Chapter 921
Qin Yuyi came to Anqing Mansion to spend the reunion with Huang Han after the reunion, and took a general female soldier to escort [-] miniguns, [-] self-produced guns, and [-] one-pound Francois machine guns and other equipment on board Back to Sichuan.

She has trained a lot of female soldiers in her hometown in the past two years, but she can only exist in group training mode because she can't get a staff.

Well now, the equipment brought back is enough to meet the needs of two B-type battalions. Veterans lead new recruits, intensive training for several months, and the female soldiers in Sichuan have reached four full-staffed B-type battalions. The combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

After being busy with spring plowing, Qin Yuyi immediately rushed to Jianzhou, Baoning Prefecture to meet her adoptive mother Qin Liangyu.

She revealed Huang Han's plan and told Qin Liangyu tactfully that the established strategy of the "King of Han" to suppress the Liao first and then wipe out the bandits cannot be changed.

Sichuan is currently focusing on defending the soil, so hurry up to train soldiers and horses. After the autumn harvest next year at the latest, the "Red Banner Army", the Beijing Camp, and the Sichuan Army will launch a full-scale attack from all directions.

The goal of the Sichuan Army is to break out of the Qinba Mountains and capture Hanzhong.

Qin Liangyu has a deep understanding of righteousness and military affairs, and can clearly distinguish priorities.

She also hoped that the "King of Han" would be able to successfully complete the Ping-Liao plan. After listening to Qin Yuyi's statement that keeping Sichuan was a response to the "Red Banner Army", she did not raise any objections. During this time, she was immersed in development.

The "Red Banner Army" has been cooperating with white soldiers to mobilize the army and the people to build water conservancy facilities in the land of abundance, promote high-yield crops, and wipe out bandits and bandits.

And because of the large number of immigrants, the per capita land holdings in central Sichuan have increased by [-]%. Now Sichuan farmers are not only self-sufficient in food, but also have some surplus food, and their hearts are stable.

The lesson of the rogue bandits killing the city of Chengdu is profound, and the propaganda team of the "Red Banner Army" often mobilizes victims to complain about the atrocities committed by the rogue bandits, and the awakened ordinary people actively participate in the training of village bravery.

If the offensive is launched after the autumn harvest next year, the Sichuan Front Army organized by the "Red Banner Army" soldiers, female soldiers, guards, white pole soldiers, and village braves can reach 10,000+ troops.

Even if the number of cold weapons using ash rod spears reaches more than half, it is still enough for the rogues to drink a pot.

Huang Han was rich and powerful, had sufficient food, invested heavily in Sichuan, and the people of Sichuan, who had received substantial benefits, of course supported the "Red Banner Army". They believed that even if Qin Liangyu refused to betray Ming Dynasty, the white-armed soldiers who had been recruited earlier would not be willing to fight against the "King of Han".

At the end of October, the deployment of the final battle was completed. Thanks to the addition of Shanxi "Red Banner Army" cavalry and cavalry brought by Wu Zimian, You Shiwei, Mengruhu, etc., the gap of about [-] battle losses was filled.

A thousand hot air balloons have been in place long ago, and five thousand pilots, ground crews, and technicians in the flying barracks are ready to go.

The planned task is to fly over the Shenyang Acropolis and drop incendiary bombs on a moonlit night suitable for flying in mid-winter when dripping water turns to ice.

All the incendiary bombs thrown with kerosene to support combustion do not even need the expensive ten thousand enemies. At that time, the total amount of kerosene dropped will reach 50 million catties, which will be apportioned to the Qing army on average, and one person will definitely exceed one catty.

In the middle of the night, the company camp was set on fire. How many people from the unsuspecting Qing army will be buried in the flames?

Amitabha, too ruthless, life shortened ah!

There is no way, in order to reduce the casualties of the "Red Banner Army", and refuse to exchange lives with a large number of educated youths and savage beasts, the only choice is to burn down and build a slave and puppet capital!

