enthusiasm for work. He spends more than half a year in the military port dock with his team to solve technical problems on the spot.

May 12, [-]th year of Chongzhen is destined to be recorded in the annals of history. With the huge roar of three steam engines and three steaming ships sailing to Tianjin Wei, human civilization will enter the era of thermal power.

It is Huang Han's yearning to have a powerful navy, and now this goal is within reach, and he boarded the new flagship "Hanwang" of the Longwu Navy with great interest.

More than a dozen sailing battleships including "Hanjiang Junwang", "Tiger Cave City", and "Guritai" surrounded the flagship and went to inspect the new territory of Jeju Prefecture and the Ryukyu vassal state.

The reason why Huang Han came to Ryukyu with the fleet was because the returning fleet would come here for supplies, and he wanted to get good news as soon as possible.

Huang Yong, the commander of the Longwu Navy, also has an idea. He is going to see the situation. If the fleet that sailed to the Americas does not return after a few more days, he will ask for a delay in attacking Taiwan Island and lead a dozen first-class battleships across the Pacific Ocean. Search near the American landing point.

In fact, Huang Han and Huang Yong were too worried, and the voyage fleet can be described as smooth sailing and fruitful.

At this time, the fleet returning from "Hanwei City" has sailed to Ryukyu with the wind and waves. In addition to the dozen or so ships at the time of departure, the fully loaded merchant ships have added a full twenty Galen with a displacement between [-] and [-] tons. Ship type armed merchant ship.

There were only seven battleships of the Longwu Navy escorting them. The nine-member regiment at the time of departure included Wang Zheng, Xu Erjue, Huang Yi, Yu Fei, and seven others. Lead the team on their way home.

In late May, when the returning fleet safely arrived in Ryukyu for supplies, they unexpectedly saw the Patriarch Huang Han. The five thousand sailors, gunners, and scientific researchers were so excited that they wept.

After thirteen months, the mission was finally fulfilled. 5000 people returned after completing the mission, and more than [-] people still stayed in Central America to defend the territory and open up the frontier.

Huang Han was also very happy. He immediately received Shi Daxuan, Shen Langzhong and all the crew members. All the civilians, military officers, soldiers and crew members who sailed to the Americas were rewarded with a promotion.

Shi Daxuan was eager to be famous in history and was not afraid of hard work. He stated on the spot that he would continue to lead the team to "Hanwei City" and asked for a large number of immigrants.

(End of this chapter)

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