The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 915 Colonization and Exploitation

Chapter 915 Colonization and Exploitation

1 years is too long, seize the day!Of course, they spared no effort to compete for the North and South American Huang Han.

Huang Han made a decision on the spot, using the "Hanjiang Junwang" as the flagship, plus 36 first-class battleships to form an escort formation, and [-] merchant ships and supply ships with a displacement of more than [-] tons were used to load equipment and immigrants.

The crew included An Xiaole, 7000 people from the two battalions of marines who had shared direct leadership, and [-] craftsmen, technicians, and immigrants. The number of people on the second voyage was [-] more than the first voyage.

In order to maximize efficiency, the assembly point and departure point are chosen at the Ryukyu port, and all voyage ships, crews, and passengers will arrive in two months.

Chief General Shi Daxuan, Deputy Generals An Xiaole and Zeng Tongxiang, General Governor Huang Kezao, and [-] college students who graduated this year covering various disciplines set off with the army.

Huang Yong's plan to seize Zeelandia City will be carried out after Huang Han is sent back to Shanhaiguan. In addition to a battalion of marines directly led by Huang Yong, there are also [-] Ryukyu guards trained by Yang Dayou.

The new flagship "Han Wang" directly participated in the battle, plus nine spoiled Xiyi deck warships and six first-class battleships, the total number of dispatches reached [-]. It is estimated that if the Dutch do not choose to surrender decently, they will lose their head and face.

The rubber plantation in Hainan Island finally got [-] rubber trees that came all the way.

In fact, more than [-] mature trees were transplanted. Unfortunately, even though dozens of artisans proficient in flower and tree transplantation and hundreds of sailors took care of them carefully, nearly half of them were lost during the long journey and thrown into the sea.

The [-] rubber tree species collected have also begun to be sown. Even if the emergence rate reaches half, it will reach [-]. The climate of Hainan Island is suitable for the growth of rubber trees, and the trees will become green in a few years.

Relatively speaking, evergreen shrubs such as cinchona trees are relatively easy to transplant. The annual average temperature in Daiyun District, Zhangzhou Prefecture, Fujian Province is in line with the growth characteristics of cinchona trees. There are [-] mountain households here who cultivate cinchona for a fee under the guidance of dozens of gardeners. na tree.

After getting the cinchona tree in the Andes Mountains of South America, Wu Youxing and Shen Langzhong led their disciples to use the bark of the tree as medicine. It didn't take long for them to master the medicinal properties and cured hundreds of people infected with malaria.

Shen Langzhong did not participate in another voyage, because they not only brought back cinchona trees, but also found many unknown plants that were used as medicine by the indigenous people. He would spend time researching them.

This time, medical officers Guo Xiao and Ye Zifan won the task of leading more than [-] medical school graduates to provide medical services for the voyage team.

The 10,000+ catties of rubber raw materials brought back by the fleet have been delivered to the rubber research group of "Hanhua University" located in "Tiger Cave City".

Dozens of craftsmen are conducting vulcanization experiments under the leadership of professors and graduate students. If they have the right research direction, they will get twice the result with half the effort. I believe that rubber tires will come out in a short time.

The "Red Flag Daily" continuously reported the triumphant return of the fleet sailing to the American continent on the headlines of the front page, and also published many articles describing the scenery of the Americas.

These articles were written by young intellectuals who voluntarily stayed in the Americas to continue their pioneering work. Among them, Huang Yi wrote a series of travel notes.

Too many officials of the Ming Dynasty were attracted by the distant overseas scenery, and many scholars took the initiative to sign up to participate in the development of the Americas.

In the end, 800 students who were younger than 30 years old and physically strong got what they wanted.

Their families can immediately receive a subsidy of 30 yuan in silver coins, and they will receive military treatment in the future.

Huang Han didn't ask the [-] officials from the Ming Dynasty to immigrate with their families, at least not this time.

Because these [-] scholars were allowed to work in America for a year or two, the "Red Banner Army" system paid double wages for business trips, and they would also be given a lot of rewards according to their work performance and merit.

Mr. Xiucai has already read poetry and books. After seeing the vastness of the world and earning a high income, he will definitely call on friends after returning. Next, the number of scholars who yearn to go to the other side of the ocean will show an explosive growth.

When the entire group of scholars in the Ming Dynasty were discussing the new topic of overseas development, a stock was publicly issued, called "Overseas Development", and it was going to raise capital of 3000 million silver coins.

The "Red Banner Army" system subscribed for more than half, leaving 1000 million silver coins for the Ming system.

On the same day, the wealthy people in Ming Dynasty found out that the 2000 million shares of the "Red Banner Army" system were given priority to the soldiers to buy, and basically they were not sold in the "Sifang Bank" and were digested internally.

Moreover, the "Hanwang" requires all the soldiers to resolutely hold the stocks after they get them, and they must not sell them when they are less than three times their income. When they need money urgently, they can mortgage it to the "Sifang Bank" for loans.

These news are all facts. The "overseas development" mode of operation is equivalent to the Dutch and British "East India Company" making a fortune.

Therefore, Huang Han gave fifty shares to all the soldiers and thirty shares to the guards in the form of allotment. The generals can buy one hundred to one thousand shares according to their ranks. If they want to buy more, they can only go to the second level. Market markup to buy.

It doesn't matter if the "Red Banner Army" soldiers and guards don't have so much spare money.

Ordinary soldiers registered with their waist badge numbers without collateral, and the "Sifang Bank" could lend up to 100 yuan in silver coins.

This is not blind lending. Soldiers have the ability to repay. The military salary can be at least 50 silver coins per year, and the death pension and disability subsidy are not less than 100 silver coins.

In the future, there will be an extra income, which of course is the bonus obtained from "overseas development".

Huang Han made a rigid rule that half of the annual profits of "Overseas Development" are used to expand its strength, and half are used to distribute dividends. It is conservatively estimated that it is not a problem for shareholders and stockholders to get [-] to [-] percent dividends every year.

In order to attract more dignitaries and dignitaries from Ming Dynasty, it is clear that the "Red Banner Army" system can digest all the "overseas development" shares, but Huang Han still reserved 1000 million shares for the Ming system.

In order to attract more wealthy people from Ming Dynasty to take the bait, Huang Han also imposed some restrictions. The upper limit for each person to buy was [-] shares. He gave Tian Hongyu a note that he could buy [-] shares.

In fact, because of the continuous absorption of funds, a lot of Ming capital has flowed into the "Red Banner Army" system, and it will be difficult to absorb 1000 million taels of silver again.

However, because the news of the purchase restriction was infinitely expanded, too many small and medium-sized investors thought that rare goods were available, and queued up all night to buy them, which attracted more hesitant investors, and finally turned into a hard-to-find one again.

With the capital injection of 3000 million silver coins, [-] warships, merchant ships, and supply ships will be split from the Longwu Navy and assigned to "Overseas Development". This armed force is specially used for colonization and development.

Of course, robbing privateers, pirate ships, warships of other countries, and armed merchant ships is also one of the income-generating projects of "overseas development". Digging out pirates' lairs and pulling down the castles of Western colonists is also a way to make money.

(End of this chapter)

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