Seeing the passing of days, Huang Han's most worried about Jiannu running away did not happen.

On the contrary, since they were not besieged, the Qing army continued to transport grain, grass, and timber from the north, presumably hoarding these materials to prepare for a long-term confrontation.

The Manchu Qing stockpiled fodder for 20 war horses and draft horses for half a year in the Acropolis of Shenyang and fortifications ten miles outside the city, and enough wood for 100 million people for a year.

In the middle of winter, it was difficult to get water. If the forage field of the Qing army was set on fire by a dozen Molotov cocktails that fell from the sky, how large would the spreading fire be?How many casualties were caused?

Facing the all-out attack of the "Red Banner Army", the soldiers and civilians of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties had nothing to do. They had no choice but to believe that Shengjing, where their master Chongde concentrated all his soldiers, would not fall.

Therefore, Jiannu carrying food, horses, and armor continued to come to Shengjing with their families and mouths.

The cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" basically did not harass the passages in the north of Shengjing, but arranged for Mongolian light cavalry to raid the periphery in units of thousands of people. The purpose was to gather as many people as possible in and out of Shengjing.

The "Red Flag Daily" began to publicize the Ping-Liao war at the end of last year. Daming is almost a household name, and everyone is paying attention to the upcoming decisive battle at this moment.

Chongzhen had mixed feelings in his heart. He was looking forward to a complete victory for the "Red Banner Army", but he was worried that the "King of Han" who had returned from victory would expand again.

The remains of the martyrs who died on the Liaodong battlefield were transported back to their hometowns for burial. Local officials affiliated with the "Red Banner Army" organized military and civilian memorials, and the ceremony was solemn and solemn.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who died in battle were basically buried on the spot, and only the generals who died in battle had the possibility of transporting their coffins back to their hometowns.

However, the land of Gyeonggi kept seeing four-wheeled carriages transporting the coffins of martyrs. The common people didn't know how many casualties there were, and subconsciously felt the tragedy of the Liaodong battlefield.

When Chongzhen and the civil and military generals learned that the remains of one or two thousand "Red Banner Army" and three or four thousand wounded had been transported back to the customs, they all speculated, and finally agreed that the actual number of casualties might be several times higher.

The emperor and the courtiers were full of feelings. It was obvious that the "King of Han" line was too big to lose. It stands to reason that the "Red Banner Army" suffered huge casualties, so they should gloat over others' misfortune?

But no one felt happy. At this time, they began to feel anxious about the upcoming final battle. Most officials prayed for the "Red Banner Army" in their hearts.

This is national cohesion. In the face of foreign enemies, the vast majority of Han people can still share weal and woe. They hope to hear the good news that the "King of Han" has won a complete victory.

Gao Yingxiang also paid attention to the Liaodong battlefield. He actually hoped that the "Red Banner Army" could win.

But he didn't want Jianu to lose too quickly, imagining that Jianu could drag the "Red Banner Army" to fight in Liaodong for three to five years, and the best result would be that both sides would suffer.

After one or two years of distributing acres of land to promote production and changing the development model of burning, killing and looting all day long, Gao Yingxiang enjoyed the thrill of the attention of the people.

Coupled with the continuous improvement of the quality of the people under his command, Gao Yingxiang has strengthened his confidence in achieving hegemony.

He believes that as long as he is given another three years, the rebel army may grow to a million people, defeat the Ming army and compete with the "Red Banner Army" for the world, it is hard to say who will die.

Seeing that the frozen layer of the Yellow River is getting thicker and thicker, Li Yan's plan to attack Daming in an all-round way has been approved by Gao Yingxiang.

On November 30st, 60 bandits suddenly crossed the Yellow River, went up Taihang Mountain, entered Huaiqing Mansion, and Weihui Mansion. They seized [-] county towns in the second prefecture of Ming Dynasty like a broken bamboo, and [-] million soldiers and civilians were kidnapped.

(End of this chapter)

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