Chapter 917
Chongzhen was speechless, his chest heaved, no doubt very angry.

Cao Huachun said: "'Hanwang' has long said that whoever invests will benefit. The slaves think that if your majesty can raise money, you can participate in the investment led by 'Hanwang'. If you do this, it is no different from running a joint-stock company to earn money. "

Looking for two confidantes who were eunuchs from Neishutang, they just wanted to discuss a countermeasure, but the result was to suggest that the emperor should also raise capital to participate in shares, and Chongzhen almost cried angrily.

If he had a large sum of money, why would he be so troubled by finances that he would repeatedly default on the military pay, which led to repeated incidents of soldiers fighting for pay.

The "King of Han" was so rich that Chongzhen even thought of stopping the payment of Liao's salary, but he saw a report in the "Red Flag Daily" and learned that the "Red Flag Army" would launch a general offensive this year.

After thinking about it, Chongzhen had to grit his teeth and continue to carry on.I muttered silently in my heart:
"Come on, come on, the five-year pacification of Liao Dynasty is only a little over a year, even if the 'Red Banner Army' and Jiannu don't fight to the death, they will be hurt.

At that time, we will draw the bottom line and stop Liao's salary and true character. Daming will save 360 million taels of silver, one hundred thousand shi of grain and horse feed every year, and be able to train nearly 20 more battalions.

One goes up and down the other, and it is the best policy to figure it out slowly. "

The Ming emperor who chose to forbear felt very lonely, and he really became a loner, facing financial exhaustion.

However, the lives of ordinary people have not been affected. In the past two years, millions of young and middle-aged people have joined the army and worked to earn enough income to support their families. Their lives have improved greatly.

In fact, there was a false emperor who was crowned with a monkey and was even more miserable. He was not financially exhausted, but he could not buy food and steel even though he had gold and silver treasures.

This is not a lie. When Jierharang and Azig led the troops back, they brought back a lot of looted gold and silver treasures, the total value of which may reach millions of taels of silver.

A large amount of gold and silver entered Liaodong and quickly depreciated, which directly caused the prices of the Manchu Qing to soar. The price of a stone of miscellaneous grains has exceeded ten taels of silver.

The Manchu Qing was short of materials, and the price of food was sky-high. It can be said that they were so poor that only gold and silver treasures were left.

The "Red Flag Daily" has a large circulation, and the public issue of the newspaper can still be obtained, but it has long been out of date by the time it is delivered to Shengjing.

Even so, Chongde still carefully read every newspaper he could get his hands on, so Chongde had read all the articles in the "Red Flag Daily" that hyped the launch of the Ping-Liao decisive battle this year.

Seeing that the summer is about to pass, and what should come is about to come, Chongde has a feeling that he can finally be relieved.

Five days before the Ping-Liao War, on July 12, 26th year of Chongzhen, the second batch of pioneering regiments with 3 people and 57 warships, merchant ships, and supply ships set sail from the port of Ryukyu...

Huang Han didn't have time to see off the long-voyage fleet. He left Ryukyu and stayed in Jinzhou City long before Shi Daxuan, An Xiaole, etc. set off.

The autumn is crisp and the temperature is pleasant. On August [-], when the wheat in western Liaoning was about to be harvested, the "Red Banner Army" launched a full-scale attack.

Knowing that the "Red Banner Army" was coming, the Manchu and Qing sides were always prepared, and they waited from spring to summer, but there was no change in the western Liaoning side.

Just when Hong Zai judged that Huang Han was about to complete the autumn harvest and start attacking, the red tide came all over the mountains and plains.

A day later, Shengjing received news that the defenders of Nanxunkou and Kuandian Five Forts had discovered tens of thousands of "Red Banner Army".

Hong Xie's chubby face couldn't help shaking. Seeing that the wheat would be ripe in half a month, the vicious Huang Han launched a general attack on the Qing Dynasty and suffered immeasurable losses.

However, Chongde had nothing to do, lost the initiative, and could only be beaten passively. Thinking that the wheat in the fields would not help, he still focused on fighting the upcoming Shengjing defense battle.

Chongde believes that as long as the "Red Banner Army" is defeated, there will be wheat.

Steady and steady is the established policy. The "Red Banner Army" deliberately left enough time for the Manchu soldiers and civilians to retreat, and the three groups of troops advanced at a speed of fifty miles a day without haste.

However, the Qing army deployed at the front was already relatively weak, so they could only force them to shrink the defense line and fight for three days. There was no major battle, but the cavalry was playing the leading role.

Once the bitter Mongolian light cavalry is selected by the "Red Banner Army", their families will be treated as military members, and their cattle and sheepskins can be sold at a good price, and they can buy food at official prices.

Too many Mongols who received the treatment of the guards were jealous of the income of the regular soldiers. They were eager to make meritorious service and become regulars.

In the scout battle, the "Red Banner Army" had the upper hand. It was not that the combat power was so great that it completely crushed the Mongolian cavalry, but that the total number of troops and horses had an overwhelming advantage.

It was also because Chongde's plan was to counterattack under the city of Shengjing. Instead of strictly ordering his generals to fight for every inch of land, he asked them not to fight for refueling tactics and to strictly control the casualty rate.

The active performance of the Mongols has been recognized, and as long as they have a first-level decapitation skill, they will be promoted and get a head reward.

Therefore, every day, dozens or hundreds of light cavalry received the treatment of the front line of fire. These people immediately put on the coveted all-steel breastplate and wrapped soft armor to show off, and made the white silver coins in their hands jingle.

People have a mentality of comparison. Seeing their former playmates show off with dozens of silver coins, it has stimulated too many Mongolians who are not willing to admit defeat. Every time they find the slave scouts, the Mongolian light cavalry are like chicken blood. excited.

Under the heavy reward, there must be brave men, 100 silver coins for casualties and treatment for martyrs, so that the Mongols have no worries. Under the cover of the "Red Banner Army" iron cavalry, they showed their cavalry skills.

Volunteering is not the same as being forced to be a rogue. In scouting battles, the Mongolian light cavalry captured and captured far more than the "Red Banner Army" knights.

The Mongols in the Qing army were also willing to surrender to their compatriots, so many were captured.

The attack advanced for more than half a month, and the main force of the "Red Banner Army", the Liaoxi Front Army, went down three cities in a row, crossed Liaoyang and set up camp fifty miles away from Shenyang.

The Liaonan Front Army captured Beixunkou, Fuzhou, and Gaizhou and then entered Haizhou. The Yalu River Front Army set up camp [-] miles south of Hetuala City after restoring the Kuandian Wubao defense system.

The real contest is about to begin, and it is relatively stable for the Manchus, who are facing life and death, to temporarily abandon their previous suspicions.

Except for the north and east of Shengjing who were organizing people to rush to harvest wheat, the soldiers and civilians of the Qing Dynasty who retreated from the west and south were all concentrated in the fortifications within ten miles of Shengjing, and the number of people was close to one million.

The general mobilization of the whole people in the Qing Dynasty has been launched. All the slave men aged 15 and under 60 took up weapons and put on armor. People have armor.

But just as Jiannu was waiting in full force, the "Red Banner Army" that had been advancing stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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