Chapter 920 Summoning
Cao Bianjiao said: "The 'King of Han' has lofty aspirations. He has already sent [-] soldiers across the ocean to America. It is said that more people will be sent in the future. I want to go overseas while I am young."

Huang Degong looked longingly and said: "I like to read the travel notes published in the 'Red Flag Daily' the most. I have already prepared to actively sign up to participate in the development of the Americas. After the eradication of the slaves, if we are still alive, how about applying together?"

Hu Dawei shook his head regretfully and said: "Oh! I can only think about it, I can't go, because I'm afraid of getting seasick in the water, if I drift at sea for more than 100 days, I guess I will die on the way."

"Hahaha!..." A few people laughed together...

In mid-October, a cavalry team of 5000 men and horses arrived at the camp of the Chinese Army. Half of the men and horses came from Yulin Town, and the other half were elite cavalry drawn by Fang Liandong from the Shanxi camp.

Wu Zimian, You Shiwei, You Shilu, Hou Shilu, Hou Gongji, Meng Ruhu and other generals actively responded to the call of the "King of Han" and had long wanted to participate in the Ping-Liao War.

But because it is necessary to ensure that the grains in the field are returned to the warehouse, they wait until the autumn harvest is completed before starting.

When they arrived, they learned that the final battle had not yet begun, and that the "Red Banner Army" needed as many cavalry as possible, and everyone was elated.

You Shiwei, Hou Shilu, etc. came here to make contributions and did not hide their personal interests.

The vast majority of the [-] cavalrymen were carefully selected men from Yulin, veterans who were skilled in archery and horses, and fought with tenacity and fearless death.

Wu Zimian and Huang Han had fought side by side for several months, and now they took the initiative to vote. Of course, Huang Han received him with courtesy. On the same day, he held a banquet for Wu Zimian, Mengruhu, You Shiwei, etc., and invited Han Zhikuan, Hu Da Wei, Huang Weizheng and other old friends accompanied him.

When old friends met, Wu Zimian, Cao Bianjiao, and Huang Weizheng relaxed a lot after drinking a few cups of "Yangchunbai".

They all knew that the fleet sailing to America returned safely, bringing back too many copper ingots, gold and silver, and also brought back the magic medicine that could cure malaria.

Huang Han intends to talk about overseas scenery with these old Ming generals, and he appreciates Cao Bianjiao and Huang Degong's intention to participate in the development of America after learning.

He stated on the spot that Ping-Liao will intensify efforts to open up the Americas in the future, give priority to the promotion of generals who volunteered to participate in the development, and encourage Zhu Ming's royal family members and nobles to participate.

Try to spend ten years immigrating 100 to 10 million people, and then build an army of [-] horses in the Americas, with no less than [-] cavalry.

Cao Bianjiao is unparalleled in loyalty and righteousness. In history, he participated in the Songshan War and was defeated and captured. When Hong Chengchou was a traitor, he was unwavering and generous.

He offered to join the "Red Banner Army" in the future, and was eager to go to the Americas to expand the territory. Huang Han was really happy.

Taking advantage of the wine, Huang Han said: "Generals, the world is so big, and the enemy is everywhere. Putting swords and guns into Kuma and releasing them to Nanshan is self-defeating martial arts.

After pacifying Liaodong and exterminating the bandits, the "Red Banner Army" will not only not disarm, but will grow again. There are so many generals needed, and opportunities are everywhere. "

It is obvious that the "King of Han" is giving reassurance to the generals. While agreeing to meet the requirements of Cao Bianjiao and Huang Degong to participate in the development of America, he encourages others to look at the world.

Cao Bianjiao stood up, cupped his fists and saluted, "The 'King of Han' will spend half of his life in vain. Thank you His Highness for the opportunity. The general will not ask for a high salary, even if he is the chief executive, he will never complain!"

It is obvious that Cao Bianjiao, who is outspoken, is trying to find out what level he can get after joining the "Red Banner Army".

The former Ming generals present here were also concerned about this issue, and immediately put down their wine glasses and listened attentively.

Huang Han said with a smile: "Don't worry, generals, you will receive the same treatment as the 'Red Banner Army' in Daming. It is temporarily not possible to award a battalion leader without an inch of merit. A town governor at the level of Qian Zong."

Hu Dawei said: "'King of Han' has a lot of talents. I am very satisfied to be able to be appointed as President Qian just after joining. The final battle is imminent. I will definitely strive for meritorious service and be promoted."

Wu Zimian, Mengruhu, Han Zhikuan, Hou Shilu, You Shiwei and other generals all stood up and saluted:
"At the end of the day, I would like to thank 'Hanwang' for cultivation!"

Huang Han looked at the crowd and knew that Cao Bianjiao, Hu Dawei, Mengruhu, Huang Degong, You Shiwei, Zuo Guangxian, etc. should be the only famous generals left in the late Ming Dynasty.

Among these people, there were no traitors or scum who surrendered to the bandits. Their ending in real history was unsatisfactory. They either died under the Jiannu knife or were killed by the bandits. It seems that only Huang Degong died of illness.

You Shiwei, Hou Shilu and other general families have extraordinary appeal in their hometown. Now that they are willing to start with a thousand generals in the "Red Banner Army", they should have made a lot of money.

"Generals, please sit down! The 'Red Banner Army' has clear rewards and punishments, and the town governors at all levels will record the achievements of all the soldiers who participated in the battle in detail, and ensure that they are basically accurate.

Do not worry!It is gold that will always shine in the collective of the 'Red Banner Army'.With everyone's abilities, the title of Duke and Marquis is just around the corner! "

Huang Han's words were actually a little out of place, and he promised to be a duke and a marquis was absolutely presumptuous.

But Wu Zimian, Mengruhu, You Shiwei, Huang Weizheng and other generals did not express anything, but were very excited.

They are all experienced in many battles and have confidence in themselves. They believe that as long as they have the opportunity, they will never fall behind in killing the enemy and making achievements, and they will definitely have a bright future in the future.

Huang Han solved the problem on the spot. The number of [-] Yulin cavalry plus Cao Bianjiao, Zuo Guangxian and other servants numbered about [-].

Add more than [-] "Red Banner Army" cavalry mainly composed of Mongolian light cavalry who turned from the front line, plus more than [-] instructors and grassroots officers, and form five cavalry. The generals' belts.

Emphasize that the servant model does not work in the "Red Banner Army". Their servants will be broken up and rearranged according to their ability and combat effectiveness. Those who cannot read can become corporal leaders and small banner officers, and those who are both civil and military will become grassroots officers.

Everyone knows that the "Red Banner Army" cavalry corps is temporary. It is composed of thousands of cavalry commanders from each battalion. It is even more known that there are no private soldiers in the "Red Banner Army". It is known that the children of the clan also have the possibility of becoming officers, of course not. objection.

Cao Bianjiao, Wu Zimian, Huang Degong, Han Zhikuan, etc. have been awarded by the general manager, deputy general manager, and general governor Qian to increase the number of people and increase their confidence.

They were in a good mood, and they were no longer anxious. Everyone drank to their heart's content, and finally passed out from drunk...

The "Red Banner Army" in the rising period paid attention to efficiency, and the reorganization began at noon the next day.

Cao Bianjiao, You Shiwei, Hou Shilu, Han Zhikuan and more than a dozen generals had a total of more than [-] family members, half of whom became corps leaders and small banner officials, and more than [-] became chief and deputy general banner officials.

The "Red Banner Army" is well paid and has a bright future. The servants don't have any resistance, and they are all happy to devote themselves to training.

(End of this chapter)

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