Chapter 918 Let It Go

The second part of the tactics formulated by the Zongzan Painting Department began, and the deep trenches and barriers were strictly guarded against.

Huang Han did not go to attack Shengjing for the time being, but turned passive into active, built a stronghold under the eyes of the Qing army to improve the defense, and lured the Qing army to attack the fortifications.

Three days later, under the patrol of the cavalry, under the cover of the infantry's unicycle formation to guard against death.

The labor service with the army and the guard army began to harvest, and it is estimated that about [-]% of the total sown area of ​​the Manchu Qing Dynasty will be converted into military rations and horse fodder for the "Red Banner Army".

The "Red Banner Army" stopped fighting and started grabbing wheat. After hearing the news, Hong was so angry that his nose bleeds.

Of course he was unwilling to suffer such a big loss, and the battle of Manchu and Mongolian cavalry with a scale of [-] troops started.

Leaving the position that had been in operation for two years and the artillery support, under the artillery attack of the "Red Banner Army", the cavalry raid, and the Mini gunmen's blocking, the two sides fought each other for more than ten days, and the Qing army suffered heavy casualties.

Since the casualty rate was much higher than that of the "Red Banner Army", and because the wheat had already been harvested, Chongde gave up after paying the loss of more than [-] troops.

The treatment on the battlefield became more and more mature, and the technology of military doctors advanced by leaps and bounds. Although the "Red Banner Army" suffered more than [-] cavalry casualties, the combined casualty rate and disability rate accounted for only a small half.

The decisive battle has not yet begun, and the field hospital has to deal with more wounded patients. After emergency treatment, nearly [-] wounded were transported to Gaizhou Port and transferred to major hospitals for follow-up treatment.

Since the temperature is getting lower and lower, which is conducive to the preservation of corpses, Huang Han does not care about the cost, and the remains of about [-] martyrs will be sent back to his hometown as soon as possible for collection and burial.

Orphans and martyrs will be buried on the back hill of the 'Tiger Cave City' military academy, and their tablets will be enshrined in the Hall of Martyrs. Students of the military academy will not only worship, but also arrange grave visits for students on duty all year round.

After more than a dozen small victories, the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but patrolled the ten-mile range of the defense line to provide protection for the guards and infantry who strengthened the defense line.

When the Liaonan Front Army and the Yalu River Front Army completed their missions and rushed to the main battlefield, the defense line stretched for 120 miles.

The Qing army's advantages in cavalry warfare could not be brought into play. The General Praise and Painting Department adopted the tactic of digging trenches and advancing slowly. The fortification area of ​​the "Red Banner Army" continued to encroach on Shenyang, reducing the scope of activities of the Qing army.

The Qing army was not reconciled, and launched cavalry raids many times. However, the Fran machine gunners and Mini gunners hiding behind the trenches and barbed wire were not good men and women, and the Qing army could not get half a penny.

The Qing army, who had been beaten so badly, learned from the painful experience and was unable to break through the tactics of relying on fortifications and guns and guns to defend and counterattack. In the end, Chongde had to give up the competition for the outer positions.

He also built a group of fortifications, which stretched for tens of miles, and tried to rely on the cover of artillery fire to defend and counterattack. He was quite curious, how did Huang Han plan to crack it?

Next, the Qing army resigned to their fate, trying to repay the opponent in the same way, patiently waiting for the offensive and defensive battle in Shengjing to start, and regain the decline.

In mid-to-late September, the two armies were in a state of confrontation. The Qing army did not dare to leave the fortifications to launch a large-scale attack. The "Red Banner Army" was not in a hurry to attack Shenyang, but instead strengthened the defense line, increased lookout posts, and built artillery positions.

Huang Han has a well-thought-out plan, and he is not afraid of waste. He even has the patience to spend the Qing army for a year. It is estimated that this is the case, and next spring the Manchu Qing will kill horses and eat.

Two months passed, and seeing that the Ming army camp was already fifteen miles away from Shengjing City, surrounded by west, south, and east sides, the artillery fire could already penetrate directly into the front positions of the Qing army.

Cracks had begun to appear on the Manchu side, which was united as one, without him, shouts in Mongolian and Manchu came every day, and many Qing soldiers were shaken, especially those Haixi Jurchen and Mongolian soldiers from the Outer Domain.

The center of Chongde's defense is Shengjing. In order to prevent the possibility of the fortress being breached from the inside, most of the city's trustworthy Jianzhou Jurchens were stationed. In the north that was not besieged, the eldest son Hauge led two yellow banner elites to garrison.

The "Red Banner Army"'s propaganda was targeted, and they kept reminding the Qing army by asking, do you have enough to eat?Is there a wood fire for heating?Can it afford it?How long can the food last?What are you going to eat next summer?
No one is a fool. It is an indisputable fact that more than half of the food was seized by the Ming army. Of course, the Manchu Qing, which was already in short supply of food, made things worse. It really took a year, and 80 million soldiers and civilians would starve to death half of them.

Propaganda to persuade them to surrender was effective, and groups of Tartars and Haixi Jurchens began to appear in small groups to get rid of Gebush Xianchaoha's surveillance and surrender to the "Red Banner Army."

This can't go on like this anymore. A group of generals headed by Dorgon and Abatai lost confidence in stationing on the outskirts of Shengjing. They proposed to give up Shengjing and flee north while the "Red Banner Army" was encircled.

However, Chongde refused to admit defeat. He encouraged everyone to give it a go, because there were still 15 Manchu and Mongolian cavalry in Shengjing who could fight in the first battle. Counting the Han army, Koryo servant army, and fathers and children who served temporarily, the number reached 25.

Chongde believed that Huang Han would not adopt long-term siege tactics, and would launch a city offensive and defensive battle in a few days. At that time, the thousands of large and small artillery deployed by Shengjing would be effective, and the casualty ratio of the two armies would be reversed.

Because the relationship between the "Red Banner Army" and the Ming court is not good, and because the movement of the rogue bandits in Shaanxi and Henan is getting bigger and bigger.

As long as the Qing army survives the first wave of attacks and kills the "Red Banner Army" in large numbers, Huang Han is very likely to retreat in spite of the difficulties.

What the master said makes sense, and he got the support of Azig, Jierhalang, Dudu and other princes. Besides, he had prepared for two years and did not have a big battle, but he voluntarily gave up the strong city and thousands of gates The reason for the hard-won artillery to escape?
Dorgon and his like did not dare to shake the morale of the army again. They also believed that it would take a big battle to truly prove the strength of the "Red Banner Army". A big victory is also unknown.

It's a pity, it's a pity, Huang Han was not prepared to let his subordinates fight hard under artillery fire. He was waiting for the cold weather and the good wind. He also deliberately gave time for the Manchu soldiers and civilians to gather in Shengjing.

Zhuge Liang's burning of rattan armored soldiers almost wiped out an ethnic group, and he thought it would damage Yangshou. The burning of Shengjing brewed by Huang Han should be more sinister than Zhuge Liang's fire, and I'm afraid it's a little bit moral.

But being kind to your enemies is being cruel to your own people!Huang Han would not hesitate to kill one hundred more barbaric and cruel Tunguskas to save one young intellectual from the "Red Banner Army".

Those who offend me will have to die!For the sake of the fact that the Han people will never keep their pigtails and call themselves slaves, Huang Han is not afraid of losing his life!
The three-sided siege has been completed, and the appearance of posing for a decisive battle is well done.

The civil and military generals of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, including their master Chongde, would never have imagined that the attack of the "Red Banner Army" would come from the sky, and the heavy artillery they made with all their strength might not even get a chance for actual combat.

(End of this chapter)

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