Chapter 919
Why not try to block the north and completely surround Shenyang?
Without him, there is nothing I can do!

The total strength of the "Red Banner Army" is actually not dominant, and the Qing army can be confused only by encircling three gaps and one empty way out.

If troops are sent to compete for Shenyang North, which is still under the actual control of the Qing army, the backlash will definitely be endless, and even if it is surrounded on all sides, it will not be safe.

With 20 "Red Banner Army" scattered in all directions, who could have predicted where Chongde would concentrate its forces to break through?
The soldiers and civilians of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties naturally lost their illusions when they discovered that Shengjing was besieged. Instead, they would be forced to launch a desperate counterattack.

There is no way to do good according to one's ability. Huang Han didn't want to wipe out the Qing army in one fell swoop. As long as he destroyed the foundation of the Manchus and killed seven or eight adults, he would then use a five-to-one or even greater force advantage to destroy them. Manchus are absolutely impossible. Come back.

At the beginning of October, because the Ming army's defense line was impenetrable, the Qing army tried to attack several times before, but they were beaten up by field artillery and miniguns.

In the future, they will no longer be willing to launch large-scale attacks to suffer casualties. The tactics of the "Red Banner Army" cavalry relying on positions to fight back defensively have failed.

The Zongzan Painting Department adjusted its deployment in time, and all the cavalry were concentrated in the northwest of Shenyang. Under the leadership of Hanzi, Gu Kui, Yuan Siming, Liu Fenyong, etc., they checked the terrain and conducted actual combat exercises.

The task of Hanzi and the others is to intercept and kill the Manchurian and Mongolian cavalry who fled from Shenyang in a hurry.

As long as the cavalry brothers can inflict enough damage to the Manchurian and Mongolian cavalry rushing out of the sea of ​​flames, the number of troops left behind in Liaodong can be reduced a lot in the future, which will save too much military expenditure.

He Yongqing, who was staying at Tongguan, took care of the overall situation. Knowing that the Patriarch needed as many cavalry as possible, he mobilized three generals with a total of more than [-] cavalry.

However, because they were generals of the defeated army, they had no food and salary, and basically relied on the "Red Banner Army" for support, so there were only dozens of family members who never left.

Of course they are Cao Bianjiao, Zuo Guangxian, Han Zhikuan, Huang Weizheng who recovered from their injuries and regained their combat effectiveness, as well as Hu Dawei and Huang Degong who took the initiative to seek refuge.

If the generals who were convicted and dismissed in the Ming Dynasty could not make a comeback by virtue of their connections, there would be only one way left to make military achievements.

These generals are not stupid. They know the importance of following the right people. They all brought dozens of armored servants and more than a thousand "Red Banner Army" Tongguan cavalry to serve in Liaodong, with the purpose of getting beheaded.

Unfortunately, since the start of the war, Cao Bianjiao and others have discovered that the Mongols are too fierce, and because the Mongolian soldiers are excellent in riding skills and most of them wear leather armor and carry light weight, the iron armored men can't run at all.

How can there be any possibility of gaining gains if you always fall behind others?So far, only Hu Dawei, who is a master of bow and horse, has led dozens of family members to win the seventh level, and the rest are empty-handed.

One leaf knows the autumn, Cao Bianjiao, Zuo Guangxian, etc. are not ordinary people. They all have 20 years of military career, but they have never seen such an enthusiastic army. The defeat of the slaves is doomed.

Because they are both descended from Tianya, Cao Bianjiao, Zuo Guangxian and Hu Dawei have often drank together in the past two years, and they fell in love with each other, so they almost call themselves brothers and sisters.

Originally thought that the Ping-Liao war would be extremely tragic, but after a month or two passed, the "Red Banner Army" had the upper hand and kept fighting against the Qing army, and now they are approaching the city of Shenyang.

Cao Bianjiao, who was still thinking of doing meritorious service to regain his official position in the court, was shaken at this moment. When he invited Hu Dawei and the others to drink, he tentatively said:

"Times have changed, I never imagined that today's Jiannu and Tartars can't help fighting and fleeing so fast that the servants can't even catch up.

It can be seen that the decisive victory of the "King of Han" will be achieved this year, and it will be no problem to completely pacify Liaodong next year.I don't know what plans the brothers have in the future? "

The outspoken Hu Dawei said: "I've thought about this issue a long time ago, and I will follow the 'King of Han' from now on.

How vast is the outside of the pass?There must be rebellions from tribes who do not accept Wang Hua. After the Ping Liao Dynasty, a large number of cavalry will inevitably be needed to stay behind. I will definitely be able to make further achievements. "

Han Zhikuan was even more blunt, and said: "Brother Cao, I have long since given up hope for the imperial court. Under the rule of the 'King of Han', there is plenty of food and grass, and strong soldiers and horses. No one can replace him!
Those who win the hearts of the people win the world, the "King of Han" not only won the hearts of the people, but also won the love of the soldiers, and the world will return sooner or later. "

Huang Weizheng said: "Brother Han is right. I have long thought of joining the 'Red Banner Army'. Even if I am a hundred and general manager, I will have no regrets."

Zuo Guang sighed first and said, "I wonder if you have read the pig theory in the 'Red Flag Daily'? It is absolutely true that a pig can become a Buddha if you follow the right one.

Think back to the generals in Dongjiang Town, such as Huanglong, Mao Chenglu, Shang Keyi, Li Weiluan, etc., they are more than a thousand miles behind us.

Now, they are all the chief generals of the first battalion of the 'Red Banner Army', with more than [-] elite soldiers under their command.

As for us, the criminal officials of the Ming Dynasty, we were saved from prison by the protection of the "King of Han" and saved our heads.People are more popular than people! "

These words touched the minds of several people, they all fell silent and drank in silence.

Cao Bianjiao, Zuo Guangxian, and Hu Dawei are all the commanders-in-chief of the Megatron side. They are indeed much stronger than the generals of Dongjiang Town. Time has passed, and they are so downcast that they are only followed by dozens of children in the clan. Think about it, the contrast is really too great. Big, it is inevitable to be full of emotions.

After a while, Cao Bianjiao said: "We are lucky, at least we still have our lives! Think about it, how many brothers died in the battlefield in the past ten years? I am afraid that tens of thousands of civil servants and generals died in the Ming Dynasty. gone."

Zuo Guang first said: "Following the wrong person, death is like a lamp going out, and the imperial court can't even pay a few taels of silver. The pension of the 'Red Banner Army' is 100 taels. No wonder those Mongolian cavalry are so desperate."

Several people thought of Pao Ze who died in battle, and they sighed again, making the atmosphere more depressing.

Han Zhikuan said: "Brothers, don't be discouraged. The 'King of Han' has long said that the decisive battle between Ping and Liao is destined for the cavalry to play the leading role. We will have the opportunity to fight fiercely. I believe that the 'King of Han' will not ignore us when rewarding us for our merits. "

Zuo Guang first smiled and said: "That's right, we never asked to see the 'King of Han' to express our feelings, the 'Red Banner Army' is full of talents, why should we deliberately try to win over defeated generals like us?
Whether we are cowards or not can only be proved by our gains! "

Hu Dawei was very confident. He said: "There are many Mongolians in the 'Red Banner Army'. It is much easier for me to communicate with them. In the future, I should be able to become the commander of a battalion and lead two or three thousand Mongolian cavalry."

Cao Bianjiao saw that Huang Degong was only listening and didn't speak, so he asked, "Huang Chuangzi, what's your plan?"

Huang Degong said concisely, "I coincide with you, brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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