Chapter 916
It is impossible for Jinyiwei and Dongchang to be unaware of such a large-scale misappropriation of money. It is a pity that these people also actively participated in the shares, including their bosses Li Ruolian and Fang Zhenghua.

The Ming Dynasty spy organization did not try to prevent the stock issuance at all, and too many Jinyiwei school lieutenants and Dongchang fan servants also queued up, which simply added fuel to the flames.

Li and Fang even felt that "Hanwang" was interesting enough, and because they didn't ask them to speak, Huang Sifang sent an approval slip to subscribe for [-] shares.

They knew that there were hundreds of thousands of people queuing up at the entrance of the "Sifang Bank" all night, and the upper limit was only [-] shares, and they could buy [-] shares with approval. There were only a dozen people in the whole of Daming.

Chongzhen had received a lot of news about stock issuance during this period, and he was completely dumbfounded. From his knowledge, he would only think that stock is just a piece of paper, or a receipt to put it bluntly. He has no idea what Huang Han is up to.

He hated that iron could not be made into steel, and was also thinking about why the civil and military generals of Ming Dynasty were willing to spend snowflake silver to buy a piece of paper?
Why did he promise to give Jiaguan Jinjue earnestly persuaded the officials and officials to help them pay, and the ministers and nobles all pretended to be poor and refused to take money?
Although the perplexed Chongzhen didn't know Huang Han's ultimate goal, his instinct told him that he couldn't allow the "Sifang Bank" to steal tens of millions of taels of silver from Ming Dynasty with a piece of paper.

He recruited his confidant eunuchs Wang Chengen and Cao Huachun to ask for advice. Unfortunately, Chongzhen didn't know that these two people also invested almost all their savings in the shares.

If the capital of the Ming Dynasty was still breached by bandits like in history, even if Liu Zongmin used a clamp to clamp the heads of nobles and officials of the Ming Dynasty until their brains burst, it would be impossible to extract tens of millions of taels of silver.

Of course, Huang Han could no longer allow the bandits to harm Daming, let alone let them seize the capital. After Ping Liao, Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, Ma Shouying and others would be wiped out.

Because the rogues looted a lot of gold and silver treasures on the surface, in fact, the country's losses should reach several times the plundered wealth.

The cultural relics, antique calligraphy and paintings, and population loss burned by the bandits are all real gold in the eyes of Huang Han.

In the imperial study room, Chongzhen, who had been exhausted all day long, was mentally and physically exhausted. He said, "The 'Hanwang' issued stocks and cost millions of taels of silver. If it goes on like this, wouldn't my Ming have no silver to use?"

Wang Chengen and Cao Huachun looked at each other, but they couldn't figure out the emperor's intentions. Cao Huachun comforted the emperor and said: "Your Majesty, there is no need to worry too much. The 'King of Han' is taken from the people and used by the people. Isn't there no money in the Ming Dynasty?"

Chongzhen said: "Cao Banban can't help but explain it more clearly, why do I think this is not a good thing!"

"Your Majesty, everyone contributes capital to jointly mine, build steel factories, build docks, buy ships to travel to America, and make profits. All investors share the results. This is really a great thing.

Before the IPO of 'Hanwang', the operation mode of the joint-stock company was disclosed to the public. Those shares were basically used to hire workers, purchase equipment, build factories, etc., and the money did not leave Daming at all. "

Chongzhen still didn't quite understand, and continued to ask: "Do you think these joint-stock companies can make money?"

Wang Chengen said: "There must be profits, and there will be a lot of profits, so too many people line up to buy stocks all night." Hanwang once said that these are original stocks, and they will be doubled, doubled or even doubled in the future. Dozens of times more likely."

Chongzhen wondered: "How can you earn so much? Isn't the 'King of Han' talking big?"

During this period of time, Cao Huachun and Wang Chengen read books, read newspapers, and researched joint-stock companies, and they more or less gained insights.

Cao Huachun explained: "The maidservant thinks that the 'Hanwang' has a plan in mind. Some time ago, bicycles were sold in the capital, and the demand exceeded the demand. According to the cost report of the vehicle factory, the gross profit for each bicycle sold will not be less than [-]%.

Related industries, such as steel sold by steel mills, tires and cushions sold by tanneries, etc. are profitable, and too many workers and factories will profit. "

Chongzhen still couldn't understand, he asked: "Why can the 'Hanwang' earn a lot of money, why can't the Ministry of Industry have the ability to set up a joint-stock company to attract investment and make profits for Daming?"

Cao Huachun was silent, and he thought to himself: "Who dares to invest money in the stock raising of the Ministry of Industry! The emperor thinks too highly of those corrupt officials who broke the law.

Investors are not stupid. They invested their money in the Ministry of Industry, which has a big appetite, little ability, and low efficiency. It is better to donate it directly to the imperial court in exchange for promotion and promotion! "

Wang Chengen understood the emperor's nature better. If the Ministry of Industry really got millions of taels, it would probably be completely embezzled by the emperor who was troubled by finances every day.

"Hanwang" takes the initiative to accept investors to supervise the operation of joint-stock companies, so that the accounts are open and transparent, and investors trust them.

But who dares to ask Emperor Chongzhen to accept supervision?Who dares to check the account of the emperor?

This is not taken for granted. The biggest reason for the downfall of the Ming Dynasty was corruption. The direct reason was that the country was poor, the people were weak, and the officials were rich.

If there is capital for the Ministry of Industry of the Ming Dynasty to operate, these officials have big appetites, small skills, low efficiency, and wrangling properly, and they will definitely be in vain in the end.

Changing eunuchs to operate capital is not the same thing. Scholar-bureaucrats may have to pretend to be dignified. Eunuchs don’t even have ***, so they have no face at all. When they make money, they will only be more shameless.

Wang Chengen's reputation is not bad because of his good looks, but this chief eunuch, the chief inspector of ceremonies, also has savings of tens of thousands of silver, which can be seen.

He whispered: "Your Majesty, the joint-stock company of 'Hanwang' is financially transparent and accepts social supervision, and every month there will be a report to announce the whereabouts of funds so that investors can rest assured.

Besides, the technology owned by the joint-stock company is not easy to imitate, and the quality of steel produced by the government of Ming Dynasty cannot meet the requirements.

Investors are shrewd people who don't see rabbits and don't throw eagles. For the safety of their funds, it is impossible for them to invest money in joint-stock companies led by the Ministry of Industry. "

Cao Huachun said: "Your Majesty thinks that the Ministry of Industry has raised capital, what can be produced to ensure a large amount of profits for investors to distribute profits?

If the Ministry of Industry has such ability, it can come up with a plan, and the servants will definitely publicize it like those officials under the "Hanwang" to win over investors. "

Chongzhen didn't understand this, the more he listened, the more he felt dizzy, he said: "If I decree to stop 'Hanwang' from raising shares in Daming, do you think it is feasible?"

Cao Huachun asked: "For what reason is Your Majesty going to make the decree? Besides, I am afraid that the decree will be difficult to stop. Investors will still take their capital to 'Tiger Cave City', or even go to Seoul by sea."

Wang Cheng'en said: "My maidservant advises Your Majesty to think twice. Suddenly issuing such an order is not only unsightly for the 'King of Han', but too many civil servants and military generals will be even more alienated. Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents!"

(End of this chapter)

